
Clones declare war on Free Eritran States

Admiral Anderson has announced the Clone Star Empire is now at war with the Free Eritran States following the devastating attack with MRMs on CSE military facilities on Austini 55 and Woloron 12 and two FES fleets which have entered CSE-E space. Anderson said the FES would be repelled and destroyed and that order would be restored.

However, analysts say the CSE have been caught completely cold by the surprise FES attack. One estimate is that as many of twelve ships were destroyed or badly damaged in the attack on orbital facilities, which have also been virtually destroyed. The Clone fleet is now also scrambling to face the Helinox and Molab led fleets which have entered Clone space. As yet there are no reported fleet engagements.

MBO-New Sparta is not part of the operation, Viceroy Caratore has said. He also said that he did not approve of the FES use of nuclear weapons.