
ANALysis : The Utrek fleet is crumbling

The Utrekians have sacrificed the cream (and quite a lot of the chaff) from their fleet in return for very meagre gains. Many of their front-line units have been lost, taking away irreplaceable experience and skills. The Utrek fleet is still powerful however.

The DDS estimate the Utrek have around 150 warships still deployed to the war, the Utrek have reduced all other fronts and strategic areas to the bare minimal to send as many ships as possible to the war. The Utrek have also tapped into their reserve areas and restored (or are carrying it out) these ships to service to release operational ships to the front. There are thought to be no other reserves available. Most of these ships are Kalahati Tuuls though the Utrek shipyards are working flat out. Molentic Tuuls are being produced in lieu of the more complicated and expensive Reptoli Tuul even though that ship is much more of a match for the Allied ships.

However even with shipyards are full capacity it will take years to replace the 250+ losses the Utrek have suffered to date.

The Utrek largely have to make do with what they have and they have tried their best to upgrade their KTs and older MTs. Technology from destroyed ships is hungrily gathered by Utrek salvage parties for reuse on existing warships. Decades of interface standardisation has made retrofitting newer technology to older ships easy. There is said to even be a Kalahati Tuul fitted with a sensor array from a lost Reptoli Tuul!

The next major battle is likely to be decisive, the Utrek also have a financial problem. Their war chest is running dry and they will be unable to maintain offensive operations beyond the end of the year.