
Troubled Oscar descending back to war

Split world Oscar looks set to be heading back to war after mere months of peace after the last flare up of conflict between the Human and Clone halves of the planet. However UNP officials fear that the trouble could be much worse this time with both sides having held elections this summer and in both case hard-line parties have swept to power on the xenophobia ticket.

The HCS and DDS both keep patrols to prevent weapons shipments to the two sides (though the Dinos have been deputising for the DDS because of the Utrek situation - DDS forces will be returning soon). The suspicion in the DDS though is that the HCS are turning a blind eye to shipments for the Clone, the HCS have denied this strenuously. The Dinos have reported that an Aritan freighter was allowed into Oscar Clone space without any inspection by HCS ships earlier this month. The HCS have in turn said that DDS and Dino inspections of Human bound ships has been "less than thorough".

Deputy DDS Commander Firefly will hold a summit with DDS and UNP officials next month and it is hoped spokesmen from the two Oscar sides can take part via video conference.


Fleet news (27/09/07)

A new frigate has joined the fleet. Arafura Sea class (Terran Sea C2) F149 Philippine Sea was dedicated at a ceremony at Solaris and has set out on it's first patrol near the Utrek DMZ. The first Fulcrum class special forces transport A601 Fulcrum has also begun trials and is expected to enter service (in a more low-key ceremony) at the end of the year. The DDS have updated the communications and navigational systems to DDS standards and will add extra DDS systems next year.

The ageing class of Coril shuttles will receive a long-needed update. Coril 2107 Update A (CO2107UA) will be carried out over the next few months and includes improvements to navigational systems, main computer, various software updates, improved docking facilities and refurbished interiors.


Trojan Warlord injury update

The Trojan Warlord has told reporters he will be on the injured list for a few weeks. He said the pain of the brutal assault will go, especially in his groin area, in a few months. He said that it was definitely 3 Hoods who beat him up.

Unfortunately for Trojan there was a tape mix-up on DDS TV and footage of doctors treating his injured bare genitals was shown across the DDS. Windscorpion said it was a small matter and nothing to get excited about.


First F-40S flies as HCSAF unveil plans for future

The first F-40S, a rebuilt older F-40 using F-45 technologies, was test flown at Central AFB near Ailier City today on Cloneworld. This is part of a huge programme to update around 1000 older F-40s giving them another 20-25 years service use. The F-40S includes the avionics, radar and engines from the F-45 in a rebuilt strengthened fuselage which also has a number of changes to reduce RCS. The wing has also been replaced with a modified wing giving greater agility. A HCSAF General said the F-40S gave the HCSAF "75% of an F-45 for 50% of the price" though it would not" replace new build F-45 production". One omission from the prototype was vector thrust which the HCSAF would be added later during the flight test programme which is due to last until the end of 2108 with the first production F-40S builds taking place in 2109.

The HCSAF also revealed that they are working on a number of new projects, now possible due to the first sustained budget increases for over 12 years. The F-46 was notable from it's absence from the list which ties with speculation the HCSAF have abandoned this type finally. The types that were mentioned were the F-45C air superiority fighter version of the F-45, the AH-26X next generation battlefield helicopter and the C-441. This latter aircraft is a new version of the HCSAF's airlift backbone the C-440 with new engines and an improved fuselage.

HCS Fleet Round-up (25/09/07)

The Shark frigate, the next generation replacement for the second-line ships in the HCS Fleet, has been delayed the HCS have announced. The ship was hoped to begin trials around now with an entry in service by the end of the year but this has now been put back due to problems with the powerplant and engine management systems. Entry into service is now being pencilled in for the end of Q1 2108.

The HCS are continuing to withdraw Kalahati Tuul Bs though as the ships have reached the end of their service life and it is not considered safe to continue operation. This means that some gaps in HCS coverage are now appearing, though in low priority areas, however the HCS hope to minimise the impact of the Shark delay. The Kalahati Tuul B is expected to be totally withdrawn by the end of this year. Withdrawals of Kalahati Tuul 2s will begin next year and the 2Ns will be transferred to the Remedians. Thus a mass production programme of the Shark must begin by Q1 2108.

The fleet of 20 Molentic Tuuls are to receive an update taking them close to GX standard. The update will improve sensors, weapons and computers. A HCS source said it was basically a GX without the new engine. The updates will begin next year and will be called Molentic Tuul A.

