
More forces sent to Miliaris as another mass drone attack launched

CSE-E head Marcus has ordered more troops and aircraft be sent to Miliaris as the attacks by Freedom Milaris militants continue. Another mass attack using Molab built drones was launched yesterday on the Clone Army HQ on the planet. More damage was reported though most of the drones were shot down by mass anti-aircraft fire.

Three drones were also launched on an army depot near the capital, a fire was started though damage is reported to have been slight.


Clones strike suspected Freedom Miliaris sites

The Clones have launched air and missile attacks against half a dozen villages suspected to be used by the Freedom Miliaris militant group, however some sources say that is likely only innocent civilians were at the locations. The Clones launched attacks with their K47 and K85 aircraft, plus some medium range ballistic missiles.

One Freedom Miliaris aligned source said that seventeen Eritran and two Clone civilians had been killed in the attacks but no militants.

The Clone Army has still to restore it's communication network on the planet after the deadly attack on their HQ on Miliaris. A Clone warship in orbit is continuing to serve as an emergency communication hub.


Explosion on Laalande 21649

A car bomb has exploded outside of a Clone Army depot on Laalande 21649, another planet in CSE-E. No reports of any casualties have been made though there was damage made to the depot building. The fear is that this is the start of a new insurgency inspired by Freedom Miliaris.

The authorities have been quick to lock down the town the depot is in and have begun a criminal investigation.


Mass drone attack on Clone Army HQ on Miliaris

Around nineteen attack drones have been used in an attack on the Clone Army HQ on Miliaris, in what must be seen as a major escalation of the Freedom Miliaris insurgency. The HQ was badly damaged in the attack as was the main military communications hub on the planet. The Clones have been forced to use a warship in orbit as for planet wide communications.

The Clones said that Molab built drones were used in the attack, as they had been in the previous attack on the nearby air base. CSE-E leader Marcus has threatened Molab with serious consequences if they get involved in the affairs of the empire.


City beat (3176)

Real DDS are trapped in deep space.

Third or fourth (3175)

Windy has to get creative.

Big investors (3174)

Real DDS battles the New ABBOs.

A wet old day (3173)

MBH recruits The Tarquin.

Painful personal (3172)

The New ABBOs track Real DDS.

Decision day (3171)

Agent X fails again.

Militants launch deadly attack on Miliaris air base

Freedom Miliaris militants have launched an attack on the main Clone Air Force base on Miliaris. The attack was made by around a dozen attack drones, backed up with mortar fire. The Clones later reported that 3 K47 fighters, 2 K85 COIN aircraft an a K48 transport were destroyed. Some other aircraft have been damaged along with a radar station. Several soldiers are reported killed.

The Clones said they recovered one of the drones which crashed near to the air base and didn't explode. They said it was a Molab manufactured weapon. The Clones have accused Molab of directly supplying the militants. Molab have not responded.


Molab calls on FES to back operations against Clones

Molab has called on the other Free Eritran States (FES) to support the ethnic Eritran uprising on Miliaris. The Molab government said that Miliaris and the other planets in the Clone Star Empire - East were Eritran planets invaded years ago and one day would return to Eritran control.

However, the other FES members are not keen to engage in any operations against the CSE-E. Helinox said while they supported the brave Miliaris people, the time for war was not now. Sear N7 and Kontai also said there should be no wider conflict.


NS sending task force to Aldebra sector in anti-Argon operation

NS has despatched a task force to reinforce Aldebra and also to guard against a possible Argon incursion in that area of UNP space. This is following the loss of the Nectar destroyer SS Nigeria due to an attack by the Argon.

Viceroy Caratore said that if the Argon had forces in the area they would be engaged with and repulsed with full force.


Clones angry over political roles for Oojok and Sleeze

When Oojok and Sleeze were allowed to go into exile in the Dino Republic, the Clones made as a condition that their former leaders would not have a political role. This was already broken by Oojok and Sleeze being appointed to the Dino Elders though as this was an advisory body with no power the Clones have let this pass.

However, after the historic elections to reform the Dino political system this has changed. Sleeze was a candidate for Ronald's Imperial Order party in the Assembly elections and is now an elected MDA (Member of the Dino Assembly). Oojok will become a member of the slimmed down new Dino Elders which will act as the upper house. 

A Clone Junta spokesclone has said that this violates the terms of Oojok's and Sleeze's exile. However, in practice there is little the Clones can do about it.


