
DDS buy 2 Utrek transports off HCS

The DDS have bought 2 Utrek High Speed Transports off the HCS in a 150 million zark deal (which also includes a number of spare parts and maintenance materials). The ultra-fast ships are ex-ODS and will be used for special forces missions and specialist reconnaissance by the DDS. The DDS have called them the Fulcrum class. The ships will be refurbished and fitted out with DDS communication equipment as well as some other equipment that has not been specified.

Firefly said that the ships would be a key part of the DDS' evolving special forces arm, their high speed of 900c would be highly useful. He also said that Missileer and Marconi ships would both be able to operate these ships from their docking bays. The 2 ships are expected to enter service early next year.

DDS hold talks with Vosun-Voth

A DDS team has arrived at the capital world of the ancient Vosun-Voth Star Empire to hold talks with them. The DDS are keen to have an alliance with the Vosun-Voth including have stopping rights (the ships being allowed to stop at VV ports for repair and refuelling) for their warships at VV ports. The DDS have offered to help the VV with propulsion technology in return for stopping rights and some other unspecified military help. An unconfirmed report says the DDS would like to base a long-range surveillance station on Vang (which would be able to keep an eye on Utrek territory nearby) and a subspace communication relay station which would help bring the Raegris (Vosun Voth territory is between themselves and DDS space) into the DDS network.

Vosun-Voth ships are good though the VV lag behind on space propulsion badly, their fastest ships can only attain around 230c. The VV are keen to get up to 500c at least. It is possible the VV may also trade their innovative anti-matter shower weapon with the DDS (which has been proven to defeat DDS shields) in return for other DDS technical help.

Skirmish as Windy's patience weakens

Windscorpion has become impatient with the lack of progress with the surrender talks taking place between Utrek and Allied representatives. The Utreks are resisting the calls for compensation and military concessions. An officer assisting the DDS representative said the Utrek are using every delaying tactic they can think of. Windy has sent a message to the Utrek that they must come to an agreement as soon as possible.

Meanwhile there has been a skirmish near the Remedian / Utrek border, the first action since the large battles that saw the end of the Utrek invasion. Two Utrek warships crossed the border to attack a DDS oiler A141 Extender, on it's way to Von Kane's task force. The Extender received some damage to it's main drive but the Utrek were chased off by a DDS warship. Following some repairs the Extender was able to resume it's journey.


Missileer to reach Phase 2

R101 Missileer has returned for Solaris for extra work for it to reach Phase 2 of it's Operational Readiness. The work over the next month will entail fitting the full version of the new quad-bank missile launcher and related support systems (thus allowing the ship to fire up to 16 missiles per second) and new builds of the data integration and processing systems. The Missileer will then be able to take tactical data from 16 other ships plus it's own sensors. The DDS also also going to add a back-up processing suite so the Missileer can assist ships that may be damaged by farming out it's spare tactical and communications capacity to them.

The Missileer will also be fitted with a 360 CIWS after the total coverage system was calibrated for the SUP hull form. Work will also take place on the docking bay adding some maintenance facilities as well as an auto-guidance beam to assist docking ships. Full docking bay systems and support will not be added until the Ferret UCV enters service however next year.


Nominations to open for Consul election

Although the electoral phoney war has been going on for months already nominations officially open today for the Consul election to be held later in the year. Senator Jimmy and Senator M-B-H will be nominated by the Liberal Party and Veritas = Truth respectively. Imperial Order will not stand a candidate in this election. Several smaller parties are also expected to try and get candidates fielded. Candidates require nominations from 5 Dinos of Tribune rank or above.

Originally the nominations was not going to be opened until October but because of the interest and the electioneering already taken place this has been bought forward. A vote will take place in November and then a run-off of the 2 candidates with the highest votes (most people expect this to be Jimmy and M-B-H) at the start of December. The elected Consul would then take G-B-H's place at the start of 2108.


Dinos want a bomber?

A Dino delegation recently had a tour of a Pulsar SAS bomber and showed a great deal of interest in this strategic asset of the DDS. It is thought the Dino Army wants a similar capability. Currently the Dinos do field nuclear weapons but they tend to be smaller tactical bombs dropped by Dinomarks. The Dinos are looking into a stand-off nuclear bomber like the Pulsar.

The Dinomark RS is the ideal candidate for this. The most powerful ship in the Dino fleet but one without a real role. The small number of RS spend their time in orbit around Dino-Land and Pulsin as command ships for the protecting fleets but as few combatants have ever got close enough to the core planets the RS has seen little combat. Indeed the last time the Dinomark RS was involved in any meaningful combat was during the short Dino-DDS War in 2099 when an RS destroyed a Pulsar and badly damaged another.

The Dinos want a more aggressive foreign policy and using the RS as a bomber could be part of this.

In other Dino news the Dinomark NG fleet has been restored to 35 examples after 6 ships were restored to service. The Dinos keep a lot of older ships in storage, these 6 ships have been refurbished and upgraded up to NG/6a standard. However the XT fleet has been cut back to 175 after around 30 older ships were restored to reserve units or storage.


DDS to move comms to P5 / Ultranet

The DDS has announced it will relocate DDS Communications Command (DDS-COMMCAM) to Proxima 5 which will also become the hub of the next generation DDS communications network work on which is to begin next year. Key to the move is external money. The Proxima 5 government wish to boost their economy by having extra DDS assets on the planet and are providing a 1.1 billion zark grant for the move. The UNP Development Fund is also contributing 1.5 billion. The DDS themselves will have to pay around 400 million though will be able to recoup around 75 million through sales of real estate freed up on Proxima 7. DDS-COMMCAM is the nerve centre of DDS communications, controlling and maintaining the network, keeping in touch with DDS assets and developing encryption technologies. Currently the command has 1102 personnel, many of which will be relocated.

