
M-B-H launches blistering attack on Jimmy

Senator M-B-H has launched a scathing attack on Senator Jimmy's competence and his performance in leading the 4th Dino convoy to Loeuss, the convoy was badly hit by a Utrek ambush. "This is the man who wishes to be Consul next year? The Gods help us!" M-B-H told a meeting of Lakes' political party VERITAS = TRUTH. "The truth is being uncovered now, Jimmy always has been a mediocre talent. Content to skulk in the shadows and count the paperclips while men like Ronald did the actual fighting. It would be a disaster if he was in a position to lead us into battle. The Republic would be in peril!"

M-B-H stopped short of confirming that he will be standing in the Consul election against Jimmy however. Officially Veritas have not chosen a candidate.

The deputy leader of Jimmy's Liberal Party Legate Z-B-H said, "Jimmy led the battle well, in very difficult circumstances. How the Utrek got to discover the convoy is an interesting question..."

Fleet news (31/07/07)

The DDS frigate fleet is to receive an update. All Isometrics will receive Isometric 2107 Update A (I2107UA) and the Terran Seas Terran Sea 2107 Update A (TS2107UA). The updates are both purely software and will be rolled out to the fleet over the next week. A total of 35 different systems will receive the latest builds of software (both updates can be released at the same time because both frigate types use the same software, albeit different versions). Improvements include better engine management, tactical data handling, target acquisition and damage control.

Isometric frigate F116 Cryptozoic has just left refit and has become the third ship to be fitted with the Pave Yellow mine warfare control equipment. Pentekonter P111 Pindar has become the latest Pentekonter-M minesweeper and has been redesignated M111.

The first Panther destroyer D101 Panther has reached a new milestone. External construction has been completed and the ship has been towed to another rig to complete internal fitting out and static testing. Engine testing is due to take place in the late summer with live trials around September until the end of the year. Construction has begun of D102 Jaguar and D103 Puma.


ANALysis : The Utrek fleet is crumbling

The Utrekians have sacrificed the cream (and quite a lot of the chaff) from their fleet in return for very meagre gains. Many of their front-line units have been lost, taking away irreplaceable experience and skills. The Utrek fleet is still powerful however.

The DDS estimate the Utrek have around 150 warships still deployed to the war, the Utrek have reduced all other fronts and strategic areas to the bare minimal to send as many ships as possible to the war. The Utrek have also tapped into their reserve areas and restored (or are carrying it out) these ships to service to release operational ships to the front. There are thought to be no other reserves available. Most of these ships are Kalahati Tuuls though the Utrek shipyards are working flat out. Molentic Tuuls are being produced in lieu of the more complicated and expensive Reptoli Tuul even though that ship is much more of a match for the Allied ships.

However even with shipyards are full capacity it will take years to replace the 250+ losses the Utrek have suffered to date.

The Utrek largely have to make do with what they have and they have tried their best to upgrade their KTs and older MTs. Technology from destroyed ships is hungrily gathered by Utrek salvage parties for reuse on existing warships. Decades of interface standardisation has made retrofitting newer technology to older ships easy. There is said to even be a Kalahati Tuul fitted with a sensor array from a lost Reptoli Tuul!

The next major battle is likely to be decisive, the Utrek also have a financial problem. Their war chest is running dry and they will be unable to maintain offensive operations beyond the end of the year.

XE holed up in mountains

The Sword of Truth have been very quiet lately following a series of successful raids by HCS Police on SOT cells and a softening of the Friar's ban on the Church Of Oojok. Now it looks like the SOT is a spent force. Ayatollah Clone XE and a band of core followers are said to be hiding in the Amari Mountains in Southern Micom.

The SOT have said they will continue to fight the evils of secularism though at the moment there doesn't seem to much stomach in the Clone race at large for such an ideological fight.

Dino convoy ambushed by Utrek

The fourth Dino convoy to Loeuss commanded by Senator Jimmy has been ambushed by strong Utrek forces as it approached Loeuss. The fleet of 15 Dinomarks and 6 third-party transports was attacked by around 40 Utrek warships. It is thought the location of the convoy was betrayed to the Utrek as the route was a secret and cloaking measures undertaken.

Three of the transports were destroyed in the opening salvo. The transports were carrying Dino soldiers and AFVs from the 10th Dino Armoured Brigade. It is estimated around 2,000 Dinos were killed. 4 Dinomarks were also destroyed and 2 others damaged. Jimmy's ship was among the damaged ships and Jimmy had to transfer his flag.

The Dinos regrouped and fought back and managed to cost the Utrek 6 losses. The Utrek then withdrew, seemingly not wanting to lose any more ships. A fifth Dinomark was destroyed by damage caused earlier that resulted in a reactor overload though the crew managed to escape. In all 2 PTs, 1 NG and 2 XTs were destroyed, total Dino loss of life has been listed at 2,110 and a further 200 injured.

The convoy limped to a rendezvous with G-B-H's task force.


