
Starsystem MULE proposed

The Starsystem, one of the oldest ships now in DDS service, is hugely popular with DDS Top Brass and even has a fan club for it (the Starsystem Club) which helped prevent it's withdrawal a couple of years ago. The old ships were given a new role as training ships though also perform a number of other roles, becoming the "hacks" of the fleet. With the proposed DDS fleet rationalisation there were fears the Starsystem could be withdrawn however the DDS have firmly said that the ships' planned withdrawal in 2120 is still the only plan.

Indeed the DDS are planning an update and life extension to keep them going for another decade. The MULE (Multi-Update Life Extension) is planned for the end of the decade and should be given the go-ahead for planning soon. Starsystem MULE will have a new engine (an uprated version of it's Hitachi powerplant most likely) and a boosted top speed of 520c (computer simulations have shown that the spaceframe can take this speed with a few modifications) as well as general updates across the board, probably using Isometric equipment where possible. The ships will also have fatigued and worn frame and equipment replaced and improvements to the training facilities aboard.

Its thought the DDS could exchange the 2 Starsystems sold to the New Aritans some years ago for Solaris IIs when the type is withdrawn. The DDS are keen to boost the Starsystem fleet to 8 to allow for greater training coverage.