
Post-battle news round-up

Because of the poor state of the fleet after the battle the DDS have decided not to pursue the Utrek but instead use the probably lull caused by the Utrek losses to carry out some urgently needed refits and maintenance of the fleet. Indeed it has been reported that Isometric class SS Mississippian was lost because main power failed in battle due to a fault in the reactor coolant. Another Isometric is reported to have suffered a shields failure in the battle but luckily managed to avoid damage. A Pulsar and 2 Isometrics have set off for Proxima 7 for refit.

Crews need refitting too, a Provider has set out from Solaris carrying replacement crews, 11 ships in the battle suffered battle casualties and injuries and some ships are said to be light on crew. Remaining crews are also said to be utterly exhausted, therefore The Orchid has instigated a rotation of her ships to guard against a Utrek attack with the others getting some much needed R&R.

Meanwhile 4 Remedian ships have returned to action and are helping to guard the stood-down DDS ships. 3 more Remedian ships are said to be repairable reasonably soon but the rest are long-term repair jobs. A complication though is the fact virtually all Remedian orbital facilities were around Remedia Prime and these were destroyed by the Utrek. The DDS have loaned the Remedians an Extender to carry out what repairs are possible out of dock.

Reinforcements are soon to be on the way, a Terran Sea and 2 Rome class are reaching the end of their proving trials and should be ready to be sent to the fleet next week. Its rumoured Windscorpion will accompany them to relieve The Orchid. SS Carboniferous' refit and upgrading has been completed and the ship is being prepared for an unspecified long range mission. An unconfirmed report in the media states that SS Carboniferous is the first ship to receive the new Raegris CIWS that energises the entire hull with radiation and can fire out beams from any position... giving true 360 degree coverage.