DDS looking again at littoral warfare OPV

A while ago the DDS announced they would purchase 10 modified Dinomark XTs to perform the littoral patrol and ground forces support roles. However now the DDS have said the order is not definite and will depend on the findings of a review after the Utrek war is over. The DDS have a gap in capability in the so-called "space littoral", the region of space between low orbit and high atmosphere. Conventional space craft cannot easily operate in this region the DDS call the Littoral Patrol Battlespace (LPB).

The DDS are currently investigating whether the Pentekonter OPV can be modified to perform better in this role though it is likely the order for Dinomarks will be carried out though with a changed specification. The initial specification of the proposed Fighting Falcon class was for a ship to provide the bridge between orbital ground force support assets like the Z5g equipped Rome and the ground forces themselves. Combat in the littorals was not considered a high enough priority but recent analysis has shown that this can be a vulnerability an enemy could use to great advantage. A DDS analyst said it was the DDS' "soft underbelly".

Dinomark XTs are good performers in space combat though do have a weakness in the transition realm between space and an atmosphere which is exactly where the DDS want the ship to be able to fight.

It is thought likely the review will look at options for improving the XT's performance in the littorals, the Dinos have already been asked for information on options. It will also look if the Pentekonter could be an alternative or whether a new clean-sheet class would be needed. A Pentekonter solution would be unable to provide ground forces support though.

"The Dinos have looked into improving XT littoral performance before." A DDS source said, "Though they haven't gone ahead with it for cost reasons, it is most likely we will be able to find a solution using XT but it won't hurt to have another look at alternatives."

New procedures announced for combat situations

The DDS have announced that new procedures and equipment will be used by DDS personnel in combat situations such as fleet actions or away teams. Following a successful trial all personnel will wear Integrated Force Goggles (IFG), this eyewear has a number of roles. It is designed to protect the eyes from blast fragments, provide enhanced vision in low-light environments (using a seamless integration of IR and enhanced visual mode) and will have eye-up messages which will be sent from a central server. The idea being that if crewmen cannot hear announcements because of the noise of battle a text message appears in the visor. DDS soldiers with existing helmets like Windscorpion will be integrated into the messaging system.

As well as this the DDS has revised and beefed up damage control teams during battles. Ships will be split into sections each assigned a Damage Control & Casualty Assessment Team (DCCAT or Dcat). Each Dcat will look after casualties, performing initial medical treatment and assessement to see if they need further treatment in medical facilties. The Dcat will also monitor and address damage to the ship in their action area. The DDS is quickly equipping all ships with extra equipment for damage containment including improved fire control systems and blast containment screens.


DDS remains... DDS

Firefly has told a group of journalists that the DDS name will be retained. "The DDS brand is so well established it would be foolish to change it to something else." he said. But the problem remains that the first D in DDS stands for Dino, a relic of the early days of the DDS when it was little more than a group of hi-tech thugs in the pay of Ronald.

"The acronym will remain DDS but the first D will be changed from Dino to something else, obviously something else that begins with a D." Firefly said. It is thought that Windy's favourite is Domination, so DDS would be Domination Death Squad. However Windy will leave it up to a focus group to come up with a short list of candidate names and then the DDS Council will decide.

The DDS will also change it's logo from the Hoodism derived logo Rotarios bought in a couple of years ago as part of his "New DDS Project". Firefly said, "We won't go back to the old skool Skull & Bones, thats very 21st century."



Brace yourself for the DDS Summer Special, volume 2 of the extreme Windscorpion story. In The Battle Of Wallow Creek we return to the early battles on Cloneworld and a DDS attack on a Clone position. In Let This Not Be Your Last Battle we move onto the DDS-Tarbotian War and a desperate attempt by Windy to halt the Tarbotian onslaught.

New information has come to light meaning we can truly now know the story of Windy's genesis. All Windy's Yesterday's (Extended Remix) tells the story of how Trevor became The Apogee Of Man. Moving onto the little known period between Windy leaving Stoke and joining the DDS, First Blood shows the young Windy as a bounty hunter on Proxima 7.

Finally in A Windy Future? Windy meets his future self and a possible dark future for the DDS. This explosive volume is available in all schoolgirl's knickers drawers. Stay tuned for the next book at the end of August, title TBC.


Clench your buttocks because the latest installment of insane genius has arrived. In Ruk Thai we see Caratore's ship on a lone raiding trip (for an account of this mission click here). In Focus Group Z-B-H begins to assemble his campaign team for Jimmy's Consul election campaign and has to manage Spikeson.

In Rectal Anarchy Quarz's new misery as a minesweeper captain begins. Finally in Pop Per we conclude Caratore's raiding mission. UV115 is available at all the usual sordid places. The next book is the Windy summer special UV116 A Life Totally Dedicated To Body Building which will be released at the end of the month.

