
HCS deny CSM is to attack (UNP) planets

A HCS General has told Cloneworld media that the Clone Space Missile (CSM) is not intended to attack targets on extraterrestrial planets (i.e. UNP/DDS targets) but is intended as a long-range counter strike against enemy warships. General Train said "CSM is intended as a survivable weapon that, should our fleet be compromised, can enable us to continue fighting and strike back against enemy warships."

Analysts doubt this is true though pointing out that hitting targets on planets light years away will be hard enough but hitting a moving target the same distance would require some kind of magic unless there are HCS fleet assets around to provide guidance data, and if they are still around then why would you need CSM?

Instead analysts think the HCS are trying to defuse tensions with the DDS which have cooled against after the "pretend invasion" of Oscar. The HCS and DDS have been negotiating to form a joint minesweeping force to clear Utrek mines left at the Remedia-Clone Empire border near Mintjulip but the recent cooling of relations has put this joint force on hold.

TPM-2 begins to enter widespread use

Although TPM-2 is now cleared for use with the DDS changing over to the new missile will be a gradual process as ships will require modifications to their missile handling systems, launchers and tactical systems. The number of ships able to operate TPM-2 is increasing however and now the entire Quasar fleet (except Tachyon which is still in refit) is now operating TPM-2 as the type's ILU this year added that capability.

The Pulsar MULE3 and Panther fleets are also operating the missile though until the frigate fleet receives the changes required the TPM-1 will remain the most common weapon in the DDS arsenal. The Isometric ILU which will begin next year however will include TPM-2 support and the Terran Sea fleet will have it also next year when it undergoes it's Terran Sea Enhanced Capability Update 2109. It is thought by mid-2110 the majority of ships in the fleet will have TPM-2 support though the DDS do not expect to change every single ship over until 2115 or 6 (though as even Starsystems have TPM-2 support already that date may be overly pessimistic).

Dinos go to the polls

Voting has begun in the second Consul elections on Dino-Land and the other planets in the Dino Republic. The two main contenders are Senator Cruggson (below) and SS-Commander Lakes though Cruggson has a big lead and it would take a seismic shift to change that now (not even Crugg being caught in bed with a live boy or a dead girl will suffice).


Whoever wins will replace Ronald as Consul and this will finally mark the end of Ronald's second period of rule. He became Emperor for the second time in 2099 and in 2107 ended the Empire to forge the current Republic. His first reign as Emperor was from 2052 to 2097. Ronald will remain the head of the Senate and says that he is likely to seek election to Consul again (though the 5 year rule means he can't stand again until 2112).


DDS complete updates to ships

Two updates to the DDS' fleet have been completed plus the first Isometric ILU (albeit still waiting for some items) has been rolled out. The Velocity destroyer fleet has completed it's Velocity 2108 Update B programme which includes a new tactical system, improved docking bay and data link compatibility with the Ferret UCV. The Starsystem training/auxiliary frigate has also completed it's EAU (Enhanced Abilities Update) which improves the main laser cannons, adds TPM-2 support to the missile launcher (though it is not expected to carry the missiles routinely) and improved the damage control and environmental systems.

The flagship SS Carboniferous has completed it's major refit after it's exhaustive mission into Bolitic space and has been outfitted to a pre-ILU standard. Some items from the Isometric ILU are not ready yet so Carboniferous is not at full ILU yet. Carboniferous has been fitted with integrated attack system SAS-ISO, TPM-2 and OA 2.0. It has also been fitted for the Z5ti multi-mode cannon (which will be fitted next year) and 360 CIWS 2.0 (also next year). Carboniferous has also received docking bay improvements and MRM support. As it's master (Windy) is away at the moment it is expected Carboniferous will be used for testing and MRM development for the next couple of months.

HCS deny fleet is going to land troops

On Thursday it was reported that 2 HCS fleets were approaching Oscar and it was thought were going to land HCS troops on the planet. Two DDS ships in the region have approached the main HCS fleet 11A.01 which includes 3 Intruder LPDs said to be loaded with 3 brigades of the HCS Army.

The DDS commander was invited aboard the HCS flag, the Soulaki cruiser CSS Admiral Anderson for talks. The HCS commander, a General Sage explained to the DDS that they were merely taking supplies to the Clone Army of Oscar and were also involved in some training.

Meanwhile the second fleer 11A.02 led by the carrier CSS Tiamon II has reached Oscar orbit and launched 4 F-40s in high orbit which then carried out a reconnaissance over the front line before returning to the mothership. When Tiamon II was approached by a DDS ship it left orbit and rejoined the rest of the ships.

The situation has defused slightly as it is becoming evident the HCS are content to just test the DDS reaction though what would have happened if the DDS had not been around is unknown.


Gale-III tested again for CSM?

Gale-III Development Build 17 is reported to have been successfully launched and like Build 15 earlier in the year undertook a trajectory that would indicate the test was more for CSM rather than as a ballistic missile. Build 17 took off from the Rocket Testing Ground B in Micom and reached LEO where it was destroyed by ground control. The HCS said the test was merely for the booster stage engines and did not need to undertake the whole flight.

However analysts have looked at telemetry obtained by civilian listeners and say the missile was not following a BM profile instead going pretty much "straight up" and is likely to have been the 2nd test of the booster stage that will be used for the inter stellar CSM.

Build 20 next year is likely to be the 3rd test of the booster stage. It is possible the test will include a rudimentary space vehicle of the same size and weight as the projected space stage of the CSM. Build 20 will also be the first launch from the new road mobile launcher being developed for Gale-III (and CSM).


First Provider EDA delivered to Dinos

At a historic ceremony on Dino-Land the first DDS built warship has been delivered to the Dinos, a Provider EDA transport. This is the first of 8 to be operated by the Dinos to fill a chronic gap in their spacelift capability. Such is the importance of the order to the DDS the ship was a DDS built Provider that was originally intended for the DDS but instead was sold to the Dinos instead.

