
The Final Battle (3) : Mila front

The third part of the Allied offensive plan was for the Remedian fleet to launch an attack on the only Remedian planet successfully held by the Utrek, Mila. Every remaining Remedian warship, headed by a DDS Pulsar class cruiser, launched an attack on around 34 Utrek warships and orbital defence posts around the planet.

The Remedians, in what is likely to be the final mission of the Remedian Navy before they become a police force under DDS control, fought well despite the heavy odds. Kalahati Tuuls D171 Remedia Prime, D173 Frontier, D174 Raedial 319, D176 Holomarnox and Kalahati Tuul 2 D183 Milin were destroyed in the battle though crews managed to escape most of the ships without major loss of life. 21 Utrek ships were destroyed and the orbital defence ring smashed.

The Utrek left Mila orbit and the Remedians launched a land operation using the Intruder LPD and 5 Dinomark XTs loaned by the Dinos (operating with Dino crews). A Remedian infantry brigade was landed near the Mila capital and has now encircled the capital where most Utrek land forces are based.

The Utrek attempted a counter attack to regain control in orbit but were chased off by the Pulsar, losing 2 more ships in the process.