Caratore on lone raiding

F105 SS Jurassic, captained by Caratore, has just returned from a highly successful lone raiding mission behind the Utrek front line. Here in an exclusive for Latest Victory News Caratore describes the adventures of his intrepid crew :

Our mission was simple, go behind the front line into Utrek held space and cause as much havoc as possible to the vital shipping and logistical networks the Utrek rely on. Our first target was encountered within a few hours : an Eritran freighter. Under UNP Interstellar Space Law neutral freighters are allowed to travel unbothered as long as their cargo is non-military and not for a combatant. We deployed our new SROPS lighter and a team led by Lieutenant Pzeko boarded the Eritran freighter. At first it looked like they were clean, according to the crew and their manifest they were carrying industrial diamonds for the Bolitic and thus not an acceptable target. However then Pzeko noticed that the ship's mass was less than it should have been if the cargo was as listed. Eventually military grade isotopes bound for the Utrek were found hidden on the ship. The crew were taken into custody (to be released later) and the freighter destroyed. We always have to take care to abide by the rules and our prisoners were well cared for no matter how much they bleated.

The next few days we had an easier time, Utrek military transports are an automatic target. We encountered 3 Type R transporters over the next 4 days and destroyed each. After that we found a civilian Utrek transport, we took the crew prisoner and destroyed that ship too.

By now of course our actions were coming to the notice of the Utrek and we expected a response. However it is maybe a measure of their lack of ships that the response didn't involve warships but a trick. The Utrek fitted a transport as a Q-ship with hidden laser cannons. When we confronted the transport we were fired upon. Luckily the Isometric is a superb warship, the most agile ship in the known galaxy and the transport was quickly destroyed. Damage was not too bad, one crewman was injured by blast fragments.

This wasn't the end of the Utrek trickery however. A few days later, after repairs, we resumed our hunt and discovered something quite odd. An ancient Tarbot ship, a ship so old we had to refer back to the tactical database at GHQ to identify it : a Henara class transport. A type out of production for 100 years! What was more strange was that the ship had a UNP callsign and was owned by a Ms Sarah Parker.

The SROPS commanded by Pzeko went over to investigate. What happened next is unclear but it appears Pzeko and his small team found the ship crewed only by the slim form of Ms Parker who said she was on her way back from the Eritran free states to Earth. Ms Parker asked Pzeko if he could fix her radio, the tightness of her skirt is thought to have clouded Pzeko's judgement and while they were alone the truth came out. Ms Parker was really a shape shifting alien, Pzeko was killed and the alien took Pzeko's form and soon killed the other 2 DDS men.

By now however we were getting suspicious, scans indicated that Ms Parker's DNA was human... but too perfect. When her signature disappeared to be left just by that of Pzeko with similarly perfect DNA we knew something was up. We quickly interrogated DDS Xenology's database and discovered there was a rumoured race of shape shifting aliens out beyond DDS/UNP charted space and it was said they could be detected by "too perfect DNA". We seized control of the SROPS remotely leaving Pzeko or whatever it was on the Tarbot ship.

The Tarbotian ship also then was found to be more than it seemed. It had powerful shields and was able to withstand our laser weapons. Unfortunately we had no TPMs aboard. The ship then fired at us with some kind of anti-matter weapon that destabilised our shields. I decided to get out of there so we could regroup. Unfortunately the ship's propulsion was also upgraded and the ship was easily able to keep up with us at 712c (our limit at the time because of the state of the reactor). I decided the only option was to hit the enemy ship with something. Positioning our ship directly in front of the enemy, which was now firing at us, i had the SROPS ejected from the docking bay right into the enemy's path. The enemy was destroyed, unfortunately the SROPS too but they are cheaper than Isometrics to replace.

We were then signaled to return to Remedia Prime for a minor refit and a new assignment. Its just as well as we were not really able to continue the raiding mission without a SROPS. The SROPS received it's combat debut on our mission and it has proved to be a highly useful addition to the DDS arsenal.

Our raiding mission was a great success, a number of Utrek transports had been destroyed at little loss to ourselves though Lt. Pzeko and Ratings Temblemen and Rodney were popular members of the crew and will be missed. The Isometric really is a perfect ship for this kind of lone raiding mission and no doubt there will be more in future.


Extenders to receive update

The Extender class of oiler/repair ships provides a vital role to the DDS especially when it is in a war situation. The actual "oiler" or refueling part of the job is quite small as DDS warships tend to only need reactor refueling once a year but the off-site repair and maintenance job is huge when you have ships engaging in combats. Extenders are able to carry out Exam C refits as well as a great deal of repair work. Now these abilities are to be further improved.

Extender 2107 Update A (E2107UA) will be rolled out to the fleet as they receive refits themselves over the next few months, the week long update is in 2 parts : improvements to the ship itself software updates and improved self-protection and improvements to the maintenance facilities. The Extenders will receive a metallurgy lab and a reprogrammable fabrication unit for producing small parts. The Extenders will also have an enlarged docking bay able to host up to 3 SROPS. The first ship to receive the update, A124 Stratotanker has just returned to service.


The amazing hack that is SAS

The Strategic Assault System is the targeting and control system fitted to Pulsar cruisers to enable them to act as ground attack bombers. Along with the Z5g it is part of the DDS' new suite of ground support weapons but whereas the Z5g was developed over some months (work began last year) the SAS came out of nowhere.

