
First Cosmos K completed

The first Cosmos K refurbishment has been completed. When construction finally ended of the Cosmos last year the HCS returned to the start and began a programme to rebuild and update the Cosmos fleet to give them another 10-12 years of life.

Originally the HCS wanted to bring the K up to a similar standard as the Cosmos S but a lack of funding has meant the K has had to be a lot less ambitious. Apart from a full overhaul and refurbishment the Cosmos K has been fitted with the engine core of the later Cosmos As which means the fleet will have a standard speed of 450c instead of a mixture of speeds between 400 to 450c.

Various systems have also been upgraded to the latest versions and a new databus has been installed. The Cosmos K fleet (like the As) are generally used for second-line duties and general patrols though is still a highly capable warship. Although no word has yet been given analysis of work on the first completed Ks indicates the basic structure of even the oldest Cosmos is sound for operation well into the 2120s which means there could be a further 10 year life extension to come.


First exercise of Atomic Fist goes well

The first of a number of attack exercises in the Atomic Fist series of training exercises has gone well. The first exercise was called AF1 and included an attack on a mocked up "enemy base" on a planetoid in the Rim Worlds. The base was constructed by the Aritans for the DDS and the Atomic Fist deployment did not have any information as to the location or layout of the enemy base other than the planetoid it was on.

Thus the first part of the exercise was reconnaissance. D101 Panther and F112 Holocene went in first to find the base, the Panther using it's Tactical Reconnaissance Module. Then 3 Pulsar bombers C103 South America, C106 Africa and C110 Eurasia supported by F141 Sulu Sea and K119 Titus made the attack run, EW ship E105 Fleming providing electronic countermeasures and data collation.

The target was "destroyed" using computer simulated "missiles". Later exercises will use real missiles, some with nuclear warheads. A DDS spokeswoman said the exercise attempted to be as real as possible and the exercise had been a total success.

It was also revealed that a Missileer carrier will join the deployment soon and provide an "enemy defending fleet" using Ferret-Es. Rome corvette K107 Pliny is understood to have problems with it's reactor cooling system which is restricting reactor output to 18% (which is not enough for anything other than staying still). A DDS Engineering team is currently en route to see if the problem can be fixed in situ otherwise Pliny may have to pull out. Another Rome has been put on standby. Three Romes are required for the deployment as some exercises will use the ground attack module which typically is used in groups of 3 ships.

Current deployments (29/04/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Force Voth

D107 Lynx (flag)
F161 Sea Of Tranquillity
F134 Mediterranean Sea
A144 Jetstar
(P131 Fighting Falcon)
(P134 Merlin)

Atomic Fist

C101 North America (flag)
C103 South America
C106 Africa
C108 Europa
C110 Eurasia
D101 Panther
F112 Holocene
F141 Sulu Sea
K107 Pliny
K112 Seneca
K119 Titus
E105 Fleming
A109 Flying Boxcar
A153 Butane

Ensuring Passage

F108 Eocene (flag)
D101 Panther
R105 Grenadier
AS01 Kalanham (Arian ship)
F122 Permian
F148 Solomon Sea
A142 Stratotanker

Force Starbot

D153 Progress (flag)
F152 Aral Sea II
F126 Mesozoic
A141 Extender
+ Starbotian fleet

Remedian Border Protection Force

C125 Positron (flag)
RS-DF1-03 (Raegris ship)
RS-DF1-05 (Raegris ship)
F131 Caspian Sea
A157 Pentane
DR182 Lord Verin
DR187 Remedia Prime II
DR188 Mira II

Remedian Minesweeping squadron (now operating with main force) :

F119 Precambrian
M104 Hesiod
M107 Orpheus

Ships returning to HQ

A151 Gasoline
A143 Liftmaster
F145 Arafura Sea


Resist or die
A HCS ship investigates Eritran terrorists.


Dinos begin drawdown of forces from Xi

Two legions and some 47 Dinomarks have been recalled from Xi and will return to Dino-Land. The ABBOs have returned to their territory and previous experience indicates they will not return for some time. The Dinos are maintaining strong forces on Xi though, 3 legions instead of the usual 1 will remain on the planet for the rest of the year at least.

Cruggson has ordered a full inquiry into the Dinos' performance in the short war, this is usual Dino practice after any conflict and is expected to assess the performance of all aspects of the Dino armed forces from major weapons, tactics even down to the mundane like catering facilities. Already some modifications are being made to all Dinomarks in the fleet to better optimise their shields against ABBO weapons.

DDS build first Ferret-G

Up until now the Ferret-G UCV, the second generation of the Ferret platform that can also operate in atmospheres, has been a purely Dino project though the DDS joined the project last year. Now the DDS have built their first 2 Ferret-Gs at their prototype factory on Solaris. Ferret-G is expected to enter service sometime next year.

In testing on Solaris a Ferret-G successfully made the transition from space to atmosphere and back again, all the time shadowed by a Falcon class ship which provided course correction information. Later in the year the DDS will begin combat exercises with the type which may be fitted with TPM-A to add yet another layer to DDS defence.

Gale-III Development Build 20

Gale-III development is now proceeding apace with test launches every month likely now at least until the end of the year. Build 20 is notable as it is a CSM test and is the first test launch to send a test payload into orbit. Build 20 launched from the Micom test site and is said to have proceeded normally putting a transmitter into low orbit over Cloneworld. This transmitter was later destroyed by a ship in orbit.

As of yet there has been little word on the second stage of CSM which will be the interstellar vehicle which takes the warhead to the target planet. Testing has begun of this second stage, called the Nuclear Space Vehicle (NSV), which is said to be a cut-down and customised Nybble space drone. NSV Build 0 has begun ground tests though actual space tests will not begin until sometime next year. As NSV is based on Nybble then this will provide a lot of testing data before testing even begins.

Gale-III Build 21 and 22 are likely to be ICBM tests. An underwater launch is also planned for this year from a secured submerged launch tube.

S/AH-26WNG is given go-ahead

The HCSAF and HCSN have given the go-ahead for the production of the S/A-H26WNG helicopter. This will replace the AH-26X project which is officially on-hold but in reality is stone dead. The WNG will use elements of technology developed for the X including the uprated engines and the improved avionics and sensor suite. The WNG will also include the new computer architecture giving a much greater sensor fusion and tactical support.

The WNG will be developed in 2 models, the AH-26WNG for the HCSAF close support and anti-tank operations and SH-26WNG for the HCSN ASW and general naval operations. Around 100 of each will be built at the first instance though there are 1000s of H-26s coming to the end of their lives over the next 5 years (some dating back to the 1st Clone War) so further orders are likely.


Back To The Future
Windy is tasked with saving the future of the DDS... so gives the job to Redjec.

