
NS to make big cuts to amphibious warfare fleet

NS has said it no longer needs the ability to deploy large land forces in a hostile environment. Over the last decade NS has greatly built up it's amphibious fleet including buying Intruders (Pangaea 62A) and Tiamon (Triumph 66B) from the Clones in order to have a fleet that could deploy and support a brigade (at least) size force. However, Viceroy Caratore says this capability is unnecessary for NS which will not be invading planets!

NS plan to sell the Pangaeas and Triumphs to the Clones (once stripped of NS equipment) later this year, the Clones have confirmed this. NS will also mothball half of it's Falcon (Dinomark XT) fleet.

The Oceania 63A fleet will remain intact, indeed a tenth ship is on order and may begin construction soon. The fate of the two Tethys Ocean 65A amphibious support carriers is unknown, NS will keep these but may change their role.