Dr Forbidden of DDS Research has revealed that SAS took just 2 weeks from the order to develop an attack system to installation aboard a Pulsar! "This system was desperately needed to enable an attack on Zoneland." Dr Forbidden said, "We had to totally knock them out so we could concentrate 100% on the Utrek and thus the decision was given to use nuclear weapons, but we had no way of targeting surface targets and controlling the missiles once launched."

Dr Forbidden's elite team bought in 3 systems, 2 civilian and 1 military and managed to get them to work together. "We used 3 systems, and only 1 was military. For example the surface radar scan is a civilian system used by civilian mapping companies. We managed to hack middleware to get these things talking to each other and then to the missiles. There were quite a few all-nighters!"

SAS worked even though it was a horrible hack, it almost didn't work in fact Dr Forbidden has revealed. "We had a couple of software engineers on each Pulsar just in case and they were needed! We found a show stopping bug mere minutes before the attack. Those guys managed to fix it just in time!"

The subsequent SAS2 now fitted is less of a hack though still used different systems working together. The forthcoming SAS-Q for the Quasar and SAS-P for the Pulsar will be fully written from the ground up systems for attack and will be much more accurate and powerful including being able to accept data from other ships.

"SAS showed what we could do in an emergency, though it is nicer to have a little more time to do things!" Dr Forbidden laughed.

Evidence points to major offensive in mid-august

The DDS are refusing to comment on speculation in the media that a major offensive will be launched on the Utrek in mid-August. Major UNP media outlets are predicting August 15th as a possible U-day when Allied forces will launch a multi-front assault on the Utrek and hope to finally kick them out of Remedian space.

The evidence is as follows :
  • DDS Maintenance Logs are showing that current refit work is due to end at the start of August and no new ships will be accepted for refit until further notice. Ships currently in repair or refit will be finished by then. By the time they get back operational and up to the DDS fleet it is estimated to take until around August 12th.
  • The Dinos are massing a fleet near Loeuss under command of Consul G-B-H. Reinforcements are en route from Dino-Land and Pulsin and will arrive around August 11-12th.
  • The Remedians have called all operational ships (and those soon to be operational) to a secret marshaling point (thought to be near Utrek occupied Mila). If so then analysts estimate all ships will be assembled by August 13th.
  • A Pulsar has left Rathun's World, it's place taken by 2 Aritan Intrepid class destroyers and a Starsystem. The ship is thought to be going to join the Remedian fleet and should get there around August 14th.
Once these forces are assembled it is likely the DDS will want to attack quickly so pencil August 15th into your war diaries.


DDS confirm Mars order

The DDS have confirmed their order for the 3rd generation Isometric frigate the Mars class. 15 will be built of this ship. The initial order was thought to be 10 but instead the DDS have decided to cancel the last 5 Terran Sea frigates on order which will leave a fleet of 20 when construction is completed by the end of the year.

Then the construction of the Mars can begin. The DDS are hoping to have the first ship in service by the summer of 2108.

Pulsar fleet to receive update

Although the cruisers are now expected to be withdrawn early into the next decade the DDS are still working hard keeping the Pulsar fleet up to date. The DDS have announced an update called Pulsar 2107 Update A (P2107UA) which will be rolled out to the fleet over the next few months. The update includes bring all ships up to SAS2B standard of the attack system. The ships will also receive software updates and pylons ready for deployment of the MRM (though this will not be ready for operational use until next year, development use will be made of it). The Pulsar will be able to carry 2 MRMs under it's "wings".

Communication systems will be further improved to the latest DDS encryption standards. The ships will also receive a number of software updates to the sensor suite, tactical systems and engine management system.


Fleet news (17/07/07)

The DDS have begun rolling in the New DDS Scheme (NDS) for numbering warships to replace Standard Numbering Scheme (SNS). NDS is being rolled in gradually, with cruisers and carriers being changed first. One of those renumbered ships, the Quasar cruiser C125 Positron has returned to service following repairs. It will replace the Pulsar currently protecting Solaris so that ship can have a refit.

Two new Rome corvettes have finished their trials and have joined the fleet. 3606 Brutus and 3607 Pliny (SNS numbers) will join the patrol pool. Pentekonter OPV 3505 Demostenes has become the 3rd Pentekonter-M minesweeper.

Finally the last remaining Moscow class EW ship 7902R Gorky has been withdrawn. The ship was requiring reactor refuelling and a refit and the DDS have decided it is the right time to carry out the planned withdrawal.

DDS unveil new missile

The DDS have unveiled the latest weapon in their arsenal, a mid-ranged missile for anti-spaceship and land attack. The MRM-1 can be considered the big brother of the TPM, it is also a transphasic missile though also can be equipped with a nuclear warhead. The MRM is capable of 150c and has a range of 1 lightyear which means it can be fired well away from the target.

