
Second convoy for Loeuss departs Dino-Land

Four chartered ships from the DDS Merchant Navy Reserve have left Dino-Land loaded with a powerful armoured brigade (the rest of the 3rd, the first convoy took just some technical staff and liaison officers only) and 2 infantry brigades. A number of Dinomarks are accompanying the 4 ships which have been fitted out for wartime use with cloaking devices and military spec communications.

Its thought the ships will rendezvous with a task force being led by Isometric class ship SS Mississippian and also including the DDS' LHA SS Intruder and 2 Provider class transports. The transports and landing ship are carrying the 2nd DDS Armoured Brigade and 17th and 18th Infantry Brigades. These ships will then meet up with Senator Spikeson's task force before heading to Loeuss. Its possible a regiment of Remedian infantry may also join the force.

The Dino/DDS plan to land these forces and supplies on Loeuss by mid-April. The situation on the planet has eased slightly due to the first wave of Dino re-inforcements in the form of airpower and technical advisers but its known the Utrek are also sending extra land forces. DDS Commander Rotarios has said that Loeuss is the key to the whole war against the Utrek.