The next 2 Provider EDAs will be Raegris built, its planned that the Dinos will build the rest themselves though no firm plans have yet been made for that. The ship will be localised by the Dinos and fitted with Dino communications and defensive systems. It is expected to enter service early next year.

Vosun moving towards alliance with Utrek?

The shattered state of the Vosun-Voth Star Empire with nearly 90% of it's territory gone, it's economy collapsed, coffers looted by the Bolitic and fleet badly depleted (all in all the VVSE have had a pretty poor few months) might be pushing the Vosun to an alliance with the Devil a.k.a. the Utrek.

The VVSE and Utrek have hardly been friends over the years though the Utrek have tend to regard the VVSE with contempt and ignored the VVSE's protests when Utrek ships have routinely violated their space (and no doubt laughed when VVSE ships could not catch up to the interloping Utrek ships) however the Vosunites need help especially with their security and the Utrek can see in Vosun a highly strategic location for a base.

A Molentic Tuul was spotted leaving the far edge of Utrek space near the Raegris and heading towards Vosun last week. This may have been a routine patrol or reconnaissance but sources on Vosun indicate a Vosun government delegation left the planet to meet with an unspecified other delegation in deep space not long afterwards.

HCS invasion fleet approaches Oscar

A fleet of HCS warships has been spotted leaving Cloneworld and heading to Oscar, the planet torn between Clone and Human. The fleet is said to include 3 Intruder amphibious warfare ships and some unconfirmed reports say a HCS panzer brigade and 2 infantry brigades are embarked aboard. A Tiamon carrier has also been spotted near Oscar and can be expected to carry a squadron of F-45s (or F-40s) and A-84 attack aircraft to support any landing.

The DDS have urgently scrambled 3 ships from Proxima 7 which are now en route to Oscar. The ships were not specified but are thought to include a Pulsar and a Panther and should be able to reach Oscar first because of the slower speed of the HCS ships. The DDS have also warned the Clones not to escalate the Oscar conflict "beyond the point where the DDS will have to consider intervening their own ground forces".

Sources on Cloneworld have said that the HCS are most likely testing DDS reactions and will not land the troops (though may land some of the weapons for Clone Army of Oscar troops to use) but truthfully nobody knows where this might lead.
In The Net Of Evil
Windy finally comes face to face with the power of the 7 Sa Sao.


Bolitic begin withdrawal from Vosun-Voth space

Despite the official end of hostilities some time ago a strong Bolitic Confederacy fleet has remained in the Vosun system. However the ships have been recalled to the Bolitic by Emperor Aliowaki. The fleet, under command of Lord Asai-Volishi has said that his ships will leave Vosun space by the end of the week.

However it is thought the ships will go to Ramman, one of the ex-VVSE planets now annexed by the Bolitic. The Bolitic are currently building a space base there using Vosun labourers who are "freely volunteering their work" i.e. they are slaves under the cruel Bolitic lash. Even with the rather low Bolitic speeds a force can be back in Vosun space from Ramman in a week so the Vosun will not feel the threat is over yet, if ever.

The Vosun meanwhile are still insisting their territory is to be called the Vosun-Voth Star Empire even though the Voth have left. Some 87% of the former VVSE territory has now been lost however and some are calling for the VVSE to be disolved and for the Vosun to form a new republic.

MRM tested successfully again

The Medium Range Missile, the MRM, has been successfully tested again this time hitting a target 3 light years away. Development missile MRM R3-013 which has some software changes from 012 which was tested last month again evaded decoys and received a mid-flight course correction from an unnamed Rome class corvette which was lying cloaked in "enemy" space. It is thought the Rome used a secret new DDS communication method that does not compromise the cloak as a normal radio or hyperlaser link would. The DDS are very tight-lipped on this technology but industry experts have suggested it uses very deep sub-space particles beyond the usual spectrum of sensors.

The missile was launched by a Quasar class cruiser, the first time the type has launched an MRM which up until now have only been launched by Pulsars. Quasars received MRM capability when they were updated to ILU2 standard this year.

HCSAF to work with CAC on new generation of airliners/airlifters

The HCSAF is to work with Clone Aircraft Corporation (CAC) on a next generation of civil airliners but with an eye to developing the designs for military use. The HCSAF's Technology Development Agency will assist CAC with the designs for a new medium-haul airliner to replace the C-440 and a new regional airliner to replace the C-370.

The new types will be the C-445 which will be a total redesign of the C-440 with refined aerodynamics, carbon fibre, a new wing and engines and avionics. The C-380 will similarly be an advanced redesign of the C-370 with the same refinements as the C-445. Both types could be ready for commercial and military use by the early 2110s.


Wayne King-Meiouf : the HCS need a space partner

The last Cosmos class cruiser is now in the final stages of production, the key warship the Molentic Tuul is due to begin a major upgrade. These are 2 of the major HCS Space Navy warships, and both are non-Clone designs. The Clones are very ingenious people, in some areas of technology such as warplanes they are easily ahead of the DDS writes Professor Wayne King-Meiouf but space is an area where the Clones are lagging and the gap is widening.

Molentic Tuul
Molentic Tuul

The Clones find it hard to develop new weapons, they excel at upgrading existing designs. The Cosmos class is far better than the Raegris original, so much so the Raegris are having their Cosmos cruisers upgraded to a similar standard as the HCS'. To date they have only developed two wholly original warship designs, the Soulaki and the new Shark. Admittedly they are doing much better at non-combat ships like the Intruder LPD.