Proxima 5 will also get the DDS Research Networking Centre (RNC) which is currently developing the next generation DDS communications backbone known as Ultranet. Proxima 5 will be the first planet to receive use of the new communications backbone which in Phase 1 will run between P5 & 7 and Solaris. Ultranet uses higher subspace frequencies and digital multiplexing to provide around 100 times more bandwidth than the current DDS Hypernet. With the new demands of technologies like FIDO and OA 2.0 the DDS is running out of bandwidth fast but Ultranet, when fully deployed at a future date, should give the DDS a long-term solution. DDS Research said that Ultranet is expandable should the need arise in future. As with Hypernet commercial and civil traffic can also run on the network in peacetime which will give a significant infrastructural boost to Proxima 5. Ultranet Phase 1 is due to start operation early in the next decade.



Brace your dangly bits for the latest bollock shattering installment of stories from the DDS Comic Universe! In Betrayal At Olaka 402 M-B-H sells out Jimmy to the Utrek. The final battle between the DDS and the Utrek begins and we follow the story firstly aboard SS North Sea and a damage control team in The Final Push. Pausing just to see what dreadful fate befell the Book Barons in Pain & Humiliation we then see the DDS-Utrek battle from outside in Victory!

Meanwhile Redjec is trying to break up Quarz and Delicate Flower in Possessed By A Toaster with usual dismal results. Finally in Xylophone Spinning M-B-H smears Jimmy in the media but has Lakes turned on his master?

Stay tuned next month for UV118 : To Kill The King!


Shark details released by HCS

The long-delayed new warship, the Shark, has finally been unveiled by the HCS in what they say is one of the most important projects in the history of the HCS Space Fleet. The Shark is the replacement for the entire second-line of the fleet, replacing KT, KT-S, KT2 and KT2N. However as withdrawals of these have already begun the Shark is desperately needed as soon as possible.

DDS observers commented afterwards that the Shark appears similar to the DDS Rome corvette in terms of performance and size. The HCS have up to now described it as an OPV though it is thought they may describe it as a frigate. The HCS have always been rather vague with their ship designations though, with most of their fleet being classed as "cruisers" even though ships like the Kalahati Tuul are much smaller than cruisers like the DDS Pulsar.

The Shark therefore will be a Rome sized ship, capable of 600c initially though a later revision will be able to reach 650c. (These are good speeds for the HCS, their fastest ship the Soulaki can only go 680c.) It will be fitted with twin energy cannons of an unspecified type though the main armament will be missile. It is thought the type will deploy the crude multi-phase missile the Zones developed. The Shark will also have a sizable docking bay for combat transports and shuttles.

The HCS said at least 60 will be built (probably more as it is intended to replace nearly 90 ships in the long run) with a prototype now building. Although 2109 was given before as the service date it is thought the HCS will aim for a summer 2108 debut.

At the same media briefing the HCS also said they were working on a major update to their fleet of Soulaki battlecruisers called Soulaki-M.


Zones to be resettled on Colom

The HCS have announced that the Zone race will be resettled on the Clone planet of Colom. Since the devastating nuclear attack on Zoneland the search has been on for a new homeland for the Zones and their racial cousins the Clones have stepped in. Colom is a minor planet in Captain Clone's part of the Clone Empire which up to now has only been settled by a few thousand Clones. An indigenous race, the Colomites - related to Calentratians, inhabit the planet in remote areas and have conducted a low intensity resistance against the Clones since the Clones invaded some years ago. However as a HCS officer says, "Their idea of a spectacular is blowing up a telephone kiosk" so HCS forces on the planet are rather small. There are also a few hundred human settlers.

After the Zones were devastated in the nuclear firestorm of DDS revenge their entire government collapsed. The Clones stepped in and in return for the Zone gold reserves (said to be over 17 billion zarks worth - mostly from piracy) have agreed to incorporate the Zones into their Empire with the status of a "Partner Race" (similar to Humans) and Colom has been allocated as their new homeworld.

However getting the Zones there will be a mammoth task. Although it is estimated 350 million plus Zones died in the nuclear attack and over 400 million since due to radiation there are still over 2 billion Zones on Zoneland. Most fled to the arid southern half of the planet however weather patterns are gradually spreading the radiation south and it is estimated by early next year the whole planet's environment will be destroyed. Many have died in the south due to hunger and the encroaching radiation, which is moving at 40-50 miles a day in some places.

The entire HCS spacelift and troop transport has been allocated to take Zones to Colom (which luckily is only 4 days away from Zoneland by a HCS transport. Clone civilian and other commercial companies have also been bought in. Although 1000s of Zones can be taken per HCS transport the job will take months and may not even be completed by the time radiation reaches the embarking points. The HCS have pointedly say they will take as many as they can but will not be able to bring everyone. Hundreds of thousands of refugees who already fled Zoneland will also go to Colom.

The next problem is how to feed and house millions of refugees, Colom is not a rich planet and food supplies will be inadequate. While troopships are bring people the freight lifters of the HCS are bringing in food and supplies from across the Empire. The UNP are among a number of other powers who are sending supplies. The next few years will be tough for the Zones, and for Colom and the Clone Empire, however the injection of fresh talent could bring long term benefits to the Clones...


DDS to get UNP communications role?

One of the few remaining space fleet missions of the UNP is maintaining communications and light transport to the many small colonies and mining bases across the UNP. These small colonies, often hidden away on small moons or asteroids, are served by an ageing fleet of Avery-Dunlop Starspeeder transporters. These ships are fast reaching retirement and the UNP are considering whether to replace them or transfer the duty to the DDS.

The UNP already contract out their heavy transport to the DDS (hence the large number of Providers operated) which brings in 2.7 billion zarks to the DDS a year. Transferring the communications role would be worth another 4.3 billion zarks but would require the DDS procuring a fleet of around 20 utility and medium-sized transports. The UNP would provide a one-off 1.2 billion zark start-up fund to the DDS if they took up the role from the sale of the transports and UNP shore facilities. Currently maintaining and operating the fleet costs the UNP 8.7 billion zarks so a considerable saving could be made. A decision is expected shortly.

