If the Clones thought making an example of, and destroying utterly, an ethnic Eritran village on Miliaris might stop the uprising across the CSE-E they were mistaken. Instead, they have just poured kerosene on the fire. The Clone News Service has reported dozens of clashes across the CSE-E including terrorist attacks on Clone military bases and units as well as public revolts in ethnic Eritran areas.
On Miliaris, a dozen drones struck the Clone Army HQ. Massed anti-aircraft fire, including from a dozen TAA-4 Stoat AA tanks bought in from Austini 55, bought down most of the drones though there was damage caused to a storage silo.
On Rendrial 4 there was another mass drone attack, the main airbase was hit hard though most aircraft were able to get airborne. The aircraft have dispersed to an emergency landing strip.