
Utrek begin demilitarization of border planets

As part of the surrender terms the Utrek have begun the demilitarization of their planets bordering Remedian space. The Utrek have been given a year to complete the process which is to be overseen by observers from the Raegris and Vosun Voth. As per the terms all offensive land and space material must be removed. The Utrek will be able to retain internal security, disaster/rescue services and military liaison offices.

This humiliation has angered many Utrek military officers and senior government but the defeat of the Utrek and the massive losses they have suffered has sparked no fewer than 17 uprising and incursions elsewhere in their territory so it is likely they will be too busy to bother about the DMZ for a long time. Indeed one observer has said that the Utrek need those removed forces elsewhere pretty desperately to keep their empire together.