The Soulaki is their heavy cruiser and most DDS analysts dismiss it as a dog. It is heavily armed but sluggish. At it's current standard it is the equivalent of a Pulsar ILU. The Shark is a decent enough ship but a very simple design for patrol and is inferior to the Pentekonter and Rome in terms of systems and design. The HCS' best ships are it's excellent Cosmos evolution the Cosmos S and the forthcoming Molentic Tuul M. Both are powerful, rugged and reliable.

They will be the backbone of the HCS fleet for the next 10 years but by the end of the next decade the HCS will need to be looking for a new cruiser. With their track record with the Soulaki (very expensive and delayed) it is not anticipated they will be able to come up with a competitive design. The Clones therefore need to do what they did before and find a partner to give them a good basic design that they can work their evolutionary magic on.

The problem is there arn't that many powers around that can do that anymore. Obviously the Utrek are out of the question nowadays, they provided the Clones start with space technology but a couple of wars and a trojan virus later it is unlikely the Clones will return to them again. The Raegris are now in the DDS sphere, the Tarbotians and other powers like the 7 Sa Sao either don't look to sell their technology or are elusive in the region nowadays. That leaves the Dinos.

Could the Dinos provide the HCS with the basis of their next generation of warship? Military and technological links between the 2 are strong nowadays. The Dino Army is now nearly totally re-equipped with Clone AFVs, the HCS Navy has bought some Dinomark XTs. The problem would be the difference in space ship philosophy between the Dinos and everyone else including the Clones. Dinomark RS apart the Dinos have always gone for small nimble ships that operate in numbers instead of larger ships that can operate alone. A future HCS warship based on a Dinomark PT evolution would be very different to anything the HCS had operated before. Though the trend is to smaller ships it must be said.

The ultimate question for the DDS of course would be, would the Clones get access to wormdrive technology. It is unlikely w-drive would be on the Clone shopping list no matter how much they were prepared to pay, at least until the technology had become sufficiently common to enter the commercial arena (estimated to be the 2130s). However TPM-1 technology is now available off the shelf from the DDS and the DDS themselves estimate the Clones will have access to the technology within 3 years (somewhere in a Molab, Aritan or other's storage silo a TPM-1 is likely to go "missing" sooner or later). Thus it is likely w-drive will also become available once the stringent restrictions are eased and the availability of the technology widens.

The HCS need to move reasonably quickly though, they need their future cruiser by the early 2120s and major clean-sheet warship classes take at least 10 years to come to fruition (the Panther for example is derived from design work dating back to 2095). As yet we don't know their future warship plans other than the current updates and a Shark evolution though that platform does have some development potential (the larger Basking Shark concept for example and the up-armed Hammerhead concept). However a Shark evolution won't be enough for front-line units in the 2120s, but a developed Dinomark PT derived HCS warship with transphasic weapons and the promise of w-drive in future would be.

Dinos and HCS to hold joint exercise

MBH has arrived on Cloneworld for talks with Captain Clone. At a joint media briefing he announced that next month a mixed force of Dino Army and SS troops will travel to Daggaddon in the Clone Star Empire and hold joint exercises with HCS forces. The Dino Army is currently re-equipping with ex- and new HCS weapons including the jointly-funded T-55ZDM and MBH is keen to increase interoperability between the 2 armies.

He has also ordered the Dino Communications Centre to update communications protocols and systems to support HCS frequencies and unencrypted protocols. Its thought the HCS will do the same with Dino communications. Captain Clone also said the HCS and Dinos may work together on a next-generation IP based communications sub-system.

Cruggson & Lakes enter final stages of their campaigns

Cruggson is maintaining a healthy (and massive) lead as the 2108 Consul election enters the final week of campaigning. Voting in the first round will beat the weekend and Cruggson has 64% of the vote in the latest polls. Lakes has risen to 29% as other candidates have again been squeezed out. What might happen when all 3 major parties finally contest an election is unknown. This year the Liberals have sat the election out in favour of Imperial Order who will return the favour next year.

However next year MBH's 2 year term will end so Veritas = Truth will be looking for a serious candidate (Lakes is not considered serious even though he is officially head of the party) to maintain their presence at the top of the Dino Republic. Sleeze is expected to be the candidate as MBH will not be able to stand again for the Consulate for 3 years after standing down (5 years after he gained power).

However Veritas = Truth's popularity with the population is fairly low and it is unlikely the Liberals will be scuppered by scandal and dithering again like they were last year. Most commentators are predicting Jimmy (below) will win next year meaning MBH will be shut out of power (though will remain a senator of course). Indeed most commentators think only MBH has the profile and ability to get his party into ultimate power so it could be Veritas has to wait until 2112 at the earliest.


Putri 500 confirm order; Molab order extra ship and upgrade

Putri 500 have signed a massive 19.1 billion zark order with the DDS for warships, spares and training support. 1 Velocity-E, 4 Isometric-E, 10 Pentekonter-E, 4 Extender-E and 2 Provider-E will be bought along with spares, training and other support. The first ships, the Extenders should begin arriving at the end of next year with other ships coming afterwards.

Existing customer Molab have ordered an extra Provider-E and also have bought the tactical pack for their 2 Extender-Es. The tactical pack beefs up self-defence and adds basic patrol capabilities with improved sensors and weapons. The ships will not carry TPMs however unlike DDS transports with the pack.

Also 3 more ex-Utrek Kalahati Tuuls have been given to the Aritans making a total of 8. The first 2 ships are expected to enter service next month.


Kalahati Tuul 2 era reaches an end in the HCS

The final 3 Kalahati Tuul 2s in HCS service have completed their final patrol missions and now have returned to their home base, all 3 are based at Daggaddon. The 3 ships have now been put on level 2 readiness reserve status (which means they are able to resume service within 26 hours) though it is not anticipated that they will be needed again. The 3 ships are due to begin final reactor shut down in the new year and will be decommissioned and then dismantled at Daggaddon.