The programme to relocate the Zones to Colom is taking place with a massive operation using 90+% of the entire HCS spacelift force, the entire amphibious fleet and no fewer than 30 other warships for escorts. The HCS say their transport units are feeling the strain but are coping with the massive effort.


GHQ mystery attack : have the Hoods returned?

Trojan Warlord has suffered a serious assault in a remote area of GHQ, including several dozen baseball bat hits to the groin area. When he was found by DDS Security he said that the Hoods had attacked him, unfortunately there was no CCTV footage to collaborate his evidence as the only CCTV in that area is in the male toilets.

DDS City Commander Firefly said it was unlikely the Hoods were behind the attack as Windscorpion has erased them from history with his Ultra Suit when he destroyed the Hoods and Rotarios, survivors had been killed, raped, raped then killed or killed then raped by Windy Massive members. However a large fabric mask in the Hood style was also found draped over a radio tower so some have speculated that Hood survivors may have regrouped and now are fighting back.


Clench your buttocks as the latest book is here to penetrate your defences! In A Word in Your Shell Like the DDS lose patience with the Utrek and attack a Utrek planet. Oh What A Lovely War returns us to the insane ultraviolence of the Gods of War, the Bolitic Confederacy. In Return Of The Mac Oojok makes contact with XE and they plan his return to power.

In CSS the ESBG get renamed but they are just as butch. Finally in An Unexpected Return have the Hoods really returned?

The biggest news is however the UV books will return to a fortnightly schedule so in mid-October expect UV119 Quarz : A Portrait Of Sadness and another book 2 weeks after that!


Injuries and appointments round-up

Sea Urchin is understood to be recovering well following his life-threatening wounds against the Zones. He is currently on a programme of recovery at home and keeping abreast with DDS developments. He hopes to be ready to return to duty early in 2108.

Firefly has begun walking again following some further surgery to his legs which were badly injured in a battle against the Zones. The Mad Medic has used new micro-servo motor technology to enable Firefly to walk normally again. Though he has to keep away from large magnets.

Zeppelin has returned to light duties, he was injured during the battle of Loeuss. He has been tasked with leading the DDS Land Forces and will perform a review of their performance on Loeuss.

Doombringer has started his new role as DDS Southern Fleet Commander based at Randalf 74. He held a meeting with the head of the New Arit fleet who have been covering for the DDS in the area while the normal assets have been unavailable.

Trojan Warlord has been tasked with managing the moving of the DDS Photographic Archive, DDS Payroll and the DDS Creche away from GHQ.


HCS to upgrade their tank forces

The HCS have announced they are to significantly improve their tank forces over the next few years. Since the HCS reorganisation the HCS have standardised on the T-89 as the main battle tank and the T-55Z as support and second-line tank withdrawing thousands of older and non-standard tanks. Currently the HCS have over 12,000 T-89s and around 15,000 T-55Zs (with handfuls of T-88s and T-62Zs hidden away in remote corners of the empire).

Around 2000 older T-89s (As and Bs) will be upgraded to the new T-89G with improvements to the FCS, communications subsystem and a new engine. The HCS are also considering reopening the production line to build around 500 new build T-89Gs if extra funding for a new panzer division is secured.

The Dinos are a keen customer of the T-55Zs and have bought 1000s of second-hand and new tanks to totally re-equip their army. They are currently funding an improved version of the tank, the T-55ZDM with an improved turret with extra armour, a new FCS, gun improvements and an improved internal layout. The Dinos are to buy new build T-55ZDMs and also around 1000 new turrets to retrofit existing tanks. The HCS are also going to procure this model of the T-55, to be known as T-55Z7 in HCS service. Around 750 of the oldest T-55Zs will be rebuilt to this standard and there may also be 250 new tanks for the new division.


Fleet news (19/09/07)

An extra Missileer has been ordered making an eventual fleet of 9. As for the lead ship R101 Missiler this has now left dock following upgrades to Phase 2 operation and will begin testing and system integration trials over the next month.

Some details of the next frigate class the Mars have been announced, the DDS have opted for a developed version of the Terran Sea engine, the C5 instead of a new powerplant. This will give the Mars a similar performance to the Terran Sea frigate though cruise speed will be increased to 850c.

The DDS are understood to be looking to buying a third Utrek High Speed Transport although this one, to be bought off the Porquatians is battle damaged. It is thought likely the DDS will use it for spares rather than try and turn it into a third Fulcrum class transport.