Fleet news (23/08/07)

Two more ships have joined the fleet. Provider transport A115 Lodestar and Extender oiler A147 Trident have completed their trails and been accepted into service. Battle damaged Provider A106 Dakota has also returned to service following extensive repairs. All three ships have been fitted with upgraded self-defence weapons and improved engine management computers.

Two ships have left the fleet however. Two Coril shuttles A551 Susan and A555 Monique have been sold to the Aritans, though it is thought the "sale" was part of the "thanks" the DDS has given the Aritans for it's recent assistance and the price was nominal.

Isometric F119 Precambrian has been fitted with Pave Yellow mine sweeping control equipment and will be now ready to lead mine sweeping patrols.

A software update to the attack system SAS has been rolled out to the Pulsar fleet to improve the accuracy of missile strikes and amend some issues.

Developmental frigate X111 Isometric has arrived at Solaris for extensive rebuilding. The ship will be fitted with a Gluon-2 engine. This will power the Dreadnought class destroyer and be retrofitted to Panther at a later stage. Panther to start with will use Gluon-1 which is a modification of Neptune technology used in the Quasar. Isometric is expected to be out of service until next year.

First DDS minesweeping patrol a success

The first DDS minesweeping patrol has been proclaimed as a success by fleet officials as the small fleet of ships returned to Proxima Centauri. The fleet included a command Isometric (with Pave Yellow) SS Oligocene, 2 Pentekonter-M minesweepers and 2 HCS Derinny class minesweepers (though one of the Derinnys had to abort the mission because of a reactor fault).

The HCS minesweepers have now returned to the HCS, they accompanied the mission to provide training and back-up but the DDS now feel confident enough to carry on on their own. Experience on the mission has bought up a number of issues with the Pave Yellow communications equipment and SPECNES minesweeping suite though none of the issues are said to be show stoppers.

The DDS, who hold a licence for the HCS designed SPECNES, have developed a passive mode for the mine detection module which allows for cloaked minesweeping operations. This uses data from a standard DDS sensor suite in passive mode on the Pave Yellow equipped Isometric which is then sent to the minesweepers via datalinks. The user interface has also been modified to make it more "human friendly".

A second minesweeping mission is about to depart Solaris to clear Utrek mines left near Loeuss. The fleet will be led by F116 Cryptozoic and include 2 Pentekonter-Ms and a support Provider.


Quasar ILU returns for ILU2 update

C121 Quasar, the only ship to Quasar ILU standard (though C127 Graviton is expected to be finished by the early Autumn) has returned to Solaris for modifications. The Quasar ILU programme has now been updated to allow the Quasars to take over the Pulsar bomber and command roles. The new ILU2 standard includes SAS-Q sensors and software, modifications to the missile bay and updated C3 equipment. The ILU2 standard will also be MRM ready, the new DDS missile being introduced later this decade. Like the Pulsar the Quasar will carry MRMs under it's wings. Finally the ships will have radiological reconnaissance and analysis systems for detecting the effectiveness of an attack.

The update to ILU2 is expected to take 3 weeks, all future ILU ships will be already to this standard. The Quasar ILU2 will be the definitive DDS strike bomber, the SAS-Q system being the next generation over the still somewhat hacked together Pulsar SAS. SAS-Q will have much more capacity for data input and processing from up to 32 simultaneous sources.

HCS play hard ball on the KT2N/Intruder swap

Earlier the DDS agreed a deal with the HCS where they would return the Intruder class LPD (L101 Intruder) they had bought a couple of years previously to the HCS in return for the 4 withdrawn Kalahati Tuul 2Ns which are to be given to the RCPP. The DDS were hoping to get the 2Ns now as the Remedians have a shortage of ships because of the war however the HCS are adamant the 2Ns will not be released until Intruder is back in HCS hands.

The first new build DDS Intruder L111 Pangaea is taking shape but won't be available for service until early 2108 at the earliest thus if the DDS return Intruder now they will be without any amphibious warfare capability. Although the Utrek War is at a truce there is still the prospect of resumed hostilities and the DDS need to have the option available.

Thus the 4 2Ns will not be received by the RCPP until early next year. As a compromise the HCS will allow a DDS team to carry out the localisation and preparation of the ships for Remedian service in HCS space. An Extender has therefore been sent to Cloneworld with a joint DDS/Remedian team of engineers. Some changes will not be carried out of sensitive equipment because of security concerns however.

The DDS and HCS are still in discussions and there is the possibility of a lease back option on Intruder. In this the ship would be returned but would be available within a few days notice for a return to DDS service (and hence would not be converted back into a HCS warship). However before the DDS did this they would have to remove sensitive equipment. The most likely outcome is that the DDS will just wait for the 2Ns and use Pentekonters to fill in and try and get Pangaea completed and into service a little earlier.


Primary Casualty Receiving Ship

The DDS has announced an Amphibious Support Carrier / Primary Casualty Receiving Ship will be developed as part of the DDS' power projection ramp up. The ship will be SUP based and may well be derived from the Missileer in that it will have extensive docking bays for shuttles like the SROPS and future UCVs like Ferret. The ship will also be a Primary Casualty Receiving Ship able to receive battle casualties which can then be treated or sent to the future class of hospital ships expected to start arriving next year.

The ships would operate in conjunction with the now building Pangaea class LPDs. Specifications are now being drawn up with a possible first build late next year.

A rumoured purchase by the DDS is of 2 Utrek Hyper Speed Transports off the HCS. These small ships have often been used by special forces as they are capable of 900c. It is thought the 2 ships bought are ex-ODS. These ships are small enough to be operable from a Missileer docking bay, though are expected to be deployed from Marconi class ships when they receive their Sigint / Special Forces upgrades.

