
Clone Air Force to buy fighter version of K58 Raptor

The K58 Raptor is a light attack version of the K3 Pterodactyl trainer which has a hybrid turbofan / electric ducted fan for fuel economy and sonic stealth. The Clone Air Force is funding a light fighter version of the Raptor to be called the K58AD.

This will be a cheap fighter for secondary theatres, replacing the K47 Freedom in production. Although over 360 have been made the CAF have soured on the K47 which is plagued with poor reliability and has not met the intended performance targets.

If the K58AD project works out then production will begin next year. The CAF have cancelled most of the outstanding K47 order, just planes already in production will be completed. Five hundred K58ADs have been ordered. 


Black Triangle impresses in early tests

The prototype Black Triangle 126A has returned to Solaris to be fitted with a late development build of the Lepton WX-01 multi-core engine which has been specially designed for the new type. Initial tests were made with an MBO sourced engine which only has about 70% of the trust of the WX-01 but even this was enough to enable the Black Triangle to show it's promise.

Sceptical NS officers have been won over after witnessing a series of mock combats between the Black Triangle and a Panther. The Type 35 had great difficulty in locking onto the Black Triangle, something which will be even harder when the ship has full performance enabled.

NS have revealed a surprising new feature of the WX-01, it is the first NS engine to be equipped with "cold fire" technology, this reduces infra-red emissions by up to 80%, in a close quarters combat scenario this could make the Black Triangle almost impossible to target when combined with it's high speed and agility.

As well as the WX-01 engine, the prototype will also be equipped with a development build of the tactical system being developed for the ship. This includes twin Zip-MA cannons coupled to a new multi-aspect sensor array.


Two Mariner patrol ships enter service

Two Mariner 56A Light Patrol Craft have joined the fleet as production of the type has resumed after a long hiatus. 56-105 Mongoose and 56-106 Master are now available to the patrol fleet. NS have also increased the order for the Mariner, twenty will now be built.

However, three Deterrence 53As have been withdrawn. 53-114 Bebington, 53-130 Leasowe and 53-137 Hunts Cross are the ships that have reached the end of the line. Only a handful of Deterrences are now in service and are due to be withdrawn by the end of the summer.


Final two Kinetics join the fleet

The final two Kinetic 35C cruisers have joined the fleet, these will be the last conventional Type 35s with production due to switch to the multi-mode Revolution 35Z class which can operate in atmospheres. NS has announced that five more are on order to join the lead ship.

The two Kinetics are 35-319 Kent and 35-320 Kimberley.


Naval ship was hit by anti-tank missile

The Clone Navy has reported that the patrol boat CNS Bellingham was hit by an AT-5 anti-tank missile which was launched by RP fighters from a shoreline position. The AT-5 was guided via video link. The missile is an obsolete type and doesn't have a large enough warhead to give much damage to a warship though the ship's radar and main communication mast did sustain damage.

The Navy said that the reason the missile was not intercepted by a close in weapons system was due to the small size of the missile and the lack of warning as the missile only took about four seconds from launch to strike. More modern defence systems are fitted on later ships, the Triona class patrol boats have yet to be upgraded. As a precaution the Navy has ordered captains to not get too close to the shoreline unless necessary.

The Bellingham has now returned to report for repair. The two injured crewmen are receiving medical treatment, both should make a full recovery.


Clone Navy patrol boat attacked by missile

A Clone Navy Triona class patrol boat has been struck by an unidentified missile while patrolling the northern coast of Ailier. The missile was fired from the shore and damaged the patrol boat's radar and radio mast. Two crew members received minor injuries. The boat's Z26S helicopter conducted a search for the attackers but as yet nothing has been found though a Clone Navy team is en route to the area.

The patrol boat is returning to port. Admiral Anderson wants to know why the patrol boat was not able to shoot down the missile as it is equipped with SA-N-6A missiles which have a close-in defence role.


Dinos order tanks and IFVs from SMA

In a surprise move, the Dinos have turned to the NS in-house land weapon manufacturer SMA for tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. The Dinos have ordered 250 T-62Y tanks, which will be built in a localised YMD version for the Dinos from 2126. These tanks will supplement the thousands of T-55Zs in service. A Dino source said they do not want to be reliant on a single type.