HCS moves more forces into Oscar

The HCS have despatched an extra 3 brigades, 1 armoured, to join the 2 already on the planet as well as 2 air regiments, the 132nd Air Defence (a F-40 unit) and the 229th COIN (A-85). All of those forces have been "invited" by the Clone government on Oscar to help in protecting "Clones and humans" from insurgents.

Not that there is much insurgency at the moment, there have been sporadic attacks by OTA units on Clone positions but in at least one of these incidents the OTA unit had been cut off from communications and didn't know there had been a ceasefire for months!

920 humans have applied to leave Oscar and 1000s more are thought to be considering it. The HCS have allowed the DDS to bring a transport into Oscar orbit to help in humanitarian work, a Provider is on the way.


7 Sa Sao make reappearance

The 7 Sa Sao have made their first appearance since Windy's mission to investigate them last year. A 7SS ship appeared near Aldebra, the UNP colony near to 7SS space which the 7SS Argon faction claimed for themselves. The ship did not make any contact with the colony or any DDS ships (not that any were nearby) and soon cloaked.

With perfect timing D109 Cougar has been handed over to the Starbotians. It is one of two Panthers that was funded by Starbot and to operate with a Starbotian crew though still be a DDS ship. Because of a ship shortage Cougar was operated with a DDS crew for a short period (indeed the shortage meant that Cougar became the Starbotian's first ship not Lynx as originally planned, Tiger will be the second) but now the pressures have eased the ship has been handed over. It is to join Force Starbot which may need to be beefed up, or at least be weakened no more, because of the still apparent 7SS threat.

Fleet news (23/04/09)

Two powerful new ships join the fleet this week, F162 Sea Of Serenity is the second in the SOT class (as it is being called) and has joined the central fleet pool though it may be sent on a deployment soon, possibly to Force Starbot. D161 Solaris III is the lead-ship of the new Velocity-N class and has also joined the central pool. Solaris III is much more powerful than Solaris II (which now serves in the Aritan fleet), the DDS have high hopes for this type.

Falcon class P137 Buzzard has also been delivered and localised by the DDS. In return for use of DDS dock facilities at Arit the Dinos have provided the DDS with the latest XT code update free of charge. All ships have been given it.

Cloneworld takes to the seas

The first of the new aircraft carriers of the HCS Navy CNS Cloneworld has begun sea trials and there is now the hope that the carrier will become operational early next year. Phase 1 of the trials will be basic sea keeping and operations and will least until the early Autumn. Carrier operation trials will be Phase 2 and will begin by the end of the year. HCSN F-40Ns have already been practicing carrier take-offs and landings on the simulated carrier deck "CNS Plank" at an air base.

The second carrier CNS Clone Empire is now due to be launched before the end of the year. Ships 3 and 4 in this class have been now officially cancelled and instead the HCSN will build a bigger carrier for it's follow-on. In other HCSN news the first of the Triona II OPVs has now begun construction


Concerns on both sides over DDS/HCS sales

Over the last few months the number of military sales of equipment and upgrades between the DDS and Clones has increased and is now worth several billion zarks. Examples of the sales include transport aircraft to the DDSAF and upgrades to HCS space freighters. However there have been voices on both sides expressing concern over these sales.

Ultra-nationalist Clone political leader Rejan Hewaki said the Clones should not pollute their fleet with DDS technology. "The infidels are trying to enfeeble us with their tainted zarks!" he said at a rally of his Clone Fascist Union (CFU) party. Benito Clone is known to be also wary of these sales and has kept his part of the HCS out of it. He is known to have said that one day DDS Intruders may be used to land DDS troops on Cloneworld.

On the DDS side Captain Caratore, on a visit to DDS GHQ, said (before he rejoined the Ensuring Passage deployment of which he is commanding) that he worried the DDS was improving the armed forces of the DDS' "natural enemy". "What if these Type As one day are bringing military equipment to a war with the DDS? What if the money from aircraft sales helps fund new fighters to shoot down the DDSAF?"

However Windy, before he resumed his holiday, said that sales to the Clones were restricted to non-advanced technology which the Clones could get anyway from commercial or foreign sources. "So why shouldn't we get the money?" he said to a young man.
A Windy Future?
Windy is visited by himself... from a hundred years in the future

Never before published this story dates from the Summer 2007 special UV116 A Life Totally Dedicated To Bodybuilding


2 Type As arrive at DDS for refurbishment

The first 2 of 20 planned upgrades of HCS Type A transports is due to begin next week after 2 Type A3s arrived at Solaris. The deal signed last year was quite a coup for the DDS Upgrades Division though the topsy-turvey relations between the DDS and HCS has meant that the upgrade was delayed a number of times.

The transports will be re-engined using Hitachi HS-740B engines and will also receive a refurbishment. Each upgrade is expected to take 5 weeks and will occupy DDS Engineering's Upgrade Jig 2 well into next year. The total value of the contract is now 1.06 billion zarks.

In other Type A news the ship is going to be the basis of the desperately needed "super-heavy" transport to replace the now withdrawn Utrek Type Us. The Type AA will consist of 2 Type As (as yet unknown if these will be refurbished or new build) connected together with a large hold fitted between them. This hold will be big enough to transport HCSN aircraft carriers and other super-large hauls. One job for the Type AA will be to transport the Aritan's withdrawn Yeoman class frigate to it's new home at the UNP Space Museum as it cannot travel FTL itself. The Type AA may enter service early in the next decade.

Minesweepers to go to Force Voth; Falcons

The Remedian Minesweeping Squadron (1st Minesweeping Flotilla) is currently in it's final stages of it's current mission to search and destroy mines along major shipping lanes in Remedian space. 14 Utrekian mines have currently been detected and dealt with. Many more mines are in Remedian space but these can be isolated for now. Vothian space also has a mine problem after the Bolitic invasion, the DDS will send their 2nd Minesweeping Flotilla there in a few weeks once the 1st has returned to Proximan space.

2 Fighting Falcon littoral ships are also to join Force Voth and have already departed for the far-off deployment. It is the first off-base deployment for the Dinomark XT based ship and they will be conducting training with Voth ground forces as well as taking part in patrols.

Current deployments (21/04/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Force Voth

D107 Lynx (flag)
F161 Sea Of Tranquillity
F134 Mediterranean Sea
A144 Jetstar
(P131 Fighting Falcon)
(P134 Merlin)

Atomic Fist

C101 North America (flag)
C103 South America
C106 Africa
C108 Europa
C110 Eurasia
D101 Panther
F112 Holocene
F141 Sulu Sea
K107 Pliny
K112 Seneca
K119 Titus
E105 Fleming
A109 Flying Boxcar
A153 Butane

Ensuring Passage

F108 Eocene (flag)
D101 Panther
R105 Grenadier
AS01 Kalanham (Arian ship)
F122 Permian
F145 Arafura Sea
F148 Solomon Sea
A142 Stratotanker

Force Starbot

D153 Progress (flag)
F152 Aral Sea II
(F126 Mesozoic)
A141 Extender
+ Starbotian fleet

Remedian Border Protection Force

C125 Positron (flag)
RS-DF1-03 (Raegris ship)
RS-DF1-05 (Raegris ship)
F131 Caspian Sea
A157 Pentane
DR182 Lord Verin
DR187 Remedia Prime II
DR188 Mira II

Remedian Minesweeping squadron (now operating with main force) :

F119 Precambrian
M104 Hesiod
M107 Orpheus

Ships returning to HQ

A103 Constellation
C130 Kaon
F143 Andaman Sea
A151 Gasoline
A143 Liftmaster


Poll results

60% believed Crystal Ribbon would take Quarz's cherry and turn him into a man. What a disgusting thought!

