
Windy destroys Rotarios / Chaos at GHQ

DDS GHQ has been thrown into chaos by the appearance of Windy in the Hall Of Heroes, he is said to have butchered the bulk of the Hoods so they lay in "heaps of dead" and destroyed Lord Rotarios, proclaiming himself DDS Commander. The remaining Hoods were slaughtered by the Windy Massive who rose in rebellion at Windy's command to seize control of the DDS.

Windy has sent a message to all DDS bases and units calling for the arrest of all Hoods, though it has been reported that in many cases Hoods have been killed by DDS men taking revenge for years of oppression and abuse. On SS North America, for example, the 3 Hoods aboard were treated to a space walk sans space suits...

Windy said this to the DDS, "The New DDS Project has failed and has been cancelled. I shall lead the DDS as acting commander until a proper election can take place in which i shall stand. The corruption of Lord Tincan and the Hoods has been destroyed and is replaced by the spiritual and life-affirming philosophy of Windyism! Just ask yourselves : what would Jesus do? Then you will know the true course of action."

Rotarios' lieutenant Action Painting and his deputy Redjec were both arrested, Rotarios loyalist The Orchid has yet to make a comment and remains in command of the DDS fleet.