The MRM is equipped with ECM and a cloaking device though this is only a level 1 cloak and top-of-the-line scanners would be able to detect it. The MRM does not yet have the phasic spoofing abilities of the TPM-2 though these will be added on a later revision. The missile uses passive sensors for navigation and can be updated via datalinks from any DDS warship up to 0.5 seconds before impact.

The MRM is a fairly large weapon and will only be carried by the Pulsar to start with though will also be added to the Quasar later on. It will of course also be operated by the Missileer. The DDS said the missile will be deployed to ships sometime next year.


Windy meets Ronald at Remedia Prime

Consul Ronald has visited Remedia Prime, the highest security keeping the visit secret until after Ronald had already left. Ronald met Windscorpion and held a 4 hour long meeting with other Dino, DDS and Remedian officials. The conduct of the war is likely to have been discussed though the agenda has been kept a secret.Though interestingly Ronald, in a brief speech to DDS officers afterwards, said "our two powers are now looking into the war and it's aftermath".

Its no secret in the DDS now that the general consensus is the Utrek have failed. They have lost a third of their fleet and only made tiny territorial gains. The DDS and Dino fleets have maintained their strength and should be able to finally push the Utrek out of Remedian territory when they are ready. The question now is, what terms will the Utrek be issued with when they are defeated. It is likely both the DDS and Dinos will want a lot of repayment for their blood sacrifice.

Ronald also presented some medals to some DDS officers who fought alongside Dino forces on Loeuss.

The Battle Of Ailiari

Reports are coming in of a large battle between Dino and Utrek forces near the Remedian planet of Ailiari. The planet is the nearest one to the frontline world of Loeuss and has been the focus of rumours the Utrek may attack it. A powerful Dino force led by Consul G-B-H moved into the area consisting of a powerful legion from Pulsin, around 35 warships. The Dinos were involved in training and patrols with the Remedian warship (a Kalahati Tuul) in the area when they came under attack from a powerful Utrek fleet said to number over 80 warships.

The Utrek had surprise on their hands and made initial inloads. G-B-H was forced to switch his flag due to serious damage to his ship which had to be abandoned (and later destroyed). G-B-H himself received injuries from blast shrapnel. However the uber-soldier of the Dino Army quickly restored order and the Dinos regrouped and hit the Utrek back hard. Early reports say the Utrek lost 32 ships and maybe 4 others were damaged badly enough that they can also be considered "kills". The Dinos lost 13 ships, 4 PT 3 NG and 6 XT. Most of the losses were in the initial onslaught.

The Dino force has been joined by other Dino forces from the Loeuss front and will soon link up with the 4th convoy from Dino-Land. More ships have also been despatched from Pulsin to replace damaged ships.

First DDS minesweeping mission runs into trouble

The first DDS minesweeping sortie has run into trouble near Remedia Prime. The mission, led by SS Oligocene and including both Pentekonter-M minesweepers and a HCS minesweeper on loan (which is providing training and support), began to clear mines on a trade route near Remedia Prime that has already destroyed 2 transports and caused moderate damage to a Terran Sea frigate (name unreported).

The Utrek launched an attack on the force with 3 Molentic Tuuls and 2 Kalahati Tuuls. The ship commanded by Quarz is thought to have come under heavy attack and suffered a malfunction in the toilet facilities. The commanding frigate managed to chase off the Utrek, 2 Utrek ships received damage though all escaped. SS Oligocene bore the brunt of the combat and suffered moderate damage and 2 crew killed. A Pulsar cruiser has joined the force to add to it's protection and the mission is continuing.


DDS to change name?

Windscorpion has taken over command of the DDS fleet at Remedia Prime until the end of July to give The Orchid some much needed rest. He has visited the ruins of the Remedian capital and pledged UNP help in repairing the damage. He called Remedia Prime one of the "5 great cities of the DDS".

However in a talk to DDS officers Windy dropped a bombshell when he said the DDS might change it's name as part of the "rebirth" of the force following the vanquishing of the forces of Hoodism. Windy called DDS a name of the past, referring to the fact the first D stands for "Dino". Windy said he will open a dialogue with the DDS to discuss what the new name should be.

Windy also said that refits were taking place to plan and the fleet would soon be ready for combat again.

DDS to change ship numbering scheme / Rome

Windscorpion has said that the DDS will change the pennant numbering scheme for it's warships from the Standard Numbering Scheme which has been in use since the early 2090s. Windy said it would be part of the fleet reorganisation and part of the removing of the "stench of Hoodism" (even though the scheme originated in the rule of The Shiner). The new scheme would include a type code for the ship. A DDS spokesman said, although the new scheme was yet to be finalised, it was likely a cruiser like 1006 North America for example would be renumbered C106.

It is also thought the DDS will reclassify the Rome OPV as a Corvette.


Dinos order HCS weapons

The Dinos, already a huge customer of HCS surplus and new build AFVs, have placed a huge 3 billion zark order with various Clone companies and the HCS for artillery, trucks, engineering equipment and general purpose military vehicles. The Dinos have got their hands on 1000s of AFVs but are now looking for other military vehicles as they rebuild and increase the size of their army.