Dinos begin testing of Ferret-E

The Dinos have begun flight testing of the Ferret-E, the UCV jointly developed by the Dinos, DDS and Starbotians. The first DDS produced prototype is expected to begin testing next month. Ferret-E is a small nimble unmanned space fighter designed for attack, defence and scouting missions. The DDS hope to begin fielding Ferret-E in service next summer, with the air mode capable second generation coming in 2109.

Following the end of the Utrek war production plans have been scaled back though construction of a large production facility on Starbot has continued. The facility will have the potential of being able to produce 100 Ferrets a day though production will begin at the much more modest rate of 5 a day next year!

The Dinos and DDS are both expected to purchase at least 500 Ferrets each with the Starbotians planning 250.


Changes at Dino Senate

Some changes to the Dino Senate have been made and been endorsed by Consul G-B-H. The current line up of Senators and senior ministers is :

Ronald - Consul / Head of the Senate
G-B-H - Consul / Minister of Foreign Affairs
Jimmy - Minister of the Interior
El Diablo - Finance Minister
Cruggson - Trade & Industry Minister
Spikeson - Minister of Health & Social Services
Lakes - Head of the SS
M-B-H - Minister of Cultural Affairs
Zanus - Minister of War

The main change is Zanus taking over Ouranosaur's role of Head of the Armed Forces and merging it with his Internal Security role. Ouranosaur was of course killed during the Utrek war. The Senate decided to merge the roles instead of bringing in someone else. Razorback remains Senate Executive Officer, whilst not officially a Senator he is in charge of Senate administration and affairs.

ESBG renamed CSS

The elite of the elite, the Emperor Special Bodyguard or ESBG, has finally been renamed to reflect the fact they no longer have an Emperor to guard. The small force has been renamed Consul Security Squad or CSS. It's role will be to protect the 2 Consuls on foreign trips and always be ready in case there is an attack on the Consuls at home.

As before the force is commanded by Smellyson, part of his portfolio at the War Ministry. The CSS is at the top of the Dino Army pyramid above the special forces SS-D with which it sometimes operates.

DDS to deploy cut-down SAS for smaller ships

The DDS have developed a cut down version of the Strategic Assault System currently used on the Pulsar and Quasar cruisers. The iSAS is small enough to be fitted to ships of Rome size and above. It is based on the targeting system already fitted to Romes in the ground attack mode and uses the ships' own sensors with software filters instead of specialist sensors. The accuracy and range of iSAS is much less than SAS-P or SAS-Q and can only handle one missile launch and targeting at a time but is good enough to allow ships like Isometrics to have an auxiliary ground attack mode.

Naturally the flagship SS Carboniferous is to be the first ship fitted with iSAS, it is currently being integrated into the ship's tactical systems and will be given an extended test on Windy's mission to find the New Cross. The DDS will not begin a full fleet wide deployment until feedback from Carboniferous is received.

Utrek begin demilitarization of border planets

As part of the surrender terms the Utrek have begun the demilitarization of their planets bordering Remedian space. The Utrek have been given a year to complete the process which is to be overseen by observers from the Raegris and Vosun Voth. As per the terms all offensive land and space material must be removed. The Utrek will be able to retain internal security, disaster/rescue services and military liaison offices.

This humiliation has angered many Utrek military officers and senior government but the defeat of the Utrek and the massive losses they have suffered has sparked no fewer than 17 uprising and incursions elsewhere in their territory so it is likely they will be too busy to bother about the DMZ for a long time. Indeed one observer has said that the Utrek need those removed forces elsewhere pretty desperately to keep their empire together.


DDS set up Elite Unit

The DDS have set up a new regiment called DDS Reaction Force (DDS-RF). Their commander, Ice Ranger, said that this would be the elite of the DDS ground forces. A training academy has been set up on Rathun's World and there will be DDS-RF bases on Proxima 7, Terra and Solaris too. The core of DDS-RF is the existing special forces of the DDS Army who performed very well on Loeuss.

Ice Ranger said DDS-RF will be operational by the end of the year though full training and integration will not take place until late 2108. DDS-RF is a key component of the new assertive DDS and will be deployed from ships like the Marconi and Missileer.


Windy to lead expedition to find settlers

Windy has handed over control of the Northern Fleet to The Orchid and set off back to DDS GHQ. He will personally lead an expedition to search for the lost settlers known as the New Cross in the little known (to the DDS) space beyond the Bolitic Confederacy. The flagship SS Carboniferous is being prepared for a long range mission. The DDS did not say when the mission would set off but Carboniferous is due to be ready by the end of the month.

