
Gale-III tested again for CSM?

Gale-III Development Build 17 is reported to have been successfully launched and like Build 15 earlier in the year undertook a trajectory that would indicate the test was more for CSM rather than as a ballistic missile. Build 17 took off from the Rocket Testing Ground B in Micom and reached LEO where it was destroyed by ground control. The HCS said the test was merely for the booster stage engines and did not need to undertake the whole flight.

However analysts have looked at telemetry obtained by civilian listeners and say the missile was not following a BM profile instead going pretty much "straight up" and is likely to have been the 2nd test of the booster stage that will be used for the inter stellar CSM.

Build 20 next year is likely to be the 3rd test of the booster stage. It is possible the test will include a rudimentary space vehicle of the same size and weight as the projected space stage of the CSM. Build 20 will also be the first launch from the new road mobile launcher being developed for Gale-III (and CSM).