Engineering equipment is a serious lacking in the Dino Army and the order includes 150 of the engineering tank ET-55, other equipment and training by HCS personnel. The Dinos have already ordered the next generation ATC-107G self-propelled gun (and indeed will receive the new weapon before even the HCS!) but have now ordered 200 surplus ATC-107Cs plus 600 towed guns and artillery tractors. No fewer than 3000 army trucks and field cars have also been ordered from the HCS' surplus stores.

The order also includes the previously announced improvements to the T-55Z MBT which has formed the backbone of the Dino legions' armoured brigades. The project has now been designated T-55ZDM. Other items ordered include 150 of the desert specialist Sand Tapir APC. The order on all items includes spares, consumables and ammunition.

TPM improved

The key DDS weapon the transphasic missile (TPM) has been improved to the TPM-1C-2 standard which is now entering production. The latest version has enhanced software for countermeasures evasion and the transphasic field has also been improved.

The next generation TPM-2 is also nearing production. Recently the latest development version (XTPM-2 M2) was test fired successfully by SS Isometric. M3 will debut later in the year and will include transphasic spoofing in which a spoof field is generated away from the missile to fool enemy defences. TPM-2 is expected to enter service late next year.

Improved datalinking and data filtering for the fleet

Funds are being found to carry out a fleet wide improvement and harmonisation of data linking, filtering and communications. Different ship types and even different ships in the same class have different levels of ability with regards to data links and handling the ever increasing amount of data being linked. One major concern is crews are becoming overloaded with data, it is thought an Isometric frigate received more damage in battle than it should have because threat data was lost in the sea of data being received.

The DDS therefore are introducing improved data filtering using A.I. as well as enhanced data buffering and revised visual interfaces. The DDS have set as a base standard the Terran Sea B and all combat ships will be bought up to this level at least. The available bandwidth for data links will also be set to the Terran Sea's standard. The DDS are also going to move to a higher standard of encryption for voice and data communications.

The cost of these improvements has been estimated at 375 million zarks and will be carried out over the next couple of months.


Fourth convoy heads off to Loeuss / Dino Consul elections looming

The 4th Dino convoy has set off for Loeuss, this time commanded by Senator Jimmy. El Diablo was originally intended to command it but a bad case of Dino flu has forced him to stand down in favour of Jimmy. Jimmy, although anti the Dino involvement in Loeuss, was keen to take command as he will stand for Consul election and military success will give his moribund poll rating a much needed boost.

M-B-H, who has just returned from commanding the 3rd convoy, has received such an electoral boost. In polls 21% now say they would vote for him in a Consul election, up from 7% at the start of the year. Jimmy is currently on 37%.

Consul Ronald outlined the procedure for the elections to the senate a few weeks ago. The election would be in 2 stages with nominees standing in mid-November and then the best 2 rated candidates standing in a run-off in early December. Both elections will be fully democratic following pressure from the Liberal and Veritas = Truth parties (originally the first round was to be decided by the Dino Elders only).

Candidates require nominations from at least 5 Dinos of tribune rank (or civilian equivalent) or above. Two unknowns have already said they will stand though only one of them has enough nominations so far (the cut-off is the start of October). M-B-H has yet to say he will stand, Jimmy has said he will. Imperial Order (the party of Ronald) will not field a candidate in this election.

DDS 3000 welcome fleet review

The group of young DDS officers known as DDS 3000 have broadly welcomed the DDS Fleet Review that was published on Monday. Their spokesman Lt. Carl Vincent said that although they would have preferred the Solaris and Starsystem to have been withdrawn and not kept by the Departmental Fleet they are happy with the Report and look forward to it's implementation.

Windy, addressing the DDS from his flagship SS Carboniferous, said he intended to invite Lt. Vincent to his quarters for some late night drinks to discuss matters of interest...


DDS Fleet Review published

The DDS Fleet Review has been published, a couple of weeks early because of the non-stop leaking from pre-release reports. The findings are generally as expected and Windscorpion has given his immediate endorsement with the proviso that some changes to the fleet (especially in terms of combat forces) will not take place until "after the Utrek threat is over" and there will be a mini-review before beginning to carry out the plans.

The Review aims at "producing a DDS fleet best able to meet the challenges of the next 20 to 30 years" and also tries to cut DDS costs. Rationalisation of types is central to the report (though some of this has been announced and carried out already). So the main points of the Review :