Dinos count cost of ABBO war

Cruggson has arrived back on Dino-Land and addressed the Senate. He said that the Dinos had been complacent against the ABBOs who had tricked them several times, one where a diversion allowed the ABBOs to pound unprotected land forces and the other where the ABBOs were able to captured Cruggson amid a space battle. "The ABBOs have developed non-linear thinking and planning, we need to adjust our tactics for that." he said.

Cruggson also paid tribute to the 723 Dinos who died in the short war, most on the ground attack on Halin 4195 and the 100s of others who had been injured. Dino forces on Xi would be increased and patrols also made much more frequent in the area he said.

Cruggson also announced that 5 SX-98 landing ships, which had been chartered from a Terran transport company, had been purchased outright and were now permanently Dino ships.


Clones sell 3 freighters, military vehicles to Artic

Last year the Clones set up their own exports agency to try and muscle in on the growing market for space craft and other weapons. They have just secured their first major sale (not counting sales like Arit and Sirikwan which were instigated before the setting up of the Clone Export Agency). UNP aligned planet Artic has ordered 3 re-conditioned Type A transports, 250 TRV-34 Snowcat AFVs, 60 MH-26 helicopters (second hand) plus around 10,000 AR-100 assault rifles and other firearms. The total value of the deal is said to be 970 million zarks.

The 3 transports are ex-HCS and will be operated by the state owned Artic Transport Company as well as being available to the Artic military's Space Corps who already operate 2 Pentekonters jointly owned with New Arit.


Benito seeks separate defence budget

Currently Benito Clone's half of the Clone Star Empire gets around 26% of the total HCS defence budget but this is allocated from the central pot depending on the current location of units and equipment procurement programmes. He is now asking for a permanent fixed allocation of the budget at 30%.

Benito said that this is a fair amount considering the amount of tax and other revenue contributed by CSE-E to the central coffers. Other funding like education and health care have already been taken out of the central pot and are allocated directly by a CSE-E Ministry of Finance however defence is one of the sources of funding that remains in central control (and thus in theory at the whim of Captain Clone).

Windy returns to GHQ

Windy has returned to GHQ after a month's holiday in Wales. It is thought he is going to hold some meetings with the Central Committee before leaving again for another holiday break on Terra, Illinois has been mooted as a possible destination.

Windy was kept abreast of the situation vis-a-vis the ABBOs and Oscar and he is going to formulate some policy with Firefly who has also returned from a holiday in Cambodia. Windy said he felt refreshed after some extended time on "firm land" and has been "enjoying a variety of physical pursuits with local lads".
Back Four Or Five
Can Smellyson's CSS save Cruggson?

Ensuring Passage to remain for now

Following the recovery of Cruggson by CSS the ABBOs have begun to withdraw their forces back to their territory. The Dinos have also withdrawn back inside their own border though have considerable forces in theatre. Around 40% of their entire armed forces are either in the vicinity of Xi or are en route though some of these forces in transit have been recalled back to Dino-Land. Cruggson is travelling back to Dino-Land and is understood to be well.

Ensuring Passage was a DDS deployment to protect DDS and UNP ships from ABBO attack. The DDS have decided to maintain the deployment for now but may reduce the force in a few weeks. Ensuring Passage is based at New Jakarta and thus is a useful force near to Oscar as well of course. They may be soon called upon to move Oscar Humans to New Jakarta in fact. The Clone Oscar government is to allow any human settlers who wish to leave free passage off the planet and will allow DDS transport ships into Oscar orbit to assist in that. The UNP is keen for these settlers to move to New Jakarta which it wants to become a full UNP member. However the climate of New Jakarta is rather arid and may not suit many Oscar settlers who were farmers.


Wayne King-Meiouf : The 5th Generation

Today Professor Wayne King-Meiouf discusses the next generation of DDS warships.

The DDS use generational nomenclature to describe the development of their space forces. Currently we are at the beginning of the 4th Generation (or 4G). To recap the generations so far are :
  • G1 - singleton and research ships
  • G2 - series production of the best G1 designs (e.g. Pulsar, Intrepid)
  • G3 - common design and components plus greater performance and firepower, wireless control (e.g. Quasar, Isometric)
  • G4 - mission modularity, full Open Architecture 2.0+ (e.g. Panther, Rome)
I am going to look at the 5th Generation. Now when the 4th will cross over to the 5th is unknown and will depend on what a 5G ship is defined as. I think that 3 core technologies need to mature to form the 5G and only one of these is currently in service in any meaningful manner.
  • Networking
  • Worm Drive
  • Unmanned Operation
These three technologies will define 5G but only the 1st is used at present though the DDS do have small unmanned craft (the Ferret). 5G will be a synergy of these 3 technologies. But what does that mean?

A 5G warship will be totally network aware, it will seamlessly use data from it's own sensors and beyond as well as contribute data to the theatre. It will not matter if the missile it has fired has been targeted using it's own sensors or another ship. It will not even matter if the missile it fired was from it's own launcher or another ship. This is something the DDS are working hard on already with passive sensors, remote sensor projection and virtual theatre systems all in development. In some ways the DDS are already bringing these together but it will take around 5 years to really get the seamless data fusion required.

A 5G warship will be able to operate with unmanned assets and maybe also operate itself as an unmanned ship using remote crewing (FIDO). It is also possible that larger ships may be able to detach an unmanned combat module for highly dangerous missions.

A 5G warship will have wormdrive and top speeds 5+ times faster than can be achieved now. This will mean the DDS can operate much further from base than is the case now but of course it will also mean as the DDS covers a greater area then the speed increase will be neutralised by the greater distances that need to be travelled.

So lets put these together and look at a 5G frigate. Perhaps a ship to replace the Isometric in the 2120s. It will have worm drive of course, a top speed over 5000c and a traditional propulsion speed well over 1000c. It will be able to be operated and maintained remotely using FIDO crewing and automated repair and maintenance systems. Some degree of artificial intelligence is also likely. It will be able to accept data input from dozens of other ships, stations and fuse it with it's own.

What else should a 5G warship have? I purposely have not mentioned weapons as these cross generations (e.g. G2 Pulsars with TPM2).

