
Raegris to build ships for DDS

The DDS have been trying to raise funds by selling warships and have received orders from the Raegris and the Molab but the DDS' shipyards are running at maximum capacity fulfilling DDS' own needs and there was a danger of the DDS losing the orders if they couldn't deliver. Now the DDS have found a partner to build ships for them : the Raegris.

Initially the plan was to build a dedicated shipyard for exports at Rathun's World but the fact existing yards are struggling for skilled manpower has made this option difficult to envisage. The Raegris however are eager to reinvigorate their own moribund ship building industry (their last major orders were the 6 Cosmos that were sold to the HCS years ago).

The Raegris will build 2 types : Isometric-E and Pentekonter-E. The Isometric-E will be produced for themselves and the Molab and the Pentekonter-E for the Molab. Both types are highly modular and the specification customised for the customer. For example the Isometric for the Raegris (to be known as the DF-1) will be much more advanced than the Molab one, the Raegris example being similar in spec to a Terran Sea B while the Molab being similar to an original DDS Isometric.

The DDS will build the 2 Extenders the Molab have ordered themselves. Delivery of the first ships from the Raegris yard are expected in late 2108.