NS accuses Clones of covering up massacre on Miliaris

New Sparta and the Free Eritran States have said that Clone Army troops have entered the two ethnic Eritran towns on Miliaris that rose up in revolt and caused a massacre of civilians. This has been covered up by the Clone media, NS claims. Freedom Miliaris sources say dozens of civilians have been killed though this has not been independently verified.

The Clone Defence Forces have said they do not comment during ongoing security operations. A K85 COIN aircraft was hit by gunfire near one of the towns though was able to return to base. 


Clones intercept Molab ship said to be carrying weapons for Miliaris militants

A Dinomark XT, operated by the Molab Space Navy, has been intercepted after crossing over the border into the territory of the Clone Star Empire. Two Clone Space Navy ships chased and fired upon the Molab ship as it approached Miliaris. The Molab ship turned around and then retreated back over the border.

The Clones have said that scans indicated the Dinomark was carrying weapons including surface to air missiles and ammunition. They say Molab is trying to supply the Freedom Miliaris militant group, this is something Molab has denied. They said their ship had suffered a "navigational issue" causing it to cross the border by mistake while on a routine patrol.


Marcus orders army into Miliaris villages

Despite pleas from local leaders and military commanders, CSE-E Leader Marcus has ordered the Clone Army into the two ethnic Eritran towns on Miliaris which have risen in revolt. Army troops have entered the village and are understood to have encountered heavy resistance. Casualties are unknown though one non-CDF source said "significant".

Two CAF K47 fighters have also come under fire while carrying out reconnaissance over one of the towns. They came under SAM attack though the missile is not thought to have locked on and landed harmlessly in a field.


Military head on Miliaris killed by militants

In a major embarrassment for the Clone Defence Forces, General Adin who led all military forces on the planet, has been killed by a gunman from the Freedom Miliaris militant group. Adin was ambushed near his home, Adin's bodyguard was also killed in the attack. The FM gunman was killed by military police.

Marcus, who heads the CSE-E, has arrived in the area and has told the authorities on the planet to up their game and end the threat by Freedom Miliaris. He also paid tribute to Adin, saying that he had served alongside him in the 2nd Legion during the Clone Wars.


Jimmy claims victory in Dino Assembly election, could be first Consul

Although the result has not been officially announced, the leader of the Liberal Party Jimmy has said his party has won the most seats in the new Dino Assembly. It is thought the Liberals have won 30% of the seats with Imperial Order and Veritas = Truth both winning around 25%. Smaller parties and independents have won the other seats.

The leader of the largest party will be the Consul or Leader of the Assembly. Jimmy is expected to take this role and will lead the Dino Empire alongside Emperor MBH and Censor Ronald.

The final result is expected to be finalised in early October, the new Assembly will meet for the first time mid-month.


Two Miliaris towns rise up against "Clone invaders"

Two towns on Miliaris, mostly inhabited by ethnic Eritrans, have rised up in rebellion against the Miliaris authorities. Clone inhabitants of the towns have been attacked and, some reports say, driven out of their homes and out of town. The Eritrans have said they no longer recognise the "Clone invaders" as the government of Miliaris.

The Clone Army has mobilised troops to surround the two towns though local military leaders are wary to not enter the towns yet due to fears of sparking a larger rebellion. No Clones were killed in the actions in the two towns though some received injuries. 

The Freedom Miliaris militant group has said they will support the populations of the two towns against the Clone authorities.


NS concede Argon 7 Sa Sao behind destruction of ship

Following analysis of telemetry provided by the Starbotians, as well as a material analysis of the remains of SS Nigeria, New Sparta has conceded that it was the Argon faction of the 7 Sa Sao which destroyed their ship not the Starbotians.

Starbotian leader S101 said that the Argon tried to steal their new ship which was on trials. The Argon disabled I-1A but S101 said they were able to restore power while the Argon were fighting the NS ship and then was able to damage and chase off the Argon ship.

Caratore has called a meeting of senior officials, more ships may be sent to reinforce NS at Aldebra.


ABBOs are back in more dangerous form, the Dinos warn

The dangerous robot menace, the ABBOs, have returned the Dinos have warned and were responsible for the loss of a number of ships over the last few months. A long range patrol, run by thought to have been Real DDS, has investigated the loss of the ships and encountered the ABBOs. They engaged the ABBOs in battle and were lucky to survive according to one source.

The Dinos said that the ABBOs seem to have merged with an organic species of unknown origin. This is thought to make the ABBOs even more dangerous as it makes them more unpredictable.


NS accuse Starbot of destroying ship

The Nectar destroyer SS Nigeria has been confirmed to have been destroyed after wreckage was found in deep space near to Aldebra. Viceroy Caratore has said there is evidence the Starbotians were involved as Nigeria had been following I-1A when contact had been lost with it.