The return of Team Redjec

Captain Redjec DSO PhD MBE
here, its been some time since my last address to you, my many fans, but i have been busy. As you know Team Redjec has been tasked with forming a new internal security and anti-espionage unit in the DDS by Windscorpion. That new department, which i lead of course, is DDS Internal Affairs. I call it IA as it sounds cooler, more West Wing or CSI. I have been recruiting some useful new staff to IA. One person, if you can call it that, i will not be recruiting is Quarz as i hate him.

I see Quarz got into some trouble again involving the ABBOs, it would be such a shame if he was captured by the ABBOs and became their plaything for decades of agonising anal probing. Such a shame! I hate Quarz you see.

But i don't care about Quarz, whom i hate, anymore as i have bigger fish to fry though i'd love to fry Quarz's head. IA has a lot of important tasks including sorting out the rampant corruption at the heart of the DDS! Young officers apparently use sex to get promoted and i am going to come down hard on these young men. Its probably why Quarz, whom i hate, got where he was despite a zero amount of ability. Thats why he must have a sore bum!

This is how Quarz will soon end up as i hate him!

So yes i am cracking down on those who seek promotion by having older officers coming down on their cracks! You see what i did there? It was funny. It is respectful to laugh. Of course Quarz would not laugh at such a funny joke as he would be too busy in the latrines. I hate him!

A young man helps a couple of IA officers with their enquiries

Of course i am watching Quarz, i can't wait for him to slip and make a mistake as then i will bust his ...er... ass so to speak. No wait that makes me sound gay. I shall come down hard on him... nooo done it again. Damn Quarz, he ruins everything! I hate him!


Sirikwanese to join Force Voth

The Sirikwanese are to contribute a ship to Force Voth, the DDS force that is stationed at Voth to protect the new member of the DDS. A Helwin class patrol ship will join the current detachment replacing the Aritan ship which has just returned to New Arit. The Helwin is a Bolitic built ship of course. The Bolitic were responsible for destroying the old Vosun-Voth Star Empire which allowed the freedom of Voth. It is not known if Vothites appreciate irony or not.

Sirikwan is keen to play it's role in the DDS, no doubt hoping it will help their efforts in gaining a major DDS port based at Sirikwan.

Cruggson rescued by CSS!

Consul Cruggson has been recovered safe and well, though with no memory of events, by a CSS (Consul Security Squad) team led by Smellyson. The CSS tracked Cruggson to a remote planetoid in the fringes of the Rim Worlds and went in to rescue Cruggson who was being held in an ABBO cell.

Once Cruggson was secured a Dino fleet attacked the ABBO position, in the space battle which followed 4 Dinomarks were destroyed (1 NG, 1 PT and 2 XT) and 13 ABBO warships. The ABBOs are now withdrawing on all fronts back to their territory.

DDS40 group formed

DDS40 is a new group set up to discuss the future direction of the DDS especially future space fleet development. The 40 part of the name derives from the fact that the current front-line fleet is due to be replaced by the 2140s at the latest though replacement classes will of course be developed long before then.

The first debate by DDS40 which counts Firefly and Sea Urchin as members and has the blessing of Windscorpion will be held next week and is titled "After Panther...?" It will look at what the DDS should be looking at for it's next principal space combatant to replace the Panther destroyer in the 2130s.


Aritans form 1st brigade of New DDS Army

The Aritans have reorganised their forces to form the 1st Brigade of the New DDS Army, officially the 1st Armoured Brigade (New Arit). This 20,000 strong formation is made up of the best units of the Aritan army and includes around 300 tanks. These tanks are all ex-HCS tanks which were sold first to the Dinos and then sold onto the Aritans when the Dinos standardised on the T-55Z. The tanks consist of a 7:3 ratio of T-88++ Blocks 23-26 and T-89A tanks. Thus the tanks are rather old though servicable and still reasonably current. There are also a few dozen ex-HCS Aardvark and ex-DDS APC-1 armoured personnel carriers.

The brigade will spend the next few months training on New Arit alongside DDS Prowler units which will act in the reconnaissance and special operations roles. Two Fighting Falcon littoral ships are also taking part in the training. Later in the year the DDS will hold a large amphibious operation using these ground troops along with it's (slowly) growing LPD fleet.

Sea Of Tranquillity to receive modifications

Lead ship of the latest (and last) Isometric version F161 Sea Of Tranquillity is currently part of Force Voth. Some modifications to the ship will be carried out after some issues arose with the engine management and tactical systems. An on-site DDS Engineering team will be carrying out the modifications while the ship is in orbit around Voth. The modifications should take 4-5 days.

A DDS spokesman said these kinds of issues were common with a new class of ship. The ship will also receive a number of software upgrades to improve combat ability.

Current deployments (14/04/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Force Voth

D107 Lynx (flag)
F161 Sea Of Tranquillity
F134 Mediterranean Sea
A144 Jetstar

Atomic Fist

C101 North America (flag)
C103 South America
C106 Africa
C108 Europa
C110 Eurasia
D101 Panther
F112 Holocene
F141 Sulu Sea
K107 Pliny
K112 Seneca
K119 Titus
E105 Fleming
A109 Flying Boxcar
A153 Butane

Ensuring Passage

F108 Eocene (flag)
D101 Panther
R105 Grenadier
AS12 Gerlam Untim

(AS01 Kalanham)
F122 Permian
F145 Arafura Sea
F148 Solomon Sea
A142 Stratotanker

Force Starbot

D153 Progress (flag)
F152 Aral Sea II
(F126 Mesozoic)
A141 Extender
+ Starbotian fleet

Remedian Border Protection Force

C125 Positron (flag)
F131 Caspian Sea
A157 Pentane
DR182 Lord Verin
DR187 Remedia Prime II
DR190 Lord Argox II
DR188 Mira II

Remedian Minesweeping squadron (now operating with main force) :

F119 Precambrian
M104 Hesiod
M107 Orpheus

Ships returning to HQ

F144 Flores Sea
F123 Devonian
D154 Evolution
A103 Constellation
C130 Kaon
F143 Andaman Sea
A151 Gasoline
A143 Liftmaster


New Vosun seeks alliance with Putri 500 and may buy DDS warship

New Vosun, feeling rather out on a limb and with little resources, is holding talks with Putri 500 about forming a mutual defence alliance. As part of the alliance New Vosun may "fund and co-operate" a ship in the Putri 500 fleet for it's sovereignty and patrol work.

This may mean the New Vosunites may fund an extra Pentekonter-E and then crew this ship as part of a general pool with Putri who will probably provide maintenance and training. Putri 500 have 10 Pentekonter-Es on order with deliveries due to start in 2111. This is not the first time ships have been funded and operated like this. 2 Pentekonters operated by the Aritans are dual funded by themselves and Artic. The ships operate in a general pool to serve the needs of both planets.

