
Third convoy reaches Loeuss as war role debated in Dino senate

With perfect timing the third Dino relief convoy, this time commanded by M-B-H, has arrived at Loeuss. The convoy included supplies and equipment and a rotation of Dinomark XTs (bringing the force up to 8 again) though no extra soldiers. Badly injured men were evacuated including Zeppelin. A Starsystem has been sent to rendezvous with the convoy as it returns to Dino-Land to receive the DDS and Remedian casualties.

The fourth convoy is currently being prepared which will be commanded by El Diablo but a debate has raged in the Dino Senate about the Loeuss situation. Consul Ronald wants to send more men including an armoured brigade but some senators including Jimmy, the head of the Liberal Party and likely to be elected Consul at the end of the year, said the Dinos should be careful not be dragged into a "quagmire or meat grinder". He said human history was replete with examples of unwinnable attritional wars and the Dinos should try and avoid it. He did give agreement to increasing the number of ground attack Dinomark XTs to 12 however.

Breaking news : The Senate has agreed a compromise, a new armoured brigade will be sent to replace the mauled one currently in the field and will be boosted by a batallion from the brutal SS Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade.