
Surrender negotiations begin

The negotiations between the Allies and the Utrek has begun. The DDS and Dinos presented a robust list of demands, which are summarised as :
  • The Utrek to demilitarise their space near the Utrek border including the planets Golf, Tromas, Aktau, Diareel and Kame (see map).
  • The Utrek to provide 10 billion zarks to the Remedian government for rebuilding and compensation. Also 5 billion zarks each to the Dinos and DDS as compensation.
  • All Allied prisoners to be returned unharmed.
In return the Utrek are demanding the return of their prisoners and captured war material. However the Allies are not so keen on the latter though they may return the ships dearmed. Some prisoners, especially officers in the Utrek army who served on Loeuss and Mila, are thought to have been responsible for massacres of Remedian soldiers and civilians. The Remedians want these men tried for war crimes.

Negotiations are expected to take some time.