Woloron 12 capital hit by car bombs

Woloron 12 is not the most well-known planet in the Clone Star Empire though it is the second most important planet in Benito's half of the empire. Woloron 12 was previously best known for it's springs, being a destination for the retired. However the peace of it's sleepy capital Woloron City was broken when 3 car bombs detonated simultaneously killing 6 Clones and 2 Woloronites (who are ethnic Eritrans).

There are no known dissident groups on the planet with relations between Clone and Woloronites fairly good. Suspicion is now falling on Eritran Nationalists based outside of the CSE. It is known that some are based on the free Eritran planet of Sear N7 and maybe even on Molab which of course is a notable customer of DDS warships. The HCS are now investigating the attacks and say they will not be afraid to hunt down the terrorists "where ever they are".

HCS to reap benefit as big space, air programmes end

The HCS (Army) has been neglected budget wise for a number of years now as large space craft and air craft building programmes not to mention the rebirth of the HCS Navy have taken the lion share of the Clone defence budget. Over the last few years the HCS have had to rely on Dino funding for new armoured vehicles (the T-55ZDM and future version of the Tapir) though new artillery has been funded.

That is now likely to change as major building programmes like the Shark and Cosmos end. For the HCSAF the F-45A has now ceased production (though continues to be built for the HCSN) and it will be a couple of years before production resumes of the F-45C. Thus billions in funding has been released back into the defence budget and now the HCS Army is to receive an 8 billion zark boost for new weapons for the next few years.

The army's shopping list has not yet been finalised but will include a ramp up of production of the T-89FSU (the T-89 has been in minimal rate production for 5 years now) and T-55ZDM with the aim of replacing the remaining T-88s and older T-55s in HCS service. The Tapir will also ramp up with the new TRV-5HD beginning production next year. The HCS want to replace the thousands of TRV-5A to Ds in service, some of which are now over 20 years old and have seen a lot of hard service (i.e. are clapped out).

Ammunition stocks will also be bought back up, cost savings have meant the HCS ammunition stockpile has reached fairly low levels for some types of weapon. It was reported (though denied by the HCS later) that some training using the 40mm cannon on the TRV-34 Snowcat APC was banned as they were down to their last 1000 rounds.

It is likely a next generation anti-aircraft system will be developed with a new family of tracked and manpad SAMs and also a new tracked AA gun tank to replace the TAA-4 Stoat. HCS battlefield radars and EW systems are also well overdue a replacement.


DDS to upgrade Remedian KT fleet

The DDS have earmarked 14 million zarks from their Military Aid Fund to upgrade the Remedian RCPP's fleet of Kalahati Tuul 2s which perform a valuable patrol and policing role in Remedian space thus lightening the load on the DDS fleet. The 9 KT2s are the remnants of the Remedian's own fleet and has been augmented with the 4 KT2Ns which were sold by the Clones as part of their withdrawal of the KT2 type. Although old they are fitted with TPM launchers and could provide a back-up to the DDS fleet, indeed they are officially listed in the DDS fleet as the Kalahati Tuul 39A.

The upgrade will improve their communications facilities, adding extra data security firewalls and also datalinking abilities. The 4 KT2Ns will have extra networking facilities added as they have a higher bandwidth databus than the rest of the fleet. The upgrades will be carried out over the next few months.

The Remedians themselves are planning to bring the 5 older ships up to KT2N standard and are currently negotiating with the Clones for the improved engine and databus structure that will be needed. All ships will also become TPM2 compatible at the same time. This more extensive upgrade may be carried out next year if funding allows.

Poll results

83% believed the F-45C/K would be the best fighter in the next decade and not the F-10S which is no surprise because the F-45A is already better than our fighter and the next version of the F-45 is supposed to be going to be 3 times better!
Coming Together
Quarz comes under attack from both the ABBOs and Crystal Ribbon...

UV140 : The Result Of An Anxiety

  • Mighty White Sandwich - ZBH and co. have to deal with an ABBO base...
  • The Future Of Def - SFX teams up with the Dino to take out a war lord...
  • Killed By Death - While the Dino & ABBO fleets battle Cruggson is captured...
  • Deadliest Men - Cruggson comes face to face with the ABBOs' new leader...
  • Vegetarian Blah Blah - Cruggson is put to work by Rotarios 2.0...
  • Coming Together - Quarz comes under attack from the ABBOs and Crystal Ribbon...


DDS prepare to bring their new transports home

After a brief test period on Cloneworld a DDSAF team is now preparing to bring home it's first batch of Clone built cargolifters. The DDSAF team flew 2 C-440s over southern Ailier with the help of a team of engineers from the CAC (Clone Aircraft Corporation). The irony of DDS pilots flying Clone built airlifters over Cloneworld was not lost on anybody.

A Provider transport has now arrived in orbit around Cloneworld and will take the first batch of airlifters back to the DDS Aviation Research Centre on Solaris.

Meanwhile the DDS have modified some of their outstanding C-440 order to the C-440-200E model which has longer range.

Freighter comes under ABBO attack

Friendship class transport A205 Community has come under attack by 2 ABBO warships near the Rim Worlds. The transport, under the command of Quarz, managed to fight off the ABBOs. The ship was luckily fitted with Canister TPM and scored a kill, the first real-action kill with this weapon.

The Aritan ship AS12 Gerlam Untim, part of the Ensuring Passage deployment, soon arrived and is now accompanying Community to Arit for repairs.


Vegetarian Blah Blah
Cruggson is forced to work by Rotarios 2.0

New column starting soon

Team Redjec is happy to announce a new column will be starting on this site soon. It has been felt that the ordinary people in the DDS, the little people, do not get a chance to have their say. Apparently they do have interesting lives too and do not work aimlessly and then unwind with a night of beast porn.

A Lieutenant from the Isometric frigate SS Cambrian will begin writing about life an an ordinary Joe (although his name isn't Joe) on an ordinary space ship. He will explain how the life of the little people in the DDS is not one of crushing boredom, self-loathing and self-abuse. That is just reserved for Trojan Warlord.

TPM-1 updated

The TPM-1 family has received an update. The terminal guidance seeker has been improved and the software code improved removing several known issues. Parts of the casing on the air-launched version have also been replaced with a new lighter material to reduce the weight of the TPM-A.

The space missile has thus been updated to TPM-1D4A though at the moment none are in production however older missiles are being bought up to this standard while being refurbished or modified to Canister TPM rounds.

The air-launched version is now the TPM-A3A. The ground launched TPM-G1A has also received a modified main booster after some production flaws were found in the rocket. Three new TPM-G batteries will be set up over the Summer.

Nybble begins testing

The HCS Space Navy's UCV the Nybble has begun testing the HCS has announced. Nybble is not a HCS equivalent to the Ferret-E as it is a much larger ship (said to be the same size as a Coril) and capable of up to 250c. Nybble made it's first trip in the Cloneworld system accompanied by a Kalahati Tuul.