KT2s still remain in service with the Remedian Police (RCPP) and it is likely that spares from these final 3 ships will be bought by the Remedians who have already bought 17 million zarks worth of spares this year from the HCS. The KT2 was a joint venture between the Clones and Remedians in the early 2090s and will remain in Remedian service for around 10 more years.

With Shark production continuing apace the next class of ship to be run down will be the Kalahati Tuul S though these ships, which were recently rebuilt, should remain in service until around 2116.

HCSAF reveal some F-45C/K details

At a joint media briefing between the HCSAF and the HCSN's Aviation Section some details were given of the next generation fighter at the heart of the future plans of both air forces, the F-45C/K. This is the second generation of the F-45 and will add a considerable multi-role capability to a fighter that already is an excellent A2A platform though is only average at A2G.

F-45C and it's carrier operated brother the K will have ground mapping radar, IRST and much improved data linking capabilities as well as strengthened wings to carry up to 37% more ordinance than the A. A2A will also be improved with an entirely new AESA radar (the F-45A used an upgraded radar from the F-40) and enhanced agility and performance from new engines with 34% more thrust.

The first flight of the F-45C is due for next year with the F-45K in 2111. The C and K should begin reaching squadrons in 2114 and 2115 respectively.


Team Redjec
Redjec forms his new faction, winners need not apply. Who is Team Redjec? They are so low down they arn't even on the map!


DDS place a number of orders for new ships including extra Panthers

Although not yet half the order has been completed the DDS have added 2 more ships to the planned Panther fleet. The Panther fleet will now eventually number 17. This is part of a number of orders for new ships as the DDS look to increase the size of their fleet due to increasing demands and requirements (and funds).

The order for the Solaris III class (Velocity-N) has also been increased to 6. An extra Marconi class EW/Special Warfare ship will also be built, also making a fleet of 6.

DDS Universe stars release new books for Christmas

Several well known personalities across the galaxy are releasing new books in the run up to Christmas. Captain Clone has released "Work Hard & Sweat, Then Work Harder!", a tough and no-prisoners work-out manual for young men who wish to achieve the Captain Clone body or die trying (which is more likely). Captain Clone says "Losers need not apply, though i'd prefer if they bought it anyway so they can see what a real man looks like."

MBH meanwhile is releasing volume 3 of "Why I'm Great!", an 800 page tomb continuing it's description of MBH's great achievements and the conspiracy that had held him down, by others jealous of his greatness et cetera.

Finally Windscorpion is releasing "The Dangerous Book About Boys" which comes in a rubber sheath.


Force Voth sets off

Force Voth, a DDS flotilla of ships to give protection of the new DDS allies has set off from Solaris. It is expected the force will remain in Voth space for 6 months before being replaced by a new force which may include Aritan or Raegran components. Force Voth will patrol the space around Voth, protect DDS and allied shipping, and help begin the training of the new Voth Space Command. A Dino squadron is already on the way to perform a similar function though this will operate under DDS command.

Force Voth consists of :

D107 Lynx (flagship)
F101 Cambrian
F125 Pliocene
F134 Mediterranean Sea
A144 Jetstar

Northern Project concludes

The large Winter 2108 DDS exercise Operation Northern Project has successfully concluded after a final mock-battle with Raegris warships. Both the DDS and Raegris have lauded the 2 month long series of exercises and training as being highly useful in preparing their navies for future threats and also improving interoperability.

Most of the fleet is now returning to Proxima 7 though C110 Eurasia is remaining in Raegris space until early next year for further training with the Raegris. The Pulsar cruiser will be making mock-attack runs on surface targets to allow the Raegris to practice and develop strategies and tactics to defend against ground attack.

Dinos battle Bolitic raiders

Recently Dino ships near Pulsin have been attacked by Bolitic ships of the House of Helinek. It is thought Helinek was tasked with testing Dino responses to aggression. Well the response was Consul Ronald (below) leading a detachment of the 6th Legion (his old guard) and attacking the Bolitic force just over the border into Bolitic Confederacy space.


Two Bolitic ships were destroyed including the flagship of Baron Helinek who was killed. No Dino ships were lost though a few Dinos were injured, 2 seriously, when Bolitic suicide squads beams aboard the Dinomarks. The Bolitic Emperor Aliowaki condemned the incursion of the Dinos into their space. Consul MBH dismissed Ronald's actions as the "sad final fantasy of a burned out old man". Ronald's response unfortunately cannot be printed here.

HCS Round-up (19/11/08)

The HCSAF have said they plan to reduce their COIN fleet by around 150 examples, these will be older A-85s which will not be replaced by new build A-85NTs. All replacements may be delayed. When production of the navalised A-85NTN and carrier operated A-85NTK begins next year the Navy will take all production until it's order has been satisfied. Deliveries of HCSAF NTs will then resume. This delay and the closure of 3 COIN Regiments will allow the HCSAF to save around 17 million zarks which will fund an extra 7 F-40S updates on top of the 20 extra already funded.

Withdrawn A-85s are likely to not be scrapped however unless their material condition is very bad but will become auxiliary liaison and communications aircraft alongside the existing ex-A-22 fleet (now O-43). Ex-A-85s will be designated O-47.

The TF-40 trainer fleet will receive an avionics update over the next 3 years to prepare them for training F-45C/K pilots. The update, TF-40ASU, will include a new glass cockpit, improved communications and enhanced datalinking for tutor monitoring and assessment.

Moving onto the Navy the HCSN have announced that the "Future Frigate" will be an updated and improved version of the existing singleton Ailier frigate and will be known as "Ailier II".


Last Hurrah
With his term of office coming to an end Ronald decides to have one last fight against the Bolitic.