New Arit look to modernise

The Is Lanki, the space fleet of the New Arit, are looking for funds to carry out a modernisation and an improvement in their capabilities. It is likely the DDS will grant them 250 million from any reparations gained from the Utrek. The Aritans are key DDS allies now and have proven very useful in being able to take over DDS patrol commitments so as to release DDS assets for the war.

The Aritans will procure an Extender-E oiler by 2109 (or earlier if they can be transferred a DDS ship) which will increase their area of operation dramatically (currently they have to rely on base support or DDS oilers). The Intrepid destroyer fleet will also receive a system update to improve tactical capabilities and a measure of internetworking including compability with DDS OA 2.0 datalinks (though the ships will not have OA 2.0). All ships will also receive communication updates to make them compatible with the next DDS Communications Standard 08 (Talk 08) which will be rolled out to the DDS later this year.

The Aritan Space Academy will also be increased in size and the quality of training improved to bring it in line with DDS standards. DDS and Aritan personnel will carry out a regular number of exchange visits in future.

ANALysis : The new space combat realities post Utrek War

The Utrek War (which is still going on of course but at the moment looks pretty much finished) is a watershed in space combat techniques and technologies writes Dr Vincent from Space Combat Weekly. The DDS, and to a lesser extent the Dinos, both fielded true internetworking fleet assets and it has proved a huge force equaliser in the face of a traditional monolithic enemy.

Analysts at the DDS have calculated before that in any traditional space battle no more than 50% of the ships at any one time are engaged with the enemy. The new shared datalinking and distributed situational awareness has changed this. Now ships can have their assets (i.e. missiles) used using tactical data from other ships whereas before they wouldn't be in a position to act. This increases asset utilisation beyond an estimated 80% and also submits the enemy to a barrage of incoming ordinance from all directions. The effect in the Third Battle of Remedia Prime, for example, was dramatic. The Utrek outnumbered the DDS yet because of their "traditional" method of fighting over half the ships were not in a position to fight at any one time, yet all these ships were under constant attack from the DDS. That is one of the reasons why the Utrekians suffered huge losses and the DDS very few.

Wireless control and seamless system replacement has also meant DDS and Dino ships are more resilient in combat, in the DDS' case it is called Open Architecture 2.0. In one case a DDS cruiser lost it's sensor array but was able to continue to fight using sensor data immediately sent by nearby ships automatically. In fact the crew did not realise their sensor array was destroyed until after the battle! Another ship was also able to make use of a sister vessel's navigational computer after it's own (and the backup) were destroyed. This once again happened seamlessly. The lack of kilometres of cabling and fibre optics also means that knocking out key systems is a lot harder. The DDS aim to further improve their capabilities by introducing planetary based data centres next year. These will be able to take over some key systems by performing processing of received data and sending in back in an instant (there will be some slight delay in this however but it should ensure ships can at least get out of a combat situation if they lose some key systems such as tactical and navigation).

One new technology that was debuted was virtual crewing using the FIDO system. One ship, thought to be a Terran Sea class, suffered a hull breach near the weapons bay that resulted in the crew having to evacuate. Back-up crew based on Proxima 7 were able to take over their duties using VR technology and datalinking for a few minutes while the breach was fixed and the atmosphere restored. Some minor problems were encountered but these should be ironed out by DDS Research for next time it is needed.

So OA 2.0 and FIDO have largely passed their first test of fire, and they plus internetworking have proven that a smaller flexible force can trounce a large monolithic enemy. That is bad news for other monolithic fleets... like the HCS for example. Especially as the DDS and Dinos are moving on with the next stage : UCVs. These will bring a further dimension to the new space combat reality. The DDS want to be able to head into a battle with plans A to E (at least) all ready and set up and be able to switch between these plans instantly. A DDS fleet source told me, "In future we want to have these options. If the TPMs and Z cannons arn't making the breakthrough we want the swarm attack on the flanks from UCVs to soften them up, then switch back to the barrage, and if that still doesn't work then send in our flank raiding reserves."

The future is exciting and bright for the DDS, and for fleets like the HCS the time to decide to join the revolution is now or maybe be never able to catch up.


DDS place orders for combat loss replacements

The DDS has placed a number of orders for extra ships, some replacing ships lost in battle but also some surprises. 2 extra Missileer class missile /UCV carriers have been added making a planned eventual fleet of 8. An extra Terran Sea class has been ordered to replace SS North Sea and the DDS has made a U-turn on an earlier decision and ordered a 6th Velocity class destroyer to replace SS Rapide. The DDS were not originally going to replace the ship but have relented following a review of combat performance of the type.

The final order is the biggest surprise. 4 extra Pentekonter OPVs will be ordered. This is unusual in that the Pentekonter production line is now closed and the DDS tend not to reopen the lines, however the Pentekonter is part of the DDS' export portfolio and it is likely the ships will be built by the Raegris on the Pentekonter-E line. The DDS have decided they need more ships because of the DDS taking over patrols in Remedian space, this will mean more patrol assets are required.

Remedian Customs & Police Patrol (RCPP) formed

As originally planned the Remedian Customs & Police Patrol (RCPP) has been formed to replace the Remedian Space Fleet which has now been disbanded and it's responsibilities subsumed into the DDS Fleet. The remaining 4 Kalahati Tuul 1s (the sole survivors of once a fleet of 50+ ships) have been deactivated (3 of them were out of action due to battle damage anyway) and will be scrapped.

The 5 remaining Kalahati Tuul 2s have been transferred to RCPP control though will remain DDS Fleet pennant numbers for operational reasons. The RCPP will contract out maintenance from their budget to the DDS. The 4 HCS Kalahati Tuul 2Ns are expected to arrive early next year when Intruder returns to the HCS. Upgrades will also be contracted out by the RCPP to the DDS.

Until then it is likely the RCPP will be a bit short-handed (2 of the KT2s are under repair at the moment), the DDS said that Pentekonter OPVs will deputise (depending on availability).