A first superluminal test is planned for the Summer and after the updated Nybble 002 prototype is delivered around September a more extensive set of tests will begin with combat simulations beginning in the new year. Nybble could enter service some time next year.

A smaller space fighting UCV, the Sprite, is also under development it is understood. This is a redesigned version of the Welik UCV the HCS operated for a few years in the 2090s (and which was the inspiration for the DDS to produce the Ferret-E).

HCS space bomber update

The HCS have finalised their requirement for a "space borne attack system" which may be called the Kelsan class (Kelsan is a Clonese word for "sword"). The Kelsan will be a reasonably cheap and simple ship, the main focus being on the attack system it will carry and the missiles it will deploy.

The Kelsan will be a 500c ship and able to carry a variety of missiles including a space-launched version of CSM (which can be thought of as the HCS equivalent of MRM). It will have advanced imaging and long-range scanning systems as well as a comprehensive EW/ECM fit.

The HCS Space Navy are fast tracking the programme and the first Kelsan could begin construction later this year for an entry into service by the end of the next year.

Operation Atomic Fist

Atomic Fist is the long awaited nuclear attack and strategic bombing exercise which will run over the next couple of months. The ships are being assembled now and next week will head off for some unspecified planetoids in the Rim Worlds. The deployment will also be close enough to the ABBO operational area to give assistance to Ensuring Passage if required.

In the first phase a mocked-up "enemy base" will be attacked using dummy weapons but there will be an exercise using live nuclear weapons at some stage. This exercise is mainly about proving the effectiveness of the Pulsar bombing force though Romes will also take part with their ground attack modules. EW defence suppression and reconnaissance exercises (using the Panther reconnaissance module) will also be carried out. The ships which will take part :

C101 North America (flag)
C103 South America
C106 Africa
C108 Europa
C110 Eurasia
D101 Panther
F112 Holocene
F141 Sulu Sea
K107 Pliny
K112 Seneca
K119 Titus
E105 Fleming
A109 Flying Boxcar
A153 Butane


DDS to team up with Raegris on new build Quasars

The DDS are to team up with the Raegris on an upgraded Quasar design for a planned new build. The DDS want 16 Quasars and currently have 11. The Raegris have said they may purchase a couple more Quasars. The DDS are considering building 7, 5 for the DDS.

This new Quasar would take advantage of the latest technological developments such as full OA 2.5 and FIDO though for cost reasons would be based on the current ILU2 specification. The new ships, which if a go-ahead is given soon the first could be entering service before the final withdrawal of the Pulsar in 2112, would be built at a DDS yard.

Restrictions dropped on Porquatian fleet

The DDS have dropped restrictions on the Porquat 640 fleet which is currently rebuilding after the disastrous war (for it) with the Central Powers earlier in this decade. For some time the Porquatians were restricted to the type of ship and the number they could build but recently they have made noises about joining the DDS (though this will not happen for years because of the Aritans). The DDS deny the lifting of restrictions is linked to the Porquatians signing a 1.4 billion zark deal for 3 extra Extenders (on top of the 2 already on order), 4 Pentekonter-E100s and 120 MQ-5AP Ferret-E UCVs.

Currently the Porquatians have built 7 Quagan 658 and 665 frigates but now say they want a fleet of 20 of these nimble and powerful ships plus 5 new build Xian cruisers. Rich mineral deposits and exports are filling Porquatian coffers and they are aiming to build a fleet at least as powerful as the one they had before they invaded New Arit. The Porquatians however say they will not attack Arit again (as Arit is a DDS ally it would be suicidal anyway) and want to help the DDS in policing the Rim Worlds. They have offered sending a Quagan to join Ensuring Passage.

First A-85NTN rolled out

The first A-85NTN for the HCS Navy has been rolled out at a ceremony at a HCSN air base. The NTN is a "Navalised" version of the A-85 COIN aircraft though the differences in the NTN are not that much from the standard NT (the carrierborne NTK will be much more heavily modified). The NTN has mostly avionic changes for over-water operation and improved energency beacon and recovery kits. Tactical software will also be modified for full compatibility with HCSN ordinance.

The NTN will provide support in coastal regions for the Navy in anti-piracy operations on Cloneworld, Aquaworld and Austini 55.


Ensuring Passage to get more ships

Because of the deepening crisis with the ABBOs and the Oscar/New Jakarta situation the DDS have decided to beef up the Ensuring Passage deployment which is based near New Jakarta and is tasked with protecting UNP assets from ABBO attacks in the region. An extra frigate F148 Solomon Sea has been despatched to join the deployment.

The Aritans will also send an Intrepid II destroyer once a designated ship completes it's refuelling to add to the Solaris II already serving with the deployment.

Current deployments (07/04/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Force Voth

D107 Lynx (flag)
D154 Evolution
F161 Sea Of Tranquility
F134 Mediterranean Sea
A103 Constellation
A144 Jetstar
AS02 Youanki

Ensuring Passage

F108 Eocene (flag)
D101 Panther
R105 Grenadier
AS12 Gerlam Untim
F122 Permian
F145 Arafura Sea
(F148 Solomon Sea)
A142 Stratotanker

Force Starbot

D153 Progress (flag)
F152 Aral Sea II
A141 Extender
+ Starbotian fleet

Remedian Border Protection Force

C125 Positron (flag)
C130 Kaon
F143 Andaman Sea
(F131 Caspian Sea)
A151 Gasoline
(A157 Pentane)
DR182 Lord Verin
DR187 Remedia Prime II
DR190 Lord Argox II
DR188 Mira II

Remedian Minesweeping squadron :

F119 Precambrian
M104 Hesiod
M107 Orpheus
A143 Liftmaster

Ships returning to HQ

D154 Evolution
F133 Baltic Sea
A112 Liberator Express
A154 Kerocene
F144 Flores Sea
F123 Devonian


New Jakarta to be beefed up, fast-tracked into UNP?

New Jakarta is a UNP aligned world though it not officially part of the UNP. It is home to a small number of settlers though most of the population are at a couple of DDS training bases. New Jakarta was also the genesis of the Hoods who were first trained by Vodaphone before they were unleashed on the DDS.

The fall of the humans on nearby Oscar and the likely incorporation of Oscar into the CSE (the DDS oppose it of course but de-facto it is already in the empire) means that the pressure is now on the DDS to strengthen the UNP claim on New Jakarta.

The UNP are encouraging emigration to the planet and are hoping that humans leaving Oscar will go there. The DDS will set up a large training base for their embryonic new army. A permanent space base will also be set up by the Summer and it is likely the DDS will ensure at least 1 warship is present at all times. The UNP will fast-track the planet's admission into the organisation once the population passes the 10,000 permanent settler threshold as listed in UNP law.