The big order though is for infantry fighting vehicles and comes after the Dino Army was ordered to speed up it's full mechanization plan, and become fully mechanised by the end of the decade. One thousand Vector AFVs have been ordered. This is a new type which SMA has designed for NS Terrestrial Forces though has not been ordered yet. Vector-D will be localised for Dino needs, deliveries will begin next year.

Most of the armoured fighting vehicles the Dinos need will come from the Clones, it is expected that 500 new Tapir-HDs and over 5000 ex-Clone Army Tapirs will be ordered soon.


Dinos want thousands of Tapirs

The Dino Army has been set a goal to fully mechanise by the end of the decade, the only way this is going to be achieved is by importing second-hand kit. The Dinos have reached out to the Clones to purchase up to 5,000 Tapir armoured fighting vehicles to supplement the near 1000 Tapir TRV-5HDs they already have.

The Clones have tens of thousands of Tapirs in storage though the Dinos say they want recent built examples in good condition. Around 500 new build Tapirs could also be built. The Clones are keen on this sale as the procceds (said to be around three billion) will help them afford buying the surplus amphibious warfare ships from NS.


Molab trying to raise funds to buy NS amphibious warfare ships

NS plans to withdraw it's Clone built Pangaea and Triumph amphibious warfare ships later this year, negotiations with the Clones have begun about selling the ships back to them. However, Molab has said NS should not be supplying the Clones with more weapons.

Molab is understood to be trying to raise funds to buy the ships themselves for a combined Free Eritran States amphibious fleet. The other FES members are said to be not that interested unfortunately, not seeing the need for the ships and having already just spent big on new ships and weapons.


Dinos ready to begin series production Dinomark LM/2

A few years ago the Dinos developed the Dinomark LM, intended to be the replacement for the venerable Dinomark XT. Unfortunately due to design flaws and technical niggles production of the LM was cancelled after thirty-five were built. The Dinos decided to go back to the drawing board and have completely redesigned the LM. 

The Dinomark LM Mark 2 (LM/2) looks pretty much the same as the Mark 1 but has a completely different internal layout, updated systems and a new engine. Following an extended proving trial the LM/2 has been finally cleared for production. This is about nine months late but the Dino Army said they wanted to make sure. Forty nine more are on order. The current prototype will now be used for training and integration.

Once sufficient LM/2s have been built, the Dinos plan to rebuild their LM/1 fleet as the LM/1A which will use as much technology as possible from the Mark 2 and a heavily modified internal layout. This work will probably begin in around 2126. Production of the XT is also likely to finally finish at the same time.


CAF and CNAS strike multiple positions in northern Ailier and Micom

Clone Air Force and Clone Naval Air Service bombers and helicopters have struck six positions in the north of Ailier and Micom. All positions were suspected to be occupied by former Religious Police fighters though follow-ups by Clone Army troops reported that three of the sites did not appear to have RP fighters.

The other sites were occupied and a number of RP fighters are reported to have been killed. Two injured fighters were captured, a third was killed resisting arrest. A Junta spokesclone said that operations against the RP would continue.


Four Falcons withdrawn

NS has withdrawn four Falcon 47As, the NS operated Dinomark XT, as NS begins it's deep cuts to the amphibious warfare squadron of the Space Fleet. The four ships were due to receive heavy overhauls and NS has decided to save money by withdrawing the ships instead. Three more could be withdrawn later in the year. An NS source said that NS might keep ten Falcons.

Eight Falcon 47Ws, which have an underwater capability, are also in service and these might all be kept as the flexibility is useful for special forces operations and security.

NS are not seeking to sell it's surplus Falcons, the ships may simply be stripped for spares.


Another Dinomark lost in "Far West"

The Dinos are reporting the loss of a third Dinomark in a distant region of space known as the "Far West". This is a barely charted region of space beyond the border of the Voth and DTA space. Over the last few years the Dinos have run regular long-range patrols in the region. DM205 is now the third ship that has been reported lost.

The Dinos are considering sending a powerful expedition into the region to investigate what has caused these losses.