Order placed for Rome Block 3 : Berlin

An order for 12 of the Rome Block 3, a major upgrade in the design, has been placed and the ships will be known as the Type 46B Berlin class. The last 3 of the 6 Romes currently on order have been cancelled. The other 3 are currently in various stages of construction which means that work can begin on modifying the jig almost immediately.

The final Rome should be completed early in the new year and work will begin on the first Berlin class corvette at a similar time. The Berlin class will be slightly larger and have greater operational flexibility. The DDS hope to have the first Berlin completed sometime in Q2 2109 with an entry into service by Q3.


Putri 500 place massive order for DDS ships

The DDS have received easily their biggest export order yet from the rather obscure but cash rich planet of Putri 500, the order being worth nearly 20 billion zarks! Putri 500 are ordering no fewer than 21 ships.
  • 1 Velocity-EP1 - the first Velocity-E sale, this will be configured as the flagship of the new Putri 500 fleet and a VIP ship for the Putri president. It will have TPM-1 and Z5ti fitted.
  • 4 Isometric-E15P1s - to the mid-range Isometric-E100 standard including TPMs.
  • 10 Pentekonter-E2P1s - to the mid-range Pentekonter-E200 standard including TPMs. 2 may be fitted with the future DDS minesweeping system.
  • 4 Extender-E oilers and 2 Provider-E transports.
  • The order also includes 5 Coril-DDS shuttles, the setting up of maintenance facilities at Putri 500 and training.
Putri 500 is a very mineral rich world and until now has relied on obscurity for their protection, their fleet consisting of second-hand Tarbotian and Vosun-Voth ships but recently they have had their space violated by both the Tarbotians and ABBOs and it is feared by them that their large cash reserves are starting to attract some unwanted attention. They are basically purchasing a whole new fleet. It is thought they may also place a second smaller order for Dino ships too including some XTs. Full details of the order including exact specifications will be worked out by a DDS team which is currently on the planet.

Rome Elint pod delayed... for CSM detection?

The Elint module to be used on the Rome fleet of corvettes has been delayed for 6 months so that "extra capabilities" can be added. It is being reported by unconfirmed sources that these extra capabilities are IR sensors to detect the launch of missiles on Cloneworld and other planets, especially the CSM that will have the capability of striking targets in the DDS.

Ideally the DDS would want satellites in the Cloneworld system to detect CSM launches. As soon as the missiles leave their launcher they are expected to deploy a cloaking device but the IR signature of the booster rocket will be detectable which will warn the DDS of an attack. Of course the HCS will not really allow the DDS to deploy such satellites. It is thought instead the DDS will use Romes with the Elint module lying cloaked in the Cloneworld system. It is thought the DDS already routinely have a ship in the Clone system listening in on anything interesting. One such ship, an Isometric in this case, was caught last year when it's cloaking device began to fail and was chased away by HCS units.

Such a ship would be able to detect CSM launches and warn GHQ, though the DDS would then to think of a way to detect and destroy cloaked missiles to avoid the attack, at least then they can evacuate important people.


UV135 : Boss Of The World

  • Losers - The Friar feels his power slipping away...
  • Punishment Ride - The Dinos punish the Bolitic...
  • Pure Sex - Knobhead investigates possible Tarbotian activity...
  • Broken Hearted - Jimmy and MBH clash as the Consul election nears...
  • An Epic Battle For You - Utrek and Tarbotians linking up? Things arn't quite what they seem...
  • The Destiny - Windy nears 7 Sa Sao space...
Stay tuned next month for the last book of the year UV136 Master Of The World.


The Destiny
As the Windy task force nears 7 Sa Sao space a spy is discovered.

Clones make about turn on Pangaea

The Pangaea amphibious warfare ship was a casualty of the freezing in relations between the DDS and HCS. The ships' hulls, based on the HCS Intruder design, were to have been built by the Clones and then transferred to the DDS for completion. However with only 2 hulls delivered the HCS cancelled the order and the DDS decided instead to reverse engineer the design and build it themselves in totality.

With the relations between the 2 powers thawing slightly and the HCS seeing that the DDS are going to built them anyway only the Clones will miss out on a lot of cash they have approached the DDS about restoring the order. The DDS are wary about this understandably though it is understood the reverse engineering process is taking longer than anticipated and will be 30% more expensive per ship. Pragmatically the DDS may agree to a resumption of the order even if it is annoying being messed about and the HCS could cut supply again.

The HCS say they have 2 hulls ready to transfer immediately should the DDS agree and also will give the DDS some Kalahati Tuul spares for free as a good will gesture (the HCS have withdrawn their fleet so have plenty of junk they could do with getting rid of).

Terran Sea fleet to be updated

The Terran Sea frigate fleet is to be updated in what is to be known as Terran Sea Enhanced Capability Update 2109 (TS-ECU09), the programme will begin in January next year.
  • All ships will receive TPM-2 launchers and missile handling system. The ships already have the software and electronics installed.
  • The 13 Barents Sea frigates will receive the 5036-A combat suite to enhance tactical data throughput and datalinking (the Arafura class already have this).
  • All ships will receive the dual-mode Z5i cannon (some later Arafura class ships already have this).
  • All ships will receive the latest attack system, iSAS-15K.
  • Improvments will be made to FIDO and other systems which will finally make the fleet fully Open Architecture 2.0 compliant.
Each update will take 1-3 weeks (depending on how much needs to be done) but with 4 facilities able to do the update the DDS thinks the whole fleet should be done by February.

