Brace your dangly bits for the latest bollock shattering installment of stories from the DDS Comic Universe! In
Betrayal At Olaka 402 M-B-H sells out Jimmy to the Utrek. The final battle between the DDS and the Utrek begins and we follow the story firstly aboard SS North Sea and a damage control team in
The Final Push. Pausing just to see what dreadful fate befell the Book Barons in
Pain & Humiliation we then see the DDS-Utrek battle from outside in
Victory!Meanwhile Redjec is trying to break up Quarz and Delicate Flower in
Possessed By A Toaster with usual dismal results. Finally in
Xylophone Spinning M-B-H smears Jimmy in the media but has Lakes turned on his master?
Stay tuned next month for
UV118 : To Kill The King!