The DDS did say that Windy will visit Dino-Land on the way and hold talks with Consul Ronald.


Full steam ahead for Zone resettlement

Virtually the entire HCS transport and amphibious fleet is being deployed, as well as the HCS' entire stockpile of emergency relief materials, on the resettlement of the Zone race from their shattered irradiated homeland to Colom, an obscure planet of the Clone Empire. It is reported that nearly 50,000 Zones a day are arriving at 10 camps being hurriedly built across the planet and are being housed in huge temporary camp sites. The Dinos are also assisting with a package of assistance including emergency rations, anti-radiation drugs and 30 million zarks financial assistance. It is also reported the Dinos are providing assistance to the hard pressed HCS transport fleet. An unconfirmed report also states the UNP have also provided some assistance.

However this assistance will remain a secret as hatred of humans is high among the Zones. A riot occurred in one camp yesterday after a group of human soldiers in the HCS (Cloneworld native humans) were accidentally sent to one of the camps. The Zones exploded in rage and nearly lynched the humans. 16 Zones were killed in the riot and 4 HCS soldiers. The HCS have sent all human HCS personnel (some 210 on the planet) back to base and sent extra troops to guard the camps.

The resettlement is just getting going too, when extra commercial and military assets (including transport ships from New Arit, Starbot and the Dinos) get on stream the number of Zones arriving on Colom every day could pass 150,000.


Oojok visits Cloneworld again

Oojok has made a surprise visit to Cloneworld, he will hold meetings with representatives of the Church Of Oojok and the Clone Government of The Friar. Oojok said he hoped for greater co-operation between the Dinos and Clones, he is special advisor of the Dino political party VERITAS = TRUTH and it is thought he has been asked by the party's deputy leader M-B-H to see if relations between the 2 Central Powers can be restored to their previous good levels.

M-B-H is standing for the Consul election later this year and improved relations with the Clones could be a good policy for him.


Fleet news (10/09/07)

Isometric frigate F110 Miocene was badly damaged in the DDS attack on Golf, it is currently being towed back to Solaris where it will undergo repairs. It is expected to be out of service until next year.

Two Quasars have been withdrawn from service to receive their ILU2 update, C122 Photon and C126 Lepton were both in need of repair and heavy refit after hard use in the war and will be out of action until later in the year. Lead ship Quasar completed it's ILU2 update early and already has returned to service where it is now filling in as flagship while Carboniferous returns to GHQ on a mission.

Pentekonter P106 Sappho has become the latest Pentekonter-M mine warfare ship (and of course renumbered M106). Sappho has the latest version of SPECNES and accompanying software, this will be retrofitted to the other 4 Pentekonter-Ms later in the year.

The Marconi EW class leadship E101 Marconi has been taken out of service to be fitted for it's new expanded role as a Sigint platform and special forces base. It will have extensive new equipment fitted as well as an enlarged docking bay with facilities for SROPS and Fulcrum transports. There will also be accommodation for up to 50 special forces troops and a basic casualty receiving station. Marconi is expected to be ready for it's new role early in 2108.

Finally the 4th Nightingale hospital ship has been cancelled because of revised UNP funding. The 4th ship was intended for the Remedian fleet but that no longer exists of course.

Windy to announce rebranding later this month / round-up

Windy has gone to Remedia Prime to monitor the conclusion to the Utrek surrender negotiations and to be on hand in case the Utrek do try a revenge attack for the devastating assault on Golf (this is pretty unlikely though). Windy has sent his flagship SS Carboniferous back home to escort damaged DDS ships and moved his flag to SS Quasar which came out of it's ILU2 retrofit and trial early for the meantime.

Windy says that the long-awaited DDS rebranding will be announced officially when he returns to GHQ later in September. He did drop the information however that the DDS will become Domination Death Squad. He also said he was monitoring the situation with the lost settlers and the DDS would send a ship if they had any concrete proof to go on.

Meanwhile the Dinos have rotated their forces on Loeuss and deployed the 11th Legion. As well as guarding Utrek prisoners this relief force will also begin construction of the new permanent Dino base on the planet.


DDS receive call to assist lost settlers

The UNP has requested the DDS locate and assist a lost settler group who left UNP space some 18 years ago. The group, the New Cross, wanted to find a world to settle and create a new Christian community. It is thought they did find a planet somewhere beyond UNP charted space in the little known region beyond Bolitic and Vosun Voth space.