Caratore has demanded an explanation from Starbot and has threatened them with "revenge". However, the DTA were quick to warn MBO-New Sparta that an attack on Starbot would be an attack on the DTA and would have very serious circumstances.


Clones intercept Molab ship near Miliaris

A Clone Space Navy patrol has intercepted a Molab warship (thought to have been one of their Isometrics) which crossed the border and approached the Miliaris system. After a brief stand off the Molab ship retreated back over the border.

The Clones have accused Molab of supplying the Freedom Miliaris militants who have recently launched a series of attacks against the Clone military on the planet. The Clones say a SAM which shot down a Clone Air Force plane a few days ago was probably supplied by Molab. 

Molab has denied this, they suggested the FM may have bought it on Amazon.


CAF aircraft shot down on Miliaris

A Clone Air Force K85 COIN aircraft has been shut down during anti-militant operations on Miliaris. One unconfirmed report states the plane was shot down by a surface to air missile. Telemetry received from a nearby K72 Elint aircraft states the SAM may have been of NS origin.

The type has been supplied to the Free Eritran States, especially Molab. The CSE-E has warned the FES to not interfere in Clone affairs.


Molab buy 40 MRMs

Molab have ordered forty Medium Range Missiles from NS for immediate delivery. Molab's four Isometrics (3 EMMs and 1 ME) are all receiving an upgrade to deploy the MRM. This includes two external pylons and tactical software updates.

Molab is expected to be operational with MRM by the end of the year, this will be a great strategic asset for Molab giving them a powerful stand-off attack capability. 


CSM launchers destroyed on Miliaris

Marcus is demanding answers from the military leadership on Miliaris following another attack by the Freedom Miliaris militant group. A group of insurgents broke into an army base on Miliaris (the one that came under mortar fire earlier in the year) and destroyed two CSM mobile launchers. They attempted to get into a store where CSM rounds are stored but were killed by base guards. A Clone Army source said no CSMs were damaged and nuclear warheads are stored separately at another (secret) location.

The Clone Army has launched air attacks on suspected FE positions in ethnic Eritran areas on the planet though a civilian source has said it was considered unlikely any militants were hit in the attacks, though a lot of innocent civilians are thought killed.


Contact lost with NS ship

Contact has been lost with the Nectar destroyer SS Nigeria. It was on patrol near to Aldebra and is reported to have encountered a Starbotian ship. No other details have been revealed, an unnamed source said that the status of the destroyer is unknown.

NS have despatched two other ships from Aldebra to investigate.


Freedom Miliaris launch more attacks on Clone military

The Freedom Miliaris militant group has launched a second series of attacks on the Clone military on Miliaris. A car bomb was exploded outside of a Clone Army administration centre. A Clone Air Force transport came under fire as it was coming into land at an airbase, the plane sustained damage though was able to make a safe landing.

The Clone Army has not said how many personnel were killed or injured in these attacks. A squadron of COIN aircraft is being sent from Austini 55 to bolster the air power available on the planet. A regiment of soldiers experienced in anti-terrorist operations has also been sent.


Two Repulse enter service

Two more Repulse 51B destroyers have joined the fleet, these are 51-203 Dovecote and 51-204 Walcote. With the escort fleet now reaching a level of "comfort" for NS, discussions are now being made about the Proxima Centauri light destroyer fleet.

These nine ex-Starsystems are not expected to be further life extended and will be withdrawn during the second half of this decade. Indeed, the first could be withdrawn next year. 


Dino Senate disbanded ahead of elections

Emperor MBH has disbanded the Dino Senate and Assembly. Elections will now be held for a new Assembly which will replace them. In early October the results of the elections are expected to be known, the head of the largest party in the Assembly will become the first Consul of the Dino Empire.

The Consul will lead the empire alongside the Emperor and Censor Ronald. A slimmed down Dino Elders will also act as an advisory body.


Molab calls for Clones to withdraw from former Eritran planets

Molab has called on the Clone Star Empire-East to be disbanded and for planets like Austini 55 and Woloron 12 to be restored to their former Eritran populations. Molab, who say they are speaking for the Free Eritran States, say the invasion and crushing of the Eritran Trade Federation was a crime which will never be forgotten.

"The Eritrans were weak then, but now are strong." the Molab president said, "Now the Free Eritran States stand ready to avenge the loss of our former lands and to restore the Federation."

The Clones have not commented.


