
Utrekians surrender

Following over 2 weeks of stalling and wallowing in minute details the Utrekians have abruptly said they accept the terms of surrender presented to them by the Allies. It is understood General Morkon received a communique from Utrek High Command instructing him to sign up to the terms which include 20 billion zarks compensation and an extensive demilitarised zone. One concession the Allies have made is that all Utrek prisoners will be returned which has angered some Remedian politicians who wanted some Utrek officers put on trial for war crimes.

The cause of this about-face is of course the devastating DDS attack on Golf. It is understood news of this attack has caused a massive upheaval in Utrek High Command with most senior Utrek officers forced to resign (it is rumoured in some cases assassinated). The greatly weakened Utrek Federation is now facing uprisings by some of it's subject races elsewhere and the fear is if the war against the DDS continues the Utrek war machine will be weakened to the extent it cannot guarantee security.

As per the terms of surrender all Utrek military installations and forces will have to be removed from Golf, Tromas, Aktau, Diareel and Kame. The Utrekians will be permitted to retain a small liaison post on Diareel. Small numbers of internal security troops will also be permitted on the other planets but armed only with small arms. The DDS will be setting up surveillance and monitoring stations along the DMZ to make sure Utrek warships do not cross into it. New orbital facilities are hurriedly being built at Mila and Loeuss, where the Dinos will also have a base. It is thought they will assist with monitoring and guarding the DMZ.