The RCPP will be funded directly by the Remedian government and will perform internal security and communications duties. Other functions such as transport and surveying will be contracted out to the DDS though the RCPP might acquire it's own dedicated survey ships in future. Many Remedian fleet personnel will also transfer to the DDS fleet and a training programme will be set up in the autumn. The aim is for DDS ships patrolling Remedian space to have Remedian captains or at least a senior officer plus a proportion of other crew.

Windscorpion speech to the DDS

Following the victory at Remedia Prime Windscorpion gave the following speech to the DDS :

"Greetings young men, it is OK. You don't have to get up for me... yet. We have dealt the Utrek a decisive blow. Their invasion of our Remedian allies has been finally repulsed and their forces are in disarray. Now we are conducting negotiations with them for their surrender. These negotiations may go on for some time.

"Until we conclude them and achieve a lasting peace then the DDS must stand at alert. I know a lot of you have been fighting nearly continuously since the Zone scum attacked us earlier in the year but I ask you to be professionals and maintain your edge. We have a truce with the Utrek not a cessation of hostilities. If the Utrek do not come to our demands we may have to... encourage them to think again.

"The DDS learned a key lesson from the Zone war, we must not be soft. We must be proactive in protecting our interests. From now on the DDS will be the ones that push the intergalactic geo-political agenda. Rival powers have tried to push us around and found to their eternal sorrow the error of that strategum.

"The Bear has awoken. The galaxy should fear."


Fleet news (16/08/07)

The first Panther destroyer D101 Panther made it's first movement under it's own steam during initial engine tests. The ship made a short journey in orbit before returning to dock to complete fitting out. Some unusual readings were detected by telemetry but DDS Engineering said it was nothing unusual with a new ship as calibration often took time to get right. Full engine tests will begin later in the month.

Four new ships have joined the fleet, F148 Solomon Sea is the latest Terran Sea frigate. It is to the C2 standard which includes the 360 CIWS and other refinements. Two more Rome corvettes have also been completed, K108 Tiberius and K109 Hadrian. These are the final 2 Rome A type, the next Romes will be to the B version. These 2 ships have received some enhancements though and are officially known as Rome A2.

Starsystem training frigate T107 Oscar Wilde has been cleared for service. The ship is one of the two returned from the New Arit fleet. The ship had not been used by the Aritans and required some work to get it usable. Sister ship T101 Beta Centauri received damage from a meteorite strike and will be out of action for repair for some weeks.

The first "DDS Intruder" LHA has been delivered by the HCS. The HCS are building the basic shell of the ship which is then completed with DDS weapons and technology at a DDS yard. Engines will also be changed though it is likely this first ship L111 will retain the HCS engine for the time being because of delays in delivery from Hitachi of the new powerplant. The DDS will reveal the class name and ship names soon they said. The Pangaea name is favourite.

Another HCS assault ship design, the Tiamon assault carrier, is under consideration by the DDS. A party of DDS officers will spend some time aboard a HCS Tiamon next month to carry out some evaluation. The DDS like the fact the Tiamon can enter high atmosphere and launch jet fighter-bombers as well as assault transports.

Surrender negotiations begin

The negotiations between the Allies and the Utrek has begun. The DDS and Dinos presented a robust list of demands, which are summarised as :
  • The Utrek to demilitarise their space near the Utrek border including the planets Golf, Tromas, Aktau, Diareel and Kame (see map).
  • The Utrek to provide 10 billion zarks to the Remedian government for rebuilding and compensation. Also 5 billion zarks each to the Dinos and DDS as compensation.
  • All Allied prisoners to be returned unharmed.
In return the Utrek are demanding the return of their prisoners and captured war material. However the Allies are not so keen on the latter though they may return the ships dearmed. Some prisoners, especially officers in the Utrek army who served on Loeuss and Mila, are thought to have been responsible for massacres of Remedian soldiers and civilians. The Remedians want these men tried for war crimes.

Negotiations are expected to take some time.


Surrender negotiations to begin tomorrow

General Morkon has been authorised to act for the Utrek Federation in the surrender negotiations to be held on Remedia Prime tomorrow. Windscorpion and Ronald will also attend the initial meeting though it is likely they will hand over to underlings for subsequent meetings.

Von Kane has reported he has reached the Remedian-Utrek border and the Utrek ships he was chasing have crossed back into their own space.

Dinos commit to presence on Loeuss

The Dinos will maintain a base on Loeuss which will be used for training and also a forward base in case of any other operations against the Utrek. They have begun withdrawing some forces though which are now returning to Pulsin. The Dinos will base a legion on Loeuss along with an SS brigade. A squadron of Dinomarks will also be maintained on the planet.

It is thought the permission for the base was already agreed with the Remedians prior to the victory.

Consul G-B-H will remain in command of Dino forces in the area until he is relieved by a senator next month.


Final Battle : more news

Consul G-B-H was injured during the battle of Loeuss by flying debris. He is now receiving medical attention on Loeuss. Around 40,000 Utrek soldiers have been taken prisoner and a vast quantity of war material seized. Dino and DDS sappers are currently building PoW camps on the planet. Three centuries of SS soldiers have been sent out from Dino-Land to operate the camps.

Windscorpion gave a hint that the Allies want a sizable demilitarized zone on the Utrek side of the border opposite the Remedian space. He said he wanted a buffer zone to prevent the Utrek making a surprise attack again. Windscorpion will return to GHQ tomorrow, The Orchid has taken over control of the fleet again. The Orchid and Ronald will conduct the surrender negotiations with Utrek representatives perhaps later this week. It is thought General Morkon of the Utrek Navy, who was captured at Loeuss, will represent the Utrek Federation.

The Utrek final losses tally has been finalised at 105 though 12 ships were also captured. Most of these ships are heavily damaged though. A DDS team is inspecting them to see if they are of any value.

The DDS is being maintained at Level 2 readiness for the meantime just in case any rogue Utrek units attempt revenge attacks.