NS to begin testing of "7K" next generation worm drive

NS has said it will begin field testing of the next generation W2 family worm drive, which will increase the speed of fitted ships to an equivalent of 7000c. The drive will be fitted into an Alpha drone early next year and conduct a number of unmanned test flights before the engine is man rated. Later in 2125 the engine will be fitted to a larger ship. Full testing is expected to take around two years but ships could start being fitted with W2 family worm drives in 2127.

NS are already working on the third generation, a 10,000ec target has been given for W3 though this will probably nor be achievable until well into the next decade.


Clones conduct large CSM test with live warheads

The Clones have conducted a large scale test of it's Clone Space Missile. Five missiles were fired from mobile launchers deployed to Randalf 74 (the first time CSM is known to be been deployed to the planet). Several days later a small asteroid near to Petric was hit by all five missiles which had nuclear warheads. The asteroid is said to have been pulverised.

Admiral Anderson has hailed the test of the CSM, which is understood to have recently received upgrades to it's guidance and management systems. The test will also be a warning to rival powers of the Clone interstellar nuclear deterrent. One source has said that the Clones now possess over 100 armed CSMs ready to launch from land silos, mobile launchers and submarines.


Clones cancel K55, delays K45C follow-on

The Clone Air Force has planned to replace the K45C with the K55 Future Combat Fighter sometime in the late 2130s, however the K55 has now been cancelled. Instead, the CAF will continue to improve and refine the K45 Falcon with the C mid-life upgrade the CM now pushed back to the early 2130s. It will also be now called the K45F.

The K45F will have the hybrid engines planned for the K55 which will improve loiter capabilities and reduce IR and sonic emissions. It will also have the next generation radar and databus system planned for the K55.

In other fighter news, the CAF have conducted a survey of it's K40S fleet (late production K40s which included some K45 technology) and these planes will be able to stay in service until the early 2130s. The rest of the K40 fleet is ageing fast with withdrawals likely to speed up over the next couple of years.


Third Walrus SSBN enters service

The third Walrus ballistic missile submarine has entered service with the Clone Navy. It is understood that the ship will be only equipped with the CSM version of SeaGale (SeaCSM) and not normal SLBMs. The other two Walrus will also be re-equipped with SeaCSM when they complete their current patrols or maintenance cycles. Admiral Anderson said that the Walrus fleet, which will eventually number six, will become the key component of the Clone interstellar nuclear deterrent.

The veteran training ship CNSS Warhammer which was also used an auxiliary attack asset will now revert to just the training role.


Swordfish / Dinomark RA details revealed

The Swordfish patrol ship is expected to become the standard patrol and light combatant ship of the DTA, replacing a number of older types. It has been given the Dinomark code RA though the Dino Army have not yet said if they will field the type.

Krok Industries say they will unveil the Swordfish next year with an entry into service in 2126. Krok Industries say the Swordfish is based on the prototype Dinomark GL (which was not taken up by the Dino Army) and is a compact ship like the Dinomark PT. The Swordfish will have a high power-to-mass ratio which will give it very high agility. It will also have a high degree of mission flexibility.


Two Violets join NS fleet

Two more Violet 57B light patrol ships have joined the fleet, 57-213 Vallea and 57-214 Vriesea. These will join the patrol pool next month.

Two more Deterrence patrol ships have been withdrawn, 53-134 Oriel Road and 53-144 Lime Street. Just two Deterrence remain in service but are now officially in ready reserve and are expected to be withdrawn in a couple of months.


K-18 to be withdrawn two years early

The K-18D close support aircraft were already due to be withdrawn by 2127 but NS has bought this forward by two years. All 120 K-18Ds in service will now be out of service by the end of next year. NS are currently negotiating with the Dinos about the possibility of selling the Dino built aircraft back to them. The Dino Army also uses the type though production ended some years ago, the Army is keen to have the planes back to bolster their own stocks and provide spares.

NS are currently developing a replacement, the OA-25 ACSA (Advanced Close Support Aircraft) though this will not be in service before the withdrawal of the K-18D.


Rebels launch attacks on Miliaris

Miliaris is a fairly unremarkable world in the Clone Star Empire - East, notable only for it being the location of two mobile CSM regiments. One of these has come under attack from the previously unknown Freedom Miliaris group. A Clone Army base, home to one of the CSM regiments, came under mortar attack. A truck bomb was also detonated near to the base's entrance.

A Clone Army source said that four soldiers had been killed and some others injured in the attacks. No CSMs or their launchers were damaged.


He was sacked (3166)

Dr Forbidden is targeted again by NS.


Leveled by bombing (3165)

Gomber is terrorised sexually by LORD Gibson.


Good news (3164)

Ronald saves the day (as usual).