
Akbar is appointed head of space fleet

General Akbar, who led the NS fleet alongside the Raegris in the war against the Terrasaurs, has returned to NS. He held talks with Viceroy Caratore and has accepted the role as the head of the NS Space Fleet, reporting directly to Zeppelin. It had been rumoured he might leave NS like a number of other senior figures such as The Chef who went missing from his ship a few days ago. However, insiders say Akbar has decided to stay with NS and support it in this difficult transition.

Caratore has ordered the arrest of a number of known supporters of Windscorpion and Torus


DSA abolished

Viceroy Caratore has abolished the DNA Scanning Agency, the huge organisation set up to scan for the DNA of Mutre Bee clones. The DSA was compromised by the MBO earlier this year, a key factor in their victory over New Sparta. Caratore said the MBO would not deploy clones in NS (apart from the MBO Honour Guard) in "normal circumstances". An analyst said Caratore was keeping the threat of clones infiltrating NS if there was unrest or disobedience. 

The former head of the DSA, Mad Medic, is another senior NS officer who has gone missing and is now on the wanted list.


Torus and other senior staff declared traitors, bounty put on their heads

The new head of MBO-NS Internal Security, Inspector Koval, has declared former President Torus plus other senior NS personnel such as Stella and Kalifei as traitors for deserting NS and stealing the flagship SS Cicero. Koval has ordered MBO-NS to hunt them down and bring them to justice. He has also put a bounty on them.

A protest formed at DDS City with supporters of the old regime raising banners against MBO. NSIS and MBO Honor Guard personnel broke up the protest and made a number of arrests. 


Twenty MBO ships to transfer to NS fleet

Twenty MBO Nectar destroyers are to transfer to the NS Space Fleet to help plug gaps in the fleet after recent heavy losses. The new head of the NS Military Zeppelin said the ships would transfer over the next month and initially be crewed by MBO personnel though would gradually transfer to having full NS crews by the end of the year.

The Nectar ships will be known as the Nectar 52A in NS service. Zeppelin also said an extra five Mulberry 36A cruisers would be built on top of the two outstanding ships on the existing order. 


MBO ship destroyed near Proxima 6

An MBO ship has been destroyed near Proxima 6, the lifeless planet between Proxima 5 and 6. The MBO have not given any more information, an anonymous NS source said the ship was destroyed by an NS ship which then left the system. A few minutes later a squadron of MBO ships was scrambled but by then the NS ship had long gone.

It is speculated that the ship was the NS flagship SS Cicero which has turned off it's transponder and has gone missing. Torus and other senior NS figures, who refuse to join MBO-New Sparta, are thought to be aboard.


The End of the Beginning (2935)

Caratore arrives at GHQ.

Caratore promises the fleet will be rebuilt, abolishes the alert system

Viceroy Caratore has addressed a meeting of chiefs of the NS Space Forces and promised that after the heavy losses suffered in the wars against the Terrasaurs and MBO the fleet would be rebuilt. Caretore announced a further five Kinetic 35C cruisers will be built as well as the last ship which is currently under construction. NS lost seven of this type alone in the wars though so it shows the scale of rebuilding that will be needed.

Caretore said that NS and MBO would be sharing technologies, future NS ships would be more powerful though an independent analyst said that the technology transfer might be more in the MBO direction. 

Caretore also announced the abolishing of the NS alert system, which is currently on PURPLE. There will be no replacement he said.


Caratore appoints deputies, other posts

Viceroy Caratore has appointed Zeppelin as the head of MBO-New Sparta Forces, The Shiner as head of MBO-New Sparta Facilities. These are very similar to the roles they had under the old regime. They will report directly to the Viceroy.

Caratore has also appointed MBO officer Koval as the head of internal security including NSIS. LORD Gibson has been appointed head of Human Resources.

An unconfirmed report states that the flagship SS Cicero has gone missing, Torus and other senior NS officers who have gone missing may have taken it.


Caratore arrives at NS GHQ

Guarded by a hundred stormtroopers (known as the MBO Honour Guard) Viceroy Caratore has landed at NS GHQ. He was flanked by two senior MBO figures, Koval and LORD Gibson - both of whom will have roles in the MBO controlled NS. Caratore has disbanded the NS Politburo. He said that two existing senior NS figures will be appointed his deputies. It is thought The Shiner and Zeppelin will take those roles.

A number of other senior NS figures have gone missing, including President Torus and her staff. Caratore said that everyone should return to continue their duties. 

Finally, Caratore announced a name change for NS, it will now be known as the MBO-New Sparta.


The Beginning of the End (2934)

The war is lost.

NS surrenders to MBO

VP (Facilities) - and acting President - The Shiner has formally ended the war with the Mutre Bee Organisation by signing surrender terms aboard Caretore's flagship which is now heading to the Proxima Centauri system. All NS units have been ordered to stand down from full alert and resume normal activities were possible.

Caratore said that he would be taking over control of NS as Mutre Bee's Viceroy. He said that NS' mission would continue, over "light oversight" from the MBO. An MBO squadron would be stationed in the Proxima system though would only be there for support. Caratore said that all MBO clones would be deactivated in a "short while". Caratore said that if NS accepted the new regime then clones would no longer be needed.

Caratore did not say when the five LRMs would be deactivated. The LRMs have an active life of over six months before they will require resetting thus they will be useful to keep as the ultimate sanction to ensure NS and UNP obedience.


Sea Urchin meets Caratore, signs surrender

Sea Urchin, on behalf of the UNP, has met the MBO leader Caratore on his ship near New Jakarta and signed a surrender document. Sea Urchin said it was a sad day, the darkest day but surrender was the only option. Caratore said the nuclear weapons under MBO control will not attack UNP targets, as long as the surrender terms are kept too.

