
DDS to deploy cut-down SAS for smaller ships

The DDS have developed a cut down version of the Strategic Assault System currently used on the Pulsar and Quasar cruisers. The iSAS is small enough to be fitted to ships of Rome size and above. It is based on the targeting system already fitted to Romes in the ground attack mode and uses the ships' own sensors with software filters instead of specialist sensors. The accuracy and range of iSAS is much less than SAS-P or SAS-Q and can only handle one missile launch and targeting at a time but is good enough to allow ships like Isometrics to have an auxiliary ground attack mode.

Naturally the flagship SS Carboniferous is to be the first ship fitted with iSAS, it is currently being integrated into the ship's tactical systems and will be given an extended test on Windy's mission to find the New Cross. The DDS will not begin a full fleet wide deployment until feedback from Carboniferous is received.