K-18D begins flight trials

Three pre-production K-18Ds have begun flight tests at the DDS Central AFB at GHQ on Proxima 7. The plane is a localised and upgraded version of the Dino K-18 close support aircraft and has been fitted with a development build of a custom DDS avionics suite. At the moment the avionics is restricted to flying the plane. Tactical systems and sensor fusion is to be fitted at a later stage.

The DDS have been impressed with the K-18D so far which is a sturdy subsonic plane that can carry a lot of ordinance. The DDS think it will fit very nicely between their faster F-10/NDAA strike aircraft and slow UCAVs like LLAD.

In other DDSAF news the F-10A(S) fleet which carries out air/LEO defence over major DDS establishments with the TPM-A is to receive an upgrade this Summer. F-10ASE will have a number of datalink and electronic updates and will also be fitted ready for the forthcoming TPM2-A which is based on the TPM-2. This is a smaller missile of course though the F-10ASE will still only be able to carry one at a time. The F-10S will carry 2 when it takes over from the A in a few years.

DDS skirmish with ABBOs

DDS ships from the Ensuring Passage deployment have skirmished with ABBO ships near to New Jakarta, which is a UNP aligned (though not yet in the UNP) planet that is home to some DDS training establishments.

Three ABBO ships attempted to enter orbit around the planet and were chased off by F122 Permian. Ferrets from R105 Grenadier also encountered ABBO ships and chased them away. One Ferret was lost after a malfunction and was destroyed. No shots were fired in the encounters which appear to have been an attempt by the ABBOs to see how strong DDS defences are.

Pulsar withdrawal timetable published

The DDS have published a preliminary (and scantily detailed) timetable for the withdrawal of the Pulsar fleet starting from next year. The whole fleet of 9 ships is to be withdrawn by the end of 2112 at the latest and withdrawals will commence next year.
  • 2110 : 2 ships
  • 2111 : 4 ships
  • 2112 : 3 ships
Ships will be assessed later this year so the ships in best condition can be left until the end. The mechanical state of some ships is not "optimum" a DDS report has recently stated. 5 Pulsars are needed for the forthcoming exercise/deployment to test the attack force, India was recently recalled from Starbot to act as a reserve ship because a couple of Pulsars are not considered in a fit condition for a prolonged deployment.

Velocity 2109 Update A

The Velocity 37A & B fleets will receive their first update of the year over the next few weeks. Velocity 2109 Update A includes installation of an Info-Warfare Centre (IWC) and about 69 software and minor amends. The ships will have support to datalink with MRM and the latest communication protocols.

The scope of the update is quite limited and interestingly does not include TPM-2 support (though they can give course guidance information to a missile launched by another ship). This apparently will have to wait until a planned unification upgrade planned for next year which will unify the A & B into a new standard close to the new Solaris III 37C standard (which does have TPM-2 support from the off).

Dinos gearing up for all-out war with ABBOs?

Dino watchers have reported a second Dinomark RS has departed from Dino-Land along with 40 other ships to go to Xi to join the Dino fleet there. Together the fleet will number over 100 ships including many of the best ships in the fleet as well as over half the entire special forces in the Dino Army (4 batallions of SS-D and the CSS). As well as this no fewer than 5 legions of the Dino Army plus 3 SS brigades are now on Xi.

It could be the Dinos are preparing to launch an attack on the ABBOs if they fail to find Cruggson or declare all-out war on the ABBOs and seek to destroy them. Senator El Diablo, in charge of the fleet, made the following address on all radio frequencies.

"ABBOs, this is the Dinos. Return Consul Cruggson at once and unharmed and this will be the end of this war. If he is harmed or not returned then you will face the full weight of the Dino Army and we will not stop until you have been totally destroyed."

However there are rumours that the Dinos have narrowed down the possible location of Cruggson to a collection of planetoids and asteroids in the Demarkes Belt. It is still a large area to search however.


Oojok to return to ceremonial role in Clone Empire

Ayatollah Clone XE has made the shock announcement that former Emperor Oojok is to return to a ceremonial role of the Clone Star Empire. He will be given the title of Emperor but will have no official powers. The news did not go down well with Benito who said Oojok would not be Emperor of his half of the empire.

Captain Clone, however, said Oojok's return as a figurehead would help galvanise Clones, bring former religious Clones back into the fold and help heal the wounds of the past.

Sleeze has also been given a new role in the empire, he has been appointed CSE ambassador to Oscar and will help the 1.5 billion zark reconstruction and relief effort the Clones have funded to rebuild Oscar after years of war.

Search continues for Cruggson as Ronald returns

The search continues for Consul Cruggson who has now been in ABBO hands for several days. The Dinos will not admit their hope of finding him alive is fading but the news that Ronald and GBH have returned early from their fishing trip indicates Ronald feels he may have to take over again.

Because no Consul has yet died in office the rules surrounding what would happen are undefined. It is thought someone like Ronald, who would not be standing in the next election, might take over the role in a caretaker role and for there to be a double election at the end of the year when MBH's term of office ends (Cruggson's ends the year after). At the moment Senator Jimmy is in charge of the senate but as he is a likely runner in the next election it would be unfair for him to gain the kudos from running the state prior to running for office.

Fleet news (05/04/09)

After some delay because of unspecified problems with one ship two new Panther 35A destroyers have joined the fleet : D109 Cougar and D110 Topcat. Both have joined the combat pool though one ship has already been earmarked to join Force Voth later in the year.

F104 Triassic has become the latest Isometric ILU to be completed. F101 Cambrian has begun it's ILU work after returning from a long deployment.

The lead ship of the new Solaris 37C class of destroyer will indeed be called D161 Solaris III following some speculation. The DDS have also increased the size of the order for the 37C provisionally from 6 to 10.

MRM passes final tests

Over the last few weeks the Medium Range Missile (MRM) has successfully passed it's final tests with the final version of the MRM system and has been cleared for series production and deployment later in the Summer.

MRM R4-024 and R4-025 were tests with live warheads and attacked targets at 3 and 5 lightyears respectively. The final test, R4-026, was a static test to see if the safety protocols and measures work if a live missile is damaged during ship combat. All tests were successful. A new factory producing MRMs is now preparing for production on Rathun's World.


Poll results

41% believed that TTG members go commando. A disgusting thought of course and Redjec suspects TTG actually wear stained grey Y-fronts. Which is an even more disgusting thought.

HCSN launch no less than 4 submarines

The submarine programme is now priority #1 for the HCS Navy seeing as it will form a vital part of the future space missile system of the HCS and to demonstrate this no fewer than 4 submarines were launched today at the 2 new yards set up with the help of the Sirikwanese.

Three of the submarines were of the new Seawolf SSK class, based on the existing legacy Tinfish design but with Sirikwanese and Clone enhancements. The fourth was the singleton Warhammer SSB, which is a modified Seawolf which will be used to develop the SeaGale (and Sea launched CSM) ballistic missiles. The official date for service is still 2112 (and 2113 for Warhammer) though some observers say that such is the effort being put into the submarine arm now the first operational Seawolf could be seen in 2111.