Raegris to boost their fleet

With the threat from the Bolitic Confederacy higher because of their annexation of Vosun-Voth space and other potential future threats including a rumoured Utrek-Tarbot link-up the Raegris Defence Force has announced a major increase in their fleet.
  • The RC-2 fleet is already due for upgrade to RC-2B standard. 4 new ships will also be built as the Raegris still have the jig available from when they built the original ships (and ships they sold to the HCS as the Cosmos class).
  • 2 more DF-1 frigates have been ordered on top of the 6 currently on order (and 4 in service). All DF-1s will receive updates to their passive sensors and tactical computers to bring them up to Terran Sea-D standard. All ships will also have the latest Z5i cannon with dual-ground/space modes. Existing ships will have their cannons updated at their next major refit. iSAS will also be fitted to the ships to give them a ground-attack role.
  • The order for the PC-1, Pentekonter-E, has been increased to 5. These ships will be to E200 standard and will be fully known as the Pentekonter-E21R. They will have TPM-2 launchers.
  • In fact all ships except old ships due for replacement are to receive TPM-2 launchers by 2111. The cruiser fleet of DC-1 (Quasar) and RC-2s will also be fitted for MRM.


HCSAF open day

The HCS Air Force held an open day for the media and public at Central AFB on Cloneworld today. As expected the HCSAF had some news for the press pack. Transferring the A-19B fleet to the navy has already begun and the HCSAF expect to save 2.8 million zarks by transferring the aircraft (through not having to operate the type and in a couple of years withdraw it). That money plus some other savings have enabled the F-40S upgrade programme to be increased by 20, now 137 aircraft will be updated. The hope is that further savings and budget can be found to get the eventual F-40S programme up to 200 aircraft. Currently 37 updates have been carried out.

The HCSAF also announced that the latest version of their main WVR AAM, the AA-11 has been upgraded to AA-11G which supports the new helmet sight used in the F-45 and F-40S. It also has an improved IR seeker. The HCSAF are currently undergoing a full review of it's air to air missiles. It operates a variety of types and some are quite old and obsolete.

The first ER-72ACR airborne command relay has been received by the HCSAF Development Squadron for operational testing. This new variant of the ubiquitous Mustang acts as a flying communications network for the HCS if other links are degraded.

DDS announce "DDS West"

Rumoured for some time but until now not commented on by the DDS but now they have announced an expansion to DDS space with "DDS West" (indeed the directions are meaningless in a space context but handy for people to visualise on a map). DDS West will include the Voth, Sirikwan and New Arit, with the Aritans hosting the main HQ.

It is understood the Voth and New Arit have already agreed to becoming a full part of the DDS but Sirikwan are wavering. Insiders say the Sirikwanese are keen but are just holding out for a few extra concessions.

If the plan goes through then all 3 power's militaries will become part of the DDS. Existing armies and fleets will become part of the DDS though it is likely Arit will retain some separate forces like the Remedian RCPP for policing and communications. The Aritan ally Artic, whom co-own the Pentekonter now operated by Arit, have not yet said if they will join DDS West but it is likely.

Once all parties agree to join then work will begin on the fine print and preparing the infrastructure needed including Grade A hyperlaser communications links. DDS West could be up and running, at least at a minimum level, by the start of 2110.

2108 Consul election enters final push

The 2108 Consul election campaign has entered it's final stages with voting in the first round to take place at the end of November. Then the two with the highest number of votes will go through into a second round the week after. These two are expected to be Imperial Order candidate Cruggson and Veritas = Truth's Lakes. There are three other candidates from smaller parties but none has more than 1% in any polls. Cruggson has a massive 69% in the latest poll incidentally.

Senator Cruggson addressed supporters at a rally in Baeou telling them that a Lakes win would result in the destruction of Dino-Land. "Fear will stalk the streets, people will be overcome with terror and self-loathing. Murder, abuse, rape and self-mutilation will become the norm. Truly the living will envy the dead if Lakes wins the election!" Commentators quipped that it sounded a bit like Wolverhampton.

SS-Commander Lakes meanwhile has been campaigning in Nelan City and told a small crowd of supporters that he would bring change to Dino-Land. "The end of the elitist order, the end to crony politics, the end to conservatism! Vote for me and i will bring change and dynamism to Dino-Land!" Lakes did not answer questions from reporters on his policies including the rather controversial one to introduce a uniformed discipline and physical exercise movement for young girls.


Wayne King-Meiouf : the new missile game

The second article by Professor Wayne King-Meiouf.

The new name of the game is intergalactic missile warfare. By this i mean a missile that is launched a number of light years away from it's target, most likely from a planetary based silo and can hit it's target with a variety of warheads including nuclear. Both the DDS and HCS are actively developing systems that can hit targets up to 10 light years away. This is an important figure as Proxima 7 and Cloneworld are... about 10 light years apart.

The key thing to consider however is in this case the HCS are some way ahead of the DDS. The DDS project was known of first, the Long Range Missile (LRM), a silo based big brother of the 5ly range MRM, was first announced last year. Two models were discussed, the LRM-20 with a range between 10 to 20ly and the later LRM-100 with a range of 100ly. However the DDS have concentrated on the MRM with the intention being to use the finalised MRM as the basis of the LRM. However with the MRM now not going to be finalised until 2110 (most likely or even later) the LRM could not be ready until way into the next decade.

The HCS equivalent, the Clone Space Missile or CSM, has only been heard of recently but it appears the HCS are much further along the development path. A few weeks ago the first test of the rocket booster stage was made (based on the Gale III ICBM) and it is understood that testing of the space stage could begin next year. The DDS have not even begun their development of a booster stage though of course, using the MRM, will be further along with the "business end".

Why are these 2 programmes so important? Because they bring a whole new dimension to intergalactic warfare. No longer will a faction require a fleet to strike at an enemy. Even if the DDS does, as projections indicate, defeat the HCS fleet in a full-on engagement then the HCS would still be able to hit targets at the heart of the DDS. This indeed could force a change in DDS fleet strategy, no longer will it be the aim to destroy the enemy's fleet, they will need the capability to detect and destroy cloaked missiles.

