
Fleet news (17/07/07)

The DDS have begun rolling in the New DDS Scheme (NDS) for numbering warships to replace Standard Numbering Scheme (SNS). NDS is being rolled in gradually, with cruisers and carriers being changed first. One of those renumbered ships, the Quasar cruiser C125 Positron has returned to service following repairs. It will replace the Pulsar currently protecting Solaris so that ship can have a refit.

Two new Rome corvettes have finished their trials and have joined the fleet. 3606 Brutus and 3607 Pliny (SNS numbers) will join the patrol pool. Pentekonter OPV 3505 Demostenes has become the 3rd Pentekonter-M minesweeper.

Finally the last remaining Moscow class EW ship 7902R Gorky has been withdrawn. The ship was requiring reactor refuelling and a refit and the DDS have decided it is the right time to carry out the planned withdrawal.