Remedian forces on Mila have been reinforced by a regiment of DDS infantry. Around 16,000 Utrek soldiers have been captured on the planet though some are still at large in remote locations. A joint Remedian-Utrek team is to travel to these units to inform them hostilities have ceased.

The Final Battle (4) : Utrek surrender

Utrek land forces on Loeuss and Mila have surrendered, it is thought Utrek High Command sent a message to them that no more ships were available to send to try and relieve them. A recall to all Utrek ships in Remedian territory has also been issued according to Dino SigInt. Revised Allied kill estimates now list 105 Utrek warships as being confirmed kills.

Allied and Utrek commanders will meet tomorrow to decide the terms of surrender. Windscorpion and Ronald have both appeared at the Remedian capital along with the Remedian civilian leaders to congratulate the Allied forces.

More details of this fast moving situation will follow as we get them.

The Final Battle (3) : Mila front

The third part of the Allied offensive plan was for the Remedian fleet to launch an attack on the only Remedian planet successfully held by the Utrek, Mila. Every remaining Remedian warship, headed by a DDS Pulsar class cruiser, launched an attack on around 34 Utrek warships and orbital defence posts around the planet.

The Remedians, in what is likely to be the final mission of the Remedian Navy before they become a police force under DDS control, fought well despite the heavy odds. Kalahati Tuuls D171 Remedia Prime, D173 Frontier, D174 Raedial 319, D176 Holomarnox and Kalahati Tuul 2 D183 Milin were destroyed in the battle though crews managed to escape most of the ships without major loss of life. 21 Utrek ships were destroyed and the orbital defence ring smashed.

The Utrek left Mila orbit and the Remedians launched a land operation using the Intruder LPD and 5 Dinomark XTs loaned by the Dinos (operating with Dino crews). A Remedian infantry brigade was landed near the Mila capital and has now encircled the capital where most Utrek land forces are based.

The Utrek attempted a counter attack to regain control in orbit but were chased off by the Pulsar, losing 2 more ships in the process.

The Final Battle (2) : Loeuss front

As the DDS launched an offensive at Remedia Prime the Dinos launched 2 simultaneous offensives near Loeuss. The Dinos caught a Utrek force of 43 warships in a pincer between task forces led by G-B-H and Ronald. The Utrek suffered a massive defeat it is reported, 35 Utrek ships being destroyed and the rest surrendering. 7 Dino ships were destroyed though crews managed to escape 4 of them.

Ronald's task force then went on to attack a major Utrek staging post and refuelling point, 8 more warships were destroyed as well as Utrek oilers and transport ships. One Dino ship was destroyed.

The Dinos consider that virtually all Utrek assets in the area were destroyed, 3 ships are thought to have escaped back to the Utrek border.

Abandoned, Utrek land forces on Loeuss have now been given an ultimatum to surrender or face oblivion.

The Final Battle (1) : Remedia Prime front

The DDS fleet has won a decisive battle against the Utrek as the offensive was launched a day earlier than expected (thought to be due to fears the Utrek might launch a pre-emptive strike). The DDS fleet, led by Windscorpion, attacked a force of 60 Utrek warships near the Remedian capital world. The Utrek ships were mostly top of the line ships and fought well. Isometric class frigate F120 Cretaceous II was destroyed after sustaining a barrage from 2 Reptoli Tuuls (the second time an Isometric called Cretaceous has been lost!)

Terran Sea frigate F135 North Sea took it's place but also came under sustained heavy fire and had to be abandoned. However their sacrifice bought time for reinforcements to move to that sector of the front line and destroy the RTs. The Utrek began to crumble under the heavy pressure. Their nerve broke and the Utrek beat a retreat. The DDS report that 37 Utrek warships were destroyed.

Pulsar cruiser C104 Arctic had to be abandoned and destroyed soon afterwards after being hit by a TPM. A DDS team is now investigating this blue-on-blue incident, though it is thought to be because of a malfunction in the missile.

A force led by Von Kane is pursing the Utrek remnants who are said to be in full scale retreat and panic.


DDS goes to Security Level 2 prior to major battle

The DDS have raised their alert level to Level 2 which indicates a major battle is imminent. The DDS fleet is currently at Remedia Prime preparing to engage the Utrek fleet in what may be the final decisive battle of the war. Other DDS assets have been locked down or reassigned to key strategic positions. This includes R101 Missileer which has been assigned the flagship of the GHQ Protection Squadron. The crew have said the Missileer's systems are fully operational and it will be ready to fight.

Dino forces are also ready near Loeuss under command of G-B-H and it is thought a second Dino force under Ronald's command is also moving into an undisclosed position. A joint DDS/Remedian force is also ready to attack Utrek forces at Mila.

Pulsar termination plans unveiled

The DDS have already announced that the Pulsar will be withdrawn, a date of 2111 has been set for final withdrawal with withdrawals beginning in 2109. The DDS want to complete the bulk of the Quasar ILU programme (and thus have sufficient bombers in place) and have at least 5 or 6 Panthers in service before beginning to withdraw the DDS fleet icon.

The DDS have looked at trying to sell the ships on but because they do not have much life left in them beyond 2111 (a major rebuild was planned for 2113-2115) there is not much interest. Potential customers like the Aritans have been put off by the high maintenance costs and complexity. The Raegris already have some Quasars and do not want any other cruisers. The ships are likely to be scrapped though at least 1 will be preserved.

The fleet will be given yearly updates until at least 2110.


DDS secure more export orders / Reagris DF-1

The DDS have secured another export order, this time from the Sirikwan system, which is beyond the Dino Republic frontier. 5 Pentekonter-Es, 2 Extender-Es and a Provider-E have been ordered in a 4.3 billion zark order which also includes training and assistance with setting up a maintenance system. The Pentekonters will be built by the Raegris for the DDS and will be delivered by 2110. The transports will be produced by the DDS to a similar time scale.