NS to make big cuts to amphibious warfare fleet

NS has said it no longer needs the ability to deploy large land forces in a hostile environment. Over the last decade NS has greatly built up it's amphibious fleet including buying Intruders (Pangaea 62A) and Tiamon (Triumph 66B) from the Clones in order to have a fleet that could deploy and support a brigade (at least) size force. However, Viceroy Caratore says this capability is unnecessary for NS which will not be invading planets!

NS plan to sell the Pangaeas and Triumphs to the Clones (once stripped of NS equipment) later this year, the Clones have confirmed this. NS will also mothball half of it's Falcon (Dinomark XT) fleet.

The Oceania 63A fleet will remain intact, indeed a tenth ship is on order and may begin construction soon. The fate of the two Tethys Ocean 65A amphibious support carriers is unknown, NS will keep these but may change their role.


Clones say coup will not affect big Dino tank deal

The Clones have said that the recent coup will not affect a big arms deal which has been in discussion between the Clones and Dinos since late last year. The Dino Army and SS have standardised on a customised version of the Clone J55Z (T-55Z) as their main tank and currently have just under five thousand in service in the ZDM, ZDM2 and ZDM3 models.

The Dinos want their fleet unified into a new improved standard known as T-55ZDX. Earlier tanks will receive the new turret of the latest T-55Zs, all tanks will receive a new engine management system to improve fuel efficiency and reduce infra red signature. The tanks will receive a new self-defence system. Also improved is the internal arrangement and radio system.

The upgrades will take place at a factory on Dino-Land though equipment and components will be supplied by the Clones. There will also be 650 new build T-55ZDXs. The worth of the deal is estimated at 1.2 billion zarks. The Dino minister of defence Malanson could travel to Cloneworld to finalise the deal later this month.


Operation Ground Shock 2124

NS has begun it's annual ground attack exercise, which will take place at a test range in an asteroid field near to Solaris. The exercise will not include an amphibious landing onto a habitable world this time but will involve NS Marines, in space suits, raiding and securing a base set up on one of the asteroids as well as reconnaissance and surveillance.

The ships involved are:

36-101 Mulberry (flag)

35-102 Jaguar

51-201 Repulse

51-112 Citadel

81-102 Morse

161-104 Inquest

76-102 Zebra


CDF confirm RP killed in base attack

The Clone Defence Forces have confirmed that nine former Religious Police members were killed in an air attack on a disused Clone Army depot in South Ailier. The small facility was one of dozens of disused depots dotted across Cloneworld. RP members broke in earlier in the week and were detected by automated security sensors.

A Red Lizard special forces detachment covertly observed the RP members at the base and vectored in an attack by CAF K84 bombers who struck the base with sixteen guided bombs. The small base was devastated. K85 COIN aircraft followed up, supported by a K72 reconnaissance aeroplane which scanned the rubble for signs of life.

The CDF said a handful of RP managed to escape but most were killed. Monitoring of other disused facilities will be stepped up.


CAF strike RP base in South Ailier

Clone Air Force bombers have launched a major attack on a former army depot in South Ailier which it is thought was being occupied by several dozen Religious Police fighters. According to a CAF spokesclone, K84 attack aircraft levelled the small depot. Two K85 COIN aircraft followed up.

A Clone Army unit reached the depot some time later and reported several bodies were found in the rubble.


NS Black Triangle begins testing

The first NS built Black Triangle 126A has begun testing, though not fitted with the new Lepton WX-01 engine (it is thought it is fitted with the same MBO developed engine as the MBO Black Triangle variant). The NS ship is also not fully equipped with the intended final weapon and sensor fit as these are also under development.

Initial testing will take place this summer before the ship is due to receive it's proper engine and full tactical system in the autumn. NS say the ship is intended to enter service by the end of 2125.


NS considering long-endurance patrol drone for export market

NS is looking at adapting the Emerald 116A unmanned transport into an unmanned long-endurance patrol and surveillance drone aimed at the export market. The project is known as the Sentinel USV, though this is just a design study project name and so can change. The Sentinel would be intended to support Pentekonter Protector patrol ships and similar and offer an affordable force multiplier and patrol ship for smaller space navies.

An NS source said that some potential customers have been approached with the Sentinel USV concept and their feedback would be fed into any potential future product offering.