Cruiser / Missile Carrier Fleet
  • Pulsar to be withdrawn within 3 years of the ending of the Utrek threat (see above).
  • Quasar ILU to include SAS-Q strategic bombing and C3 updates to allow the Quasar to replace the Pulsar in those roles. Existing ILUs will be retro-fitted.
  • Missileer to have secondary UCAV carrier role (already announced), it will also be equipped to fire strategic missiles using target data from Quasar.
  • Pangaea LCX cancelled, role replaced by Panther-MRV
Destroyer Fleet
  • Panther order reduced to 10 ships, however these ships will include SAS targeting systems for operation with missile carrying ships (e.g. Missileer)
  • 10 multi-role versions of Panther to be built (Panther-MRV), still highly capable but less combat orientated. Replacing the Pangaea cruiser.
  • Final 2 Velocity destroyers cancelled leaving a fleet of 5. These will receive an ILU update around 2110.
  • Neptune redesignated test ship and moved to the Departmental Fleet.
  • Remedian fleet disbanded, all Kalahati Tuul 1s to be withdrawn. Remaining Kalahati Tuul 2s to form Remedian Customs & Police Patrol (RCPP). 4 HCS Kalahati Tuul 2Ns to be purchased to supplement the fleet. Patrols in Remedian space will be carried out by DDS ships but these will have Remedian captains and much of the crew will be Remedian (where possible).
Frigate / Patrol Fleet
  • Rhombus class disbanded, ships returned to Isometric class but these ships will receive modifications for long-range patrol and will be known as Isometric-R.
  • Terran Sea class to number 25 (currently 31 on order).
  • New Mars class (Isometric 3) frigate to supplement fleet and replace Remedian patrol units.
  • Isometric Prototype redesignated test ship and moved to the Departmental Fleet.
  • Solaris fleet sold, one example moved to the Departmental Fleet (already announced).
  • Rome OPV class increased to 20 examples.
Landing Ships
  • Intruder sold back to HCS (in fact sold as part-exchange + cash for the KT 2Ns (see above) once first Lake LHA enters service.
  • Lake class LHAs increased to 10 examples.
  • DDS to lease HCS Tiamon ship for evaluation purposes.
Departmental Fleet
  • Intrepid ship to be given to New Arit (already announced).
  • 3 Starsystems to be bought (or given) back to DDS to join Starsystem fleet (already announced).
  • Solaris to join Departmental Fleet plus Neptune and Isometric-P.
Transport & Support Fleet
  • Provider class to be completed on 20 examples.
  • Extender class to be increased to 20 examples.
  • Moscow EW class to be withdrawn (possibly sold to Aritans).
  • Marconi EW class order reduced to 5.
VIP, Hospital & Shuttle Craft Fleet
  • Ambassador class cancelled (already announced).
  • Profit Motive withdrawn (already announced).
  • Primary Casualty Receiving Ship class to be developed.
The Review is expected to cause a lot of debate in the DDS though the authors say it will produce a leaner and more flexible fleet that will keep the DDS at the cutting edge.


Solaris withdrawn from front-line service

The remaining 4 Solaris frigates have been withdrawn from front-line service. The ships are considered too obsolete to cope with the Utrek threat (4 have been lost in combat this year against the Zones and Utrek) and in any event the DDS have enough modern frigates to cover their patrols.

One Solaris (3801 Solaris II) will be retained as a training ship (probably replacing the remaining Intrepid which is expected to be given to the Aritans) and renumbered the 9200 class. The other 3 Solaris will be sold to the Aritans who already operate one ex-DDS Solaris.

One Solaris is currently on a patrol near Rathun's World and when it returns to base next week it's 6 year long career on the DDS front-line will end.


Missileer cleared for operation, more ordered

The Missileer is still due to complete trials and field development work for much of the rest of the year but already the DDS have seen enough to see the type works and will be a key asset in the future DDS fleet. The class has been renumbered the 1800 class and 5 more ordered. The first example, 1801 Missileer, will probably be commissioned following trials in the late summer but then be used for development work. There is still a lot of work that needs to be done on the datalinking, collating and targeting systems. Isometric is being used in the development role, some news sources are reporting it has been fitted with tactical systems compatible with the system to be installed in the Panther (though not as capable) to allow development and testing.

The DDS also want to begin development of the Missileer's secondary role as UCAV carrier. Missileer will also be modified to carry 2 SROPS and have some basic maintenance facilities installed for supporting these small craft.

Oojok to return to Cloneworld

The Friar has announced that Oojok's ban from Cloneworld will be lifted and he will be allowed to travel to Cloneworld, although there will be heavy restrictions on what he can do. He will be accompanied by units of the Clone Security Agency at all time and only allowed to visit his old home, a mansion outside Ailier City and attend the Central Temple of the Church Of Oojok though he will not be allowed to address the congregation yet. TV and other media interviews are also forbidden.

Oojok has not said when he will take advantage of the lifting of the ban but said he would before the end of the year. He welcomed the lifting of the ban as it showed that peace had broken out between the secular and religious estates. The Sword of Truth has been pretty much suppressed now with no reported attacks since March. Ayatollah Clone XE still remains at large though.


UV114 : Master & Servant

Clench your buttocks in anticipation for the thrusting phallus that is the latest UV book! In Farewell To Remedia the Utrek launch a devastating attack on the Allies at Remedia Prime. In Brighter as a Dinomark force heads towards Loeuss time is found to indulge in a little political intrigue.

Meanwhile a Dino tank is trapped behind lines following a Utrek offensive on Loeuss, in Inside The Third Bike can they get back to safety? Finally in Dangerman Windy offers Quarz and Redjec a release from reviewing millions of hours of violent gay porn, unfortunately that release is command of a minesweeper.