The Raegris have begun building the first Isometric-E, which will be the first DF-1 frigate for their own fleet. The Raegris have cancelled their "Rhombus" derived order and instead will have 10 DF-1s. The first one should be completed and enter service early in the new year. Deliveries will commence for the Molab next year.

It is likely the DDS will also be able to sell ships to Orratai. The planet issued a requirement for transport ships and turned down an offer from the Clones, it is likely they will purchase 2 or 3 Provider-Es.

New Arit looks to defence future

The DDS' ally New Arit has published a paper on the future of it's space fleet, the Is Lanki, and future directions for operations. Recently the Aritans have gained a number of warships (and lost some too) and are now standardising on a 2 type fleet with 8 Intrepid class destroyers and 4 Solaris class frigates.

The Aritans want to maintain, what they refer to as, a Combat Ready Fleet (CBR) which will usually consist of 2-3 Intrepids and 1 Solaris. This will be ready on a 1 hour notice to deploy and will usually be in orbit around New Arit. One Intrepid will also always be on station in the Dalasanian system.

In the longer term the Aritans want to be able to maintain regular patrols in their territory, at present patrols can only be maintained if ships are left over spare from the 2 allocations as listed above. The Aritans are looking at purchasing around 10-12 smaller patrol ships, perhaps a version of the Pentekonter-E export OPV sometime around the end of the decade.

Fleet news (09/08/07)

Following news of a sensor update to the Velocity destroyer fleet the DDS have said this will be part of a general update to the platform Velocity 2107 Update A (V2107UA). This is great news to fans of the destroyer as there have been concerns the type is being neglected by the DDS and getting left behind. Updates include a new sensor array with much improved passive modes, a new tactical multiplex with greater bandwidth, improved ship wide communications and general software updates to around 37 systems. Updates should begin in September.

The Marconi EW fleet will be modified next year for the Elint/Sigint role. The DDS are looking at beefing up their intelligence gathering capabilities and a key start will be to turn the Marconis into data gathering stations. It is also being mooted that the Marconis receive modifications to their docking bays to operate more SROPS and other small craft in the special forces / tactical recce roles.

Production of the Heron SROPS craft has switched to a Revision A model. The new model has 2 pylons for carrying a range of munitions including TPMs. A datalink has also been fitted for targeting (SROPS does not carry it's own sensor suite and tactical systems) using data from the mothership. Internal layout has also been modified after crew feedback and a potential problem with the airlock has been rectified. Existing SROPS will have the airlock modification but not the other changes.

The DDS have also issued a consultation document for a forthcoming superluminal capable version of the SROPS. The "Fly" class is likely to be a slightly larger (8 crew is expected) and capable of around 200c though most operation will be at slower-than-light speeds.


DDS sitting on a raft of updates

The DDS is thought to be sitting on a number of hardware and software updates for it's fleet because it does not want to change the configuration of ships on the eve of what could be the deciding battle of the Utrek war. A spokesman for DDS Research said these updates would be propagated after the battle.

Updates include the TPM-1C-3, the latest revision of the transphasic missile with improved terminal guidance suit and engine management for slightly longer range. Velocity class destroyers will also receive a new version of their primary sensor suite with enhanced passive modes. Other updates include software for the Isometric/Terran Sea, Quasar, Pulsar and Velocity classes.

Your questions answered!

Colonel C. Vincent (right) will now answer questions kindly submitted to him earlier this month.

Anonymous wrote : "How do you see the DDS' relationships with the Dino's evolving in the medium term?"

Interesting question, the Dinos are flexing their muscles now and have been investing heavily in their land forces for the last few years, now they are looking into power projection capability. It indicates the Dinos' foreign policy may be more aggressive and interventative in future. But that is fine, the galaxy is big enough for us both. After we have crushed the Utrek we will work together to build a lasting solution to the Utrek problem.

Anonymous wrote : "What sort of security risk do the Clones represent?"

I feel we've taken our eye off the ball WRT the Clones recently. They have had a lot of trouble but seem to be sorting out their new post-empire future, or do they? Sources indicate a lot of tension behind the scenes and a break up / civil war cannot be ruled out. We need to keep our eye on the situation there.

Anonymous wrote : "Does the DDS need a bigger space fleet?"

Fleet wise i think we have a big enough force but as the territory we have to patrol and control increases then we need more patrol combatants. I think the size of the fleet as planned in the short term is right and UCAVs will help release ships for other duties.

Anonymous wrote : "There are many hostile races surrounding the UNP, what does the DDS need to do to maintain security?"

Partnerships with friendly races are key, we are building a good relationship with the Aritans now, the Dinos are our allies and the DDS are rebuilding are relationship with the Starbotians after the Rotarios years. We need to beef up our intelligence gathering systems though.

The Stripper wrote : "The DDS are getting slack and flabby, they need HARD discipline and HARD TIMES! I trust Gruppenfuhrer Wind Von Scorpion will whip the yung men into shape! He must be merciless on their yung bodies!"

Ohhhh boy!

Captain Ramirez wrote : "Decentralisation and the modernization of the fleet are both expensive businesses, will the DDS have to compromise on either to keep in the black?"

No i don't feel so, i have seen the short-medium term plan for the DDS and it is all worked out and properly costed and financed. Decentralisation will bring in a lot of money in any case, around Hexian City alone it is estimated selling of current sites will bring in 3.1 billion zarks. Of course you have to purchase and build new sites but these will be in much cheaper real estate areas so there will be some profit to be made which can be ploughed into better infrastructure. The Proximan government are keen for us to decentralise too, if we move to areas of the planet with high unemployment they are going to contribute to relocation and basic infrastructure costs.

Anonymous wrote : "I am a serving officer on a DDS warship, why is it taking only now to address issues with space combat we have known for years?! We are only now getting protective gear to protect us against blast fragments and proper damage control systems, why does it take lost warships and dead comrades before these things get done?"