In other HCSN news it has been announced that the first carrier landings and take-offs from the new carrier CNS Cloneworld will be carried out in the Summer. The ship is not due to begin sea trials until near the end of this year but the HCSN are keen to begin carrier training as soon as possible and will perform some tests while the carrier is still at dock. Three F-40N2s have been earmarked for this and have formed a special development flight.
Deadliest Men
Cruggson gets a shock whilst in ABBO hands...


Dinomark NG lost in search

A Dinomark NG has been destroyed with the loss of 12 Dino lives after it was caught in an ABBO minefield. The Dino ship was lured in by false sensor echoes that indicated Dino life signs on an asteroid. The sensor readings were fake and the crew found themselves with real mines homing in.

All 19 mines, each with a 5 megaton nuclear warhead, detonated simultaneously. The NG was vapourised.

Passive Sensor Virtual Array 2.0

Last year the DDS began using Passive Sensor Virtual Array as an overlay to the passive sensors being fitted to their combat ships. PSVA allows groups of ships in a close vicinity (said to be within 0.2 light years) to seamlessly pool their passive sensor information to gain a greater overall tactical view than one ship could provide.

The DDS have now begun field trials of the next step, PSVA 2.0, which increases the area a PSVA group can cover up to 1 light year. PSVA 2.0 also integrates active sensor data from other ships and base stations further afield to provide sensor resolutions equal to or even greater than the information one ship could provide for itself using active sensors. This means a cloaked ship can get a highly detailed tactical view without the risk of betrayal using active sensors. The DDS could also use a ship with very powerful active sensors out of harms way to "illuminate" the combat zone.

PSVA 2.0 support is a software only upgrade and is being rolled out to ships this week.

HCS Kalahati Tuuls to be upgraded by ... the DDS

Now the Kalahati Tuul-B and KT2 fleets have been withdrawn the only KTs in HCS service remain the rebuilt and upgraded Kalahati Tuul S. The upgrades, carried out a few years ago, will keep the ships viable until late in the next decade when it is likely they will be replaced by a Shark variant. However until then the HCS plan to keep the valuable fleet up to date and suitable for the secondary duties it is used for.

The HCS have turned to the DDS to provide kits for a new upgrade for their KT-S fleet. The rationale is that the DDS have recently been upgrading KTs in the Remedian and Aritan fleets and the HCS want to avoid having to spend too much time developing improvements the DDS have already made.

The update kit does not include any sensitive military technology a DDS source said but includes improved engine management computers, better air filtration systems, modifications to the docking bay and various other smaller tweaks. The first kit is due to be delivered to the HCS this Summer. The value of the contract has not been disclosed but may be offset by other projects such as military sales.

Falcons to receive uprated engines

When the DDS originally ordered the Fighting Falcon littoral warfare ship, a modified Dinomark XT, from the Dinos it was going to have a boosted engine called the Super Solarburst instead of the venerable Solarburst. However for time and cost reasons this plan was shelved. Now however the Dinos, assisted by a DDS Research team, have successfully managed to marry the improved core of the PT's Pulseburst into a next generation Solarburst engine and this will be used for future XTs and re-engined older ships.

Including the DDS' growing Falcon fleet. The new engine, the Solarburst K-100, is now in static testing and will soon begin flight testing. The Dinos plan to start fitting K series engines in new ships by the end of the year and this will be fitted to future Falcons being built for the DDS. Existing Falcons will receive the new engine when they receive a major refit over the next couple of years.

With a K-100 engine the top speed of a Falcon should be boosted to 750c which is the maximum speed capable with the ship's architecture as it currently stands. Cruise time will be boosted by 20% which means in real terms the ships will be able to cover a lot more territory.

Sirikwan Ferrets operational

The first squadron of MQ-5AS Ferret-E unmanned combat drones has entered operational service with the Sirikwanese Space Navy. The 10 Ferrets are the first of 60 that will form a local defence wing with 40 other Ferrets being kept in storage for attrition replacement and training. Sirikwan will be using their Ferrets mostly in the orbital space around their home planet performing patrol duties.

Sirikwan's Pentekonter fleet will have support for operating Ferrets which means they will also be able to deploy them away from home if needs be. The 2 Relan class combat support ships will be receiving an upgrade later in the year to also allow them to operate Ferrets.

Arit's Ferret, the MQ-5AA, has also begun deliveries and the Aritans are hoping to begin operations with the drone later this year. Molab is reported to be interested in buying the type.

DDS order 30 Long Watch UUVs

The DDS have ordered 30 Long Watch UUVs from the Clone company Uncloned Combat Solutions (UCS) who have developed most HCS UCVs to date. Long Watch is a surveillance drone designed for long range operation at or just below the water surface. Long Watch has an impressive suite of sensors ranging from EO/IR cameras to a directional microphone. The precise sensor fit has yet to be finalised however. The DDS may receive the UUVs without any and fit their own sensors.

The HCSN have found Long Watch to be a highly effective tool in combating sea piracy and the DDS will use theirs for surveillance of coastal areas.

Dinos frantically searching for Cruggson

The Dinos are combing space near the Dino border trying to find their captured leader Consul Cruggson. The ABBOs could not have got out of the area before the alarm was raised (ABBO cloaking technology is not well developed) so it is thought the ABBOs are holding Cruggson on one of the small planetoids or asteroids in this region of space. Unfortunately there are hundreds of potential hiding places.

Dozens of teams are working their way across the area scanning the planetoids but the task is huge. Back on Dino-Land Senator Jimmy has despatched 3 more legions to Xi though they will not arrive until next week.

The other Consul MBH has of course offered his support to his colleague. Speaking from Pulsin he hoped Cruggson's death would be "violent, bloody, painful and extremely long and drawn out".


Dinos admit Cruggson captured

The Dinos have admitted that Consul Cruggson has been captured by the ABBOs during the recent battle which is now thought to have been just a diversion for the real ABBO mission which was capturing Cruggson. El Diablo said that Cruggson would be rescued as soon as possible. "They could have killed him easily but did not which indicates they need him for something, that means we have time to get him back."

CSS, SS-D and 6th Legion forces are currently preparing for a rescue mission, not that anyone knows where Cruggson is being held yet.

DDS in shock as Windscorpion quits!

The DDS has been thrown into chaos as it's commander and leading light has announced he is to leave the DDS with immediate effect and get married. "I have been saving the galaxy's ass for long enough." he told reporters, "Now its time for Windscorpion or rather Trevor Williams which of course is my real name to settle down and enjoy a bit of domestic life."

Trevor also announced he has been seeing a young woman for some months now. "My bride to be, April, is a lawyer in the DDS. We are going to live in Iowa and maybe set up a homestead. And of course a family. I can't wait until there is the patter of tiny feet and a family of little Windscorpions and Quarzs running around the place."