UV114 is available in all the usual low and morally bereft places. Stay tuned for 2 books in July! Firstly UV115 Fan Service and the summer special dedicated to the life of Windy UV116 A Life Totally Dedicated To Body Building!

Quote of the book :

"treachery first, sodomy later..."


Utrek counterattack

The Utrek have demonstrated they are not a spent force yet following a series of devastating raids targeting all three allies.

Firstly a group of Utrek ships led by a Reptoli Tuul ambushed a Dino training flight and destroyed 4 Dinomark XTs and damaged another. One Utrek ship was damaged in return but all managed to retreat. At the same time a Remedian Kalahati Tuul 2715R Hala was attacked while travelling to Remedia Prime from Algol 7. The Remedian ship was destroyed by the unknown Utrek force, again no Utrek ship is known to have been lost.

Finally, a few hours later, Solaris II frigate 3804 Capricorn was attacked and destroyed while on a patrol near Remedia Prime. The Solaris managed to destroy one Utrek ship (thought to be a Kalahati Tuul) but was overwhelmed by the attacking force of 7 ships.

The DDS managed to get some revenge later on when 2 Utrek Kalahati Tuuls were caught trying to lay mines and destroyed by a Quasar near Remedia Prime.

The DDS are concerned lone ships were targeted and will now be looking into their deployments of less powerful ships.

Raegris to build ships for DDS

The DDS have been trying to raise funds by selling warships and have received orders from the Raegris and the Molab but the DDS' shipyards are running at maximum capacity fulfilling DDS' own needs and there was a danger of the DDS losing the orders if they couldn't deliver. Now the DDS have found a partner to build ships for them : the Raegris.

Initially the plan was to build a dedicated shipyard for exports at Rathun's World but the fact existing yards are struggling for skilled manpower has made this option difficult to envisage. The Raegris however are eager to reinvigorate their own moribund ship building industry (their last major orders were the 6 Cosmos that were sold to the HCS years ago).

The Raegris will build 2 types : Isometric-E and Pentekonter-E. The Isometric-E will be produced for themselves and the Molab and the Pentekonter-E for the Molab. Both types are highly modular and the specification customised for the customer. For example the Isometric for the Raegris (to be known as the DF-1) will be much more advanced than the Molab one, the Raegris example being similar in spec to a Terran Sea B while the Molab being similar to an original DDS Isometric.

The DDS will build the 2 Extenders the Molab have ordered themselves. Delivery of the first ships from the Raegris yard are expected in late 2108.


First DDS minesweeping mission begins

The first mission of the new DDS minesweeping forces has begun with Pave Yellow equipped Isometric SS Oligocene leading both Pentekonter-Ms and a HCS Derinny minesweeper (one of the three loaned off the HCS) on a sweeping mission near Remedia Prime. The Utrek have laid a minefield near some major trading routes and these need to be cleared as soon as possible, one Provider transport has already had a near miss.

The Pentekonters and the Derinny are equipped with SPECNES mine warfare equipment and they will be co-ordinated and controlled by the Pave Yellow equipment on Oligocene, the frigate is also the second ship to be deployed with the new SROPS PB (which incidentally has been named the 8400 Heron class though SROPS is likely to remain the name used, or Strops the nickname already granted it by the DDS).

Commanding Pentekonter-M SS Hesiod is Quarz who is returning to active duty following his injuries in the war against the Zones.


Skirmish near Loeuss

Two DDS warships have skirmished with Utrek forces near Loeuss. The 2 Terran Sea frigates were carrying out a reconnaissance of a nearby asteroid field when they were jumped by 6 Utrek ships, said to be 2 Molentic Tuuls and 4 Kalahati Tuuls. One Terran Sea suffered main power failure and some injuries to crew but it's shields held intact.

The other ship managed to repel the Utrek, destroying 1 MT and 1 KT. One other KT was also damaged. Both ships have now returned to Remedia Prime. One member of crew later died due to shrapnel from an explosion. The Terran Sea is expected to be repaired and back in service in a couple of days.

DDS unveil SROPS

The DDS have quietly unveiled their latest weapon, the SROPS (Short Range Operation Patrol Ship), a small shuttle and patrol boat that will be carried by all ships Isometric and above in size (cruisers may carry 2). The SROPS is based on a commercial design and is a small 6 man space ship. The DDS will use it where larger ships are unable to operate such as in dense asteroid fields and for boarding other ships (teleportation is a risky business and new DDS policy is to try boarding another ship first).

The DDS have ordered 30 SROPS and more will follow later. The first SROPS has been operationally deployed by Isometric frigate SS Jurassic. Ships require some modifications to their docking bays to operate a SROPS and these modifications will be carried out as the ships enter refit or maintenance (SS Jurassic has just had a major refit).

SROPS is not capable of faster-than-light operation though its thought the DDS are looking into a version of SROPS that is as a potential replacement for the aging Coril shuttle fleet.