I hear ya... Well i hate to try and pass the buck but lets face it, the DDS did not do that well in the Rotarios years. He was keen on bright and shiny (and thus expensive) capital projects like the Panther but cut funding on the less sexy but just as vital areas of maintaining the DDS. All ships in the combat fleet should just about now have received protective goggles and fragjackets for it's crews and the patrol fleet will follow suit by the autumn. We'll be looking to further improve this gear in future and will be looking at internal ship design and the materials use to miminise fragments and contain damage.

Finally Redjec wrote : "Here is my question, why do you still allow such a degrading, vile, gay LOUSE like Quarz to serve in the DDS? He is so gay he makes Liberace look butch! He should be kicked out of the DDS and executed at once!"

Because Redjec, you are a twat.


Oojok returns to Cloneworld

Without any fanfare or advance publicity Oojok has made a return to Cloneworld over a year after he was forced to go into exile. Officially Oojok is visiting as a representative of the major Dino political party VERITAS = TRUTH and will hold talks with Clone officials but in reality he will be returning to give succour to the millions of devotees of the recently decriminalised Church Of Oojok.

Oojok attended a service at the Central Temple though did not speak. He did bless a few dozen sick Clones however. One claimed his blindness had been cured, though he did walk into a door afterwards so maybe he was in error. A representative of The Friar's office said the visit had gone well and there might be a public role for Oojok on Cloneworld in future.


Address your questions to the DDS

The DDS Director of Communications Colonel C. Vincent (right) will be fielding questions on the DDS later this month. If you have any questions on the DDS or it's future please add them below and the Colonel will answer them at his discretion.


DDS order more Raegris 360 CIWS

Following successful trials on a handful of DDS warships including SS Carboniferous the DDS have decided to make the Raegris 360 Degree CIWS the new standard. All new build warships and ships receiving major updates (such as the Quasar ILU programme) will receive the CIWS. This includes the final few Terran Sea frigates which are now known as Terran Sea C2.

Missileer will receive the CIWS by the end of the year and the DDS are currently working on calibrating the CIWS for the Missileer hull form, this will also make it available for other SUP based ships including the Provider and Marconi classes at a later stage.

The Rome corvette has just been calibrated and will be included from K110 Nero (it is too late to include it on the 2 currently being finished). The CIWS is included in a number of improvements to the type known as Rome B. A number of systems have been improved including tactical and engine management, top speed will also be increased to 650c. Existing Romes will receive an update to this standard (and the CIWS) at a later stage.


Missileer commissioned

The DDS proudly unveiled their latest warship the Missile launcher / UCAV carrier R101 Missileer which has been commissioned. The ship will not enter full service until late in the year however as it will be used mainly for development of missile technology and data internetworking. However it's first mission will be to carry out some training with DDS special forces teams, the Missileer can carry several SROPS.

A surprise addition to the Missileer arsenal is the new Z5t cannon, basically a Z5m on a movable turret. The main armament is the awesome quad-bank missile launcher however, and the Missileer carries 4 of them! At the moment the launchers are at a development stage and are restricted to firing 1 missile at a time, full software will be provided prior to combat service the DDS said.

A typical load of the Missileer is expected to be around 400 TPMs, which is a mighty load, but at full operational status a Missileer will be able to fire 16 missiles a second meaning that it could expend it's load in 25 seconds! In normal practice firing rate is expected to be less however. The full data handling system has yet to be installed though at the moment a pre-release version can accept data from up to 4 simultaneous sources plus the ship's own sensors (which are taken from a revision 1 Isometric), the full version will be able to take data from 16 sources and it's own sensors (though these would probably be used as a back-up or for self-defence usually). Therefore the 16 missiles the Missileer can fire per second can be using data from 16 different warships at once and thus easily targeting 16 different enemy ships with each salvo.

Dr Forbidden from DDS Research said this level of data integration was a major headache, "We have had to develop whole new methods of data analysis and buffering for the Missileer, and written a new data link protocol from scratch to get the transmission speed and security required. A lot of work though the fruits of this work will be also cascaded to other ships to improve their systems too over the next 12 to 18 months."

Construction of the next 2 Missileers will not begin until next year because of a shortage of building rig space at the moment.


Dinos announce new transports, points to strategic thinking?

The Dinos have finally announced an order for 20 of it's next generation combat transport the Dinomark MR. Designs have not been unveiled for the type yet but building has begun of the prototype and it is expected to enter testing next year with service use by the end of 2108. The MR is bigger than many expected, previous transport Dinomarks like the MA have been little more than scaled up versions of existing models but the MR is said to be expected to be able to carry "1000 troops and their vehicles" as a design goal.

The size of these ships means that 3 could deploy a full Dino armoured brigade or heavy infantry brigade. This indicates that the Dinos expect there to be much more "overseas" deployment of forces in future, indicating an expectation of a much more proactive foreign policy, which would reflect noises coming out of the Dino Senate.

A few weeks ago Senator Cruggson said, at an open session of Senate that the Dinos must "be proactive in safeguarding our strategic interests. In the past we have always retreated back to our safety blanket and stayed content in our natural borders. This must change."

There are already rumours that the Dinos will maintain a major base on Loeuss following Utrek defeat as part of the "deal" in the Dinos joining the Alliance against the Utrek. The DDS are also expected to scale back plans for a base in the New Arit territory or have a joint base with the Dinos there.

The Dinos also said the MR will be able to act as a UCAV carrier (like the DDS Missileer).

Ronald heads off... to join the battle?

Consul Ronald has left Dino-Land on an unspecified and unscheduled mission aboard the flagship Dinomark. It is rumoured that he will lead a force of Dino warships against the Utrek when the major offensive starts later this month. 7 Dinomark PTs are thought to have also left Dino-Land and several more have left Pulsin.

Meanwhile Consul G-B-H has now amassed around 35 warships near to Loeuss. The survivors from the ambushed 4th convoy under the command of Senator Jimmy have joined the force with damaged ships and the remaining troopship returning to Dino-Land.