
Kalahati Tuul 2 era reaches an end in the HCS

The final 3 Kalahati Tuul 2s in HCS service have completed their final patrol missions and now have returned to their home base, all 3 are based at Daggaddon. The 3 ships have now been put on level 2 readiness reserve status (which means they are able to resume service within 26 hours) though it is not anticipated that they will be needed again. The 3 ships are due to begin final reactor shut down in the new year and will be decommissioned and then dismantled at Daggaddon.

KT2s still remain in service with the Remedian Police (RCPP) and it is likely that spares from these final 3 ships will be bought by the Remedians who have already bought 17 million zarks worth of spares this year from the HCS. The KT2 was a joint venture between the Clones and Remedians in the early 2090s and will remain in Remedian service for around 10 more years.

With Shark production continuing apace the next class of ship to be run down will be the Kalahati Tuul S though these ships, which were recently rebuilt, should remain in service until around 2116.