
Five nuclear armed LRMs launched by MBO agents

NS has confirmed that a battery of nuclear armed LRMs has been launched on Solaris by MBO clones. The missiles were launched from mobile launchers based at a facility in the main desert. NSIS marines stormed the facility and killed the MBO clones in a short firefight. However, the damage was done. The LRMs have now entered space and are cloaked. Their targets have been scrambled by the clones who applied a fractal encryption meaning that NS cannot regain control of the missiles or even know where they are targeting.

An unnamed source at NS GHQ said that the missiles belonged to the "Doomsday" battery (not an official name) of the strategic rocket arm of NS. This means each LRM contains 5 independently targeted (on the same planetary body) warheads with a 10 megaton yield. Each LRM could devastate key targets in the UNP and NS cannot do anything to stop them apart from hope point defence can intercept the warheads.

The LRMs can lie in space for up to 6 months. A NS source said that the missiles are designed for stealth and to evade defences and detection. "Obviously we never considered they might be used against us, which is an unfortunate oversight." he said dryly. President Torus has called an emergency meeting of the NS Politburo.