Now attacking the ground facilities of these missiles will be something the DDS will look at but there are signs the HCS will deploy CSM on a variety of hard to detect and destroy platforms including road-mobile launchers and submarines. Even saturation bombing Cloneworld would not guarantee degrading all of the possible launchers so the DDS will need to look again at their defence of the home planets. They will need to improve their methods of detecting cloaked vessels and probably increase the layers of their defence. Evacuation, early warning and damage control are also areas the DDS will need to examine. 100% interception is likely to be difficult to achieve and only 1 nuclear armed CSM would be needed to destroy GHQ. It is thought the HCS plan to deploy at least 350 CSMs ready to launch with an equal number of reloads.

The HCS will also have to look at a number of areas to utilise their new weapon. Navigation and targeting information will be vital (its no point a missile travelling 10ly if it then misses the target). The CSM is said to use pre-programmed target information that would be updated by a HCS ship near to the target (the key role of the MTM will be this it is thought). As a back-up the CSM will use known planetary movements along with prediction to "guess" where on the target planet it is looking at, with terminal IR homing. The HCS say that they could get accuracy to within 100m using this method. The jury is out on that. The recent case of a HCS Cosmos class cruiser being caught in the Proximan system may now, however, be put in context. At the time it was thought to be just a routine spy mission but now analysis of the signals the cruiser was putting out shows the ship was carrying out space mapping and a highly accurate mapping of the Proxima 7 surface...


HCS Space Navy plans for 2109

The HCS Space Navy's plans for 2109 have been revealed, unusually considering the secrecy that usually surrounds the service. The HCSSN has been asked to contribute 350 million zarks next year for the CSM space missile and thus have had to juggle their budgets.

Three more Cosmos S were due to be built but the final 2 have now been cancelled, the current Cosmos S in production will thus be the final Cosmos to be built by the Clones, an amazing production run of over 130 ships. Items already constructed for the 2 cancelled Cosmos S will be used for the upgrade programme for older Cosmos which will now begin in 2110. Cosmos SR will be a complete refurb of the ageing Cosmos ships and upgrade the electronics and weapon systems.

The entire Molentic Tuul fleet will begin it's upgrade and normalisation into the MTM standard from next year as the oldest MTA begin their refurbishment and upgrades. All MTA, MTGX and MTV will eventually be to the MTM standard which will have the triple-cannons of the GX, standard updated electronics including the first use of passive sensors on a HCSSN ship. Most notably however the MTM will be the first HCSSN ships able to carry the new quad-phase missile the HCS are developing and expect to field from 2111. This is the first example of HCS trans-phasic technologies though they are years behind both the Dinos and especially the DDS.

The Kalahati Tuul 2 fleet will continue it's withdrawal in 2109 but withdrawals of the Kalahati Tuul S will now be delayed for a year to save money by allowing Shark production to be slowed. Software development for the KTS was going to be shut down next year but will now continue until 2111. KTS withdrawals are likely now to begin in 2112 instead of 2111.

Intruder production will go through a hiatus in 2109 though the final ships on order will be completed, probably in 2110-1.


An Epic Battle For You
Are the Utrek and Tarbotians linking up? Things arn't quite what they seem.


DDS to conduct fleet review

Windscorpion has directed the Sea Urchin to conduct a review of the DDS fleet and see if it is meeting the current and projected strategic requirements. Windy said that the results of the review, which will be completed by the end of the year, could see more ships ordered but said that if the fleet was seen to be adequate or even excessive then there would not be any withdrawal or order cancellations. Though some ships might go into storage should that be the case. It is widely expected however that the review will call for more ships including a new class of battle cruisers.

Work has already begun on specifications for a possible new cruiser for the 2115 time frame though no firm order has yet been given to start development in progress. The DDS may request extra funds from the UNP (should the review call for more ships of course) for extra ships like the Panther class destroyer.


Fleet news (06/11/07)

The DDS have been busy over the last few weeks with no fewer than 3 new ships joining the fleet. First however Pulsar cruiser C108 Europa has been the latest upgraded to MULE3. The rest of the fleet should be completed by the end of the year.

R106 Bowman is the latest Missileer completed. It has not joined the fleet immediately as the DDS want to use it to test a shipment of Ferret-G next generation UCVs recently delivered by the Dinos. Ferret-G is the second version of the Ferret and can operate in atmospheres. Bowman will be the mothership for an extended test of the current batch over the next month.

D107 Lynx is the latest Panther destroyer completed and has been assigned as the flagship of a deployment that will shortly depart for Voth to relieve the forces currently there.

A182 Doctor Alban is the second Nightingale class hospital ship. The DDS have not yet decided if they will build a third of the class. The ship will depart for Remedian space next week for a 7 week mobile clinic mission. It will be escorted by Remedian ships on it's Remedianatarian mission.

Two Coril shuttles have been withdrawn from service as the crumbling fleet nears the end of it's life. A553 Mary and A560 Michelle will be scrapped. Mary required refueling and it was not considered economic. Michelle was found to have cracks ib it's main load bearer. The first next generation Coril-DDS shuttle is now taking shape and should enter service in Q2 2109.
Broken Hearted
As the next Consul election nears MBH and Jimmy clash...


New Vosun allowed to leave Voth

New Vosun was always a problem for the Voth Free Republic, a planet with a 92% Vosun population right on the edge of their space. The New Vosunites were not keen on joining the Voth and the Voth similarly not keen on the great expense of trying to control them.

Both sides have held talks using DDS supplied intergalactic communications equipment and New Vosun has been allowed to leave the Voth Free Republic, however they are not allowed to rejoin the Vosun-Voth Star Empire (which surely soon must be renamed). The DDS have told the New Vosunites they can remain a free independent state but will not be allowed to host VVSE military forces. The New Vosunites are a fairly independent group however, they left Vosun a few decades ago being mostly political dissidents to form a new colony so do not really have any love for "old" Vosun.