Recently the UNP received intelligence via the Vosun Voth that this community may have been enslaved by an unknown enemy. The DDS have requested full information on the sect and it's journey plan and will consider sending an expedition.

Utrekians surrender

Following over 2 weeks of stalling and wallowing in minute details the Utrekians have abruptly said they accept the terms of surrender presented to them by the Allies. It is understood General Morkon received a communique from Utrek High Command instructing him to sign up to the terms which include 20 billion zarks compensation and an extensive demilitarised zone. One concession the Allies have made is that all Utrek prisoners will be returned which has angered some Remedian politicians who wanted some Utrek officers put on trial for war crimes.

The cause of this about-face is of course the devastating DDS attack on Golf. It is understood news of this attack has caused a massive upheaval in Utrek High Command with most senior Utrek officers forced to resign (it is rumoured in some cases assassinated). The greatly weakened Utrek Federation is now facing uprisings by some of it's subject races elsewhere and the fear is if the war against the DDS continues the Utrek war machine will be weakened to the extent it cannot guarantee security.

As per the terms of surrender all Utrek military installations and forces will have to be removed from Golf, Tromas, Aktau, Diareel and Kame. The Utrekians will be permitted to retain a small liaison post on Diareel. Small numbers of internal security troops will also be permitted on the other planets but armed only with small arms. The DDS will be setting up surveillance and monitoring stations along the DMZ to make sure Utrek warships do not cross into it. New orbital facilities are hurriedly being built at Mila and Loeuss, where the Dinos will also have a base. It is thought they will assist with monitoring and guarding the DMZ.


DDS attack Utrek planet

A special task force led by Windscorpion has launched a devastating attack on the Utrek world of Golf. The planet, one of the Utrek planets along the Remedia-Utrek border, had a huge military complex and a powerful orbital station. Both were used extensively in the Utrek invasion as marshalling areas and repair for warships. Both will no longer be available.

A joint attack by Von Kane and Torus chased away the Utrek warships in orbit and then battered down the powerful station. 4 Kalahati Tuuls and 1 Molentic Tuul was destroyed by the DDS. F110 Miocene suffered extensive damage in the attack on the station which was heavily defended and there were a number of DDS casualties.

With the station destroyed however the second wave moved in led by Windscorpion. Two Pulsar bombers fired 6 large nuclear missiles at the vast military complex on the planet below (the complex was said to be the size of Wales). 18 nuclear weapons exploded across the complex, sweeping aside the Utrek military facility in the resulting nuclear firestorm. The base was almost totally destroyed at a cost of millions of dead Utrek.


F-10S Milestone 3

The next generation DDS jet fighter the F-10S Shark 2100 has reached Milestone 3 also known as Release Candidate 1. If extended tests during September are successfully completed then the F-10S will be cleared to begin production by the end of the year. Milestone 3 includes full integration into DDS data networks including datalinks from ground, air and space based sources. A key role for the F-10S will be missile defence and the F-10S will carry out tests with air launched TPMs.

The DDS have said they will procure 120 F-10S to supplement it's current fleet of 56 F-10As. A further order of F-10S is expected later on. Although derived from the F-10A the F-10S is a much more advanced fighter with stealth and data networking features.

The F-10A fleet will also be upgraded to F-10A3 standard which includes a number of improvements to avionics and ECM next year when enough F-10S are in service to take over their duties.


HCS Navy update

The head of development of the reformed HCS Navy (as in water based not space) Admiral V. Phoebus hosted a media day at the Naval HQ at the port of Reuilla on Ailier's north coast. He said that the regeneration of the navy was going well and they should be on target to begin limited fleet operation by the end of next year. Developments over the last few months include :
  • Launch of the first new destroyer CNS Olana (for service by next summer)
  • Return to service of the submarine CNS Tinfish
  • Two more Triona OPVs joining the fleet
  • Another successful operation against pirates
  • Funding received for an update of the F-40N fleet to F-40N2 standard
  • Setting up of new Naval Academy
  • Reformation of Navy Infantry Legion
Phoebus said recreating a navy from virtually scratch was a difficult endeavour but the HCSN would by the next decade be securing the coastlines of Cloneworld from attack. Next year is expected to see the launch of 2 more destroyers, the first of 3 frigates (to accompany CNS Ailier the only current major surface ship) and the new aircraft carrier CNS Cloneworld. Phoebus admitted that submarine construction was behind schedule because of a lack of available skills but he said that by the end of the decade Tinfish would have some "comrades".