DMZ lifted as deal with Utrek signed

Lengthy peace talks with the Utrek have been concluded and Deputy Commander Firefly yesterday signed a peace deal with the Utrek. The DMZ has now been officially lifted (though restrictions had gradually been relaxed over the last few months).

As part of the deal the Utrek have now handed over a total of 17 Kalahati Tuuls along with some spare parts. The DDS aim to give 12 to their allies, 5 have already been allocated to the Aritans, with the rest kept in storage for spare parts. The Utrek have also given 2.5 billion zarks to the Remedians for reconstruction purposes and will give the DDS 10% of all proceeds from the mineral wealth on DMZ planets. A regular briefing on the Mantae will also be given to the DDS.

The peace deal will mean that the DDS can reduce their forces along the DMZ border though strong forces will remain in Remedian space from both the DDS and Dinos.

HCS Round-up (05/11/08)

A new version of the evergreen Tapir IFV has entered production and signifies a shift in development focus. It is now many years since the last major ground battle the HCS was involved in but there are over 17 separate insurgencies across the Clone Star Empire yet AFV development has not reflected this. Until now that is, the new version of the Tapir is the TRV-5GAIP (Anti-Insurgency Protection) and will be the production version until the co-funded with the Dinos TRV-5HD comes online sometime in 2110.

TRV-5GAIP has increased protection against IEDs as well as improved infra-red detection equipment for bomb triggers and lines. A new EW pack has also been fitted to give warning of weapon lock. A new active IR cancellation system is also being trialled and if successful will become standard on all new and refitted AFVs. The AIR system attempts to reduce the AFV's IR signature with active cancellation using IR emitters and waveform analysers. TRV-5GAIP has now entered production and the first should be reaching units by the end of the year.

The HCSN has begun an upgrade programme of it's SA-N-6 close range SAMs which are fitted to all of it's first generation ships (newer ships have the SA-N-6A). The SA-N-6ECA (Enhanced Combat Ability) retrofits the same seeker and datalink from the 6A.

Another HCSN missile, the SS-NS-3 cruise missile for submarine use, has been cleared for service though the only HCSN submarine SS Tinfish will need modification before it can be fielded. This will occur next year when Tinfish receives a refit.

The 12 aircraft in the 1st batch of the E-1 AEW fleet are to receive a systems update to bring them up to the standard of the later aircraft. The HCSAF are also looking to reopen the production line as only 34 remain in service which is insufficient for the empire's needs. All E-1s will receive modifications for interoperability with the forthcoming fleet of ER-72ACR Airborne Communications Relays as well as a new ECM management system.


DDS stand down as Bolitic rumour proves false

The DDS has stood down to a lower level of readiness after the frenzy of rumours of a Bolitic fleet setting out towards the DDS proved to be false. Dino intelligence did not detect any large scale Bolitic fleet movements and it is thought Dino contacts in the Bolitic Confederacy have confirmed there is no attack.

It is thought the rumours of the attack were purposely started by the Bolitic to test the DDS reaction to a burst of "chatter". The Bolitic are masters of info and cyber warfare and it could be they are developing new tactics to manipulate the DDS and allied blogosphere and media.

DDS to reboot Isometric-E

Despite the first Isometric-E being delivered to Molab to date sales have been dissappointing, indeed only Molab have ordered 2 (though they may order a 3rd). The problem the DDS Ship Exports Sales Team has found is that the options the DDS are offering do not match customer needs.

Currently the DDS is offering the following :
  • Isometric-EH - high-end spec, Terran Sea engine, TPM capable, various system options
  • Isometric-EM - mid-end spec, Isometric engine, TPM option
  • Isometric-EL - low-end spec, Isometric engine, basic equipment
The problem is the EH is too expensive for most people and the EM beyond most pockets. The EL is maybe too low a spec and customers have gone for the Pentekonter-E instead. The DDS are going to relaunch the Isometric-E next month with the following :
  • Isometric-E200 - high-end, TPM, Z5 cannon, passive sensors, combat suite, UCV support
  • Isometric-E100 - mid-end, TPM, Z5m cannon, average sensor fit
  • Isometric-E50 - low-end, average sensor fit
The key new model is the E50 which although still the low-end has a better sensor fit equivalent to a DDS spec Pentekonter. The equipment has also been made more flexible to suit possible customer requirements.


Molab receive first Isometric-EMM

Molab have received the first of the 2 Isometric-EMM (the mid-range export Isometric) from the Raegris. Contrary to earlier plans the ship has been fitted with TPM-1 missile launchers. The Molab Space Force have placed an order for 150 TPM-1-D missiles plus 30 GTPM-1A dummy loads for training. These dummies are used for training in missile handling and simulations though cannot be launched.

Molab has also ordered 100 Ferret-E UCVs and will operate them in conjunction with the Isometrics. Isometrics in DDS service can already control Ferret-Es though do not have any docking capabilities. The Molab ship has the same control suite. Its not yet known how the Molab will operate their Ferrets though carried externally by the Isometrics could be an option, something the DDS have already considered themselves.

The delivery now means 50% of the Isometric-Es on order have been delivered. The DDS have been unable to sell the type to anyone else yet though it is understood Putri 500 have expressed an interest in the low-end model the Isometric-EL.

Bolitic war fleet on the way?

There are rumours that 40 Bolitic warships, including the warships of 3 principal houses, has departed from Castarian bound for the DDS. The DDS blogosphere has erupted since the rumours were first posted on a Raegris military blog though the DDS have not confirmed or denied anything.

As a precaution however it is understood the DDS has upped it's alert status from 4 to 3 and put the ships of the 1st Fleet on a 2 hour readiness status. A Rome corvette has also been ordered to make a diversion from it's usual patrol circuit to cover the area of space between the Bolitic and DDS space that an attack fleet would come.