President Torus, and a number of other senior NS officers including VP (Ops) Stella, are reported to have gone missing. Torus' last act was to sign over control of NS to VP (Facilities) The Shiner.

NS personnel are feeling a range of emotions, from bewilderment to shame to anger. There have been a number of flashpoints across NS facilities though the majority seem resigned to defeat.


Torus sends NS to PURPLE alert, Hendrix Protocol

NS has been put into PURPLE alert for the first time (and maybe the last) time. PURPLE alert is for when the very existence of NS is now in heavy doubt, secret contingency plans will be put into operation and all normal operations are abandoned. Once NS is at this level of alert it cannot be dropped again.

NS personnel will receive one of two sets of orders, if blank they are to hold station and do nothing, otherwise they will receive what has been called the Hendrix Protocol. What this entails is unknown.

The UNP is understood to be about to agree to unconditional surrender to the Mutre Bee Organisation. This means the war is over and the UNP, and NS, are now under MBO control. This news service will continue to operate until instructed otherwise.


Darkness Falls (2933)

MBO seizes control of NS nukes.

City Hopper (2932)

NS launches a counter attack against the MBO.

UNP orders NS to stand down

The UNP have ordered New Sparta to stand down from full readiness and not to engage MBO warships unless it is in self-defence. The UNP are thought to have agreed to surrender to the MBO despite opposition from NS and former NS Commander Sea Urchin who is now a minister in the UNP.

President Torus has yet to respond to the order. It is thought she will consult with the NS Politburo later today. Most analysts agree though that NS has run out of options.


Caratore : "People have nothing to fear from the MBO" with some exceptions

MBO commander Caratore had addressed NS and MBO via video transmissions sent out on a variety of commercial channels. He reassured people in the event of the UNP surrendering to the MBO. "There is nothing to fear from the Mutre Bee. Life will go on for most of you as before. The UNP will continue operating as before, the New Sparta will continue it's missions. Just with MBO oversight. That will not be overbearing. The Mutre Bee prefers to keep a light hand on the tiller."

Caratore called on NS to stand down. However, he did not rule out any reprisals. "Most of you will continue in your current roles and will be fine. A small number may... not."

An NS spokeswoman retorted, "Nothing to fear he says, from someone who said he would kill millions in a nuclear attack yesterday! NS will fight to the last and not rest until the MBO rabble has been destroyed!"


Caretore : "Surrender in 5 days or lose a city"

Caratore has given the UNP a stark choice, to surrender within five days or the MBO will start using the LRM nuclear weapons they now control. Caratore said in a message to the UNP, "You have five days from now, Friday at midday Proxima 7 Standard Time, to accept unconditional surrender otherwise we will be forced to hit a target in the UNP. It could be anywhere and your much vaunted NS will not be able to stop it. Then you will have four days to accept before we use the next LRM."

An unconfirmed report states that Sea Urchin has told Torus that NS has until Thursday to find a way to stop the LRMs or the UNP will vote on whether to surrender (and it will).


NSIS foil attempt to set nuclear waste storage facility on fire

NSIS Marines have engaged and eliminated an MBO unit which had infiltrated the Mon Repula nuclear waste storage facility on Proxima 7. The MBO were planning to set the facility on fire, this could have released a cloud of radioactive toxins across some of the most valuable farmland on the planet.

VP (Ops) Stella said that NSIS have foiled a number of MBO attempts to cause mayhem. One notable failure however being the launch of five LRMs of course.


MBO issue surrender demand direct to UNP

Caratore of the Mutre Bee Organisation has re-issued his demand for an unconditional surrender, this time backed up by the nuclear missiles now controlled by the MBO. However, his demand has been sent directly to the UNP not NS. Caratore has told the UNP to surrender and instruct NS to stand down. He said that the UNP would retain it's sovereignty, mostly, under MBO guidance and subject to a yearly tribute.

President Torus has condemned the MBO demand, but there are signs the UNP are heading towards accepting it. UNP Council Minister Sea Urchin has tried to steer the UNP away but he told reporters, "The UNP think the war is lost, to be honest i'm not sure we can deny it."


NS withdraw all available ships to defend against LRMs

President Torus has ordered all available ships back to the core space of the UNP to defend against the five LRMs seized by the MBO. Each LRM contained five nuclear warheads and is lying in deep space cloaked, however during their final attack mode they need to decloak so there is a small window of opportunity to intercept them.

Everything not in the battle fleet being assembled to fight the approaching MBO fleet has been reassigned. Light patrol ships, training ships, even shuttles and transports will be used to form defensive screens over strategic and important positions in the UNP. However, even if NS can form screens over 100 locations (as they claim), there are 200 or more other possible targets they cannot cover. Intercepting LRM warheads in their attack mode has not been trained for, and indeed they are designed to evade interception, so even defended positions could be hit.

The nightmare scenario for NS is for the Mutre Bee to use the LRMs to attack the Clones or Dinos. The Clone Star Empire has already put it's own much larger CSM force on full alert and have promised a "overwhelming barrage of nuclear warheads" if the CSE is attacked.

The two other operational LRM batteries have been de-activated as a precaution.


Five nuclear armed LRMs launched by MBO agents

NS has confirmed that a battery of nuclear armed LRMs has been launched on Solaris by MBO clones. The missiles were launched from mobile launchers based at a facility in the main desert. NSIS marines stormed the facility and killed the MBO clones in a short firefight. However, the damage was done. The LRMs have now entered space and are cloaked. Their targets have been scrambled by the clones who applied a fractal encryption meaning that NS cannot regain control of the missiles or even know where they are targeting.

An unnamed source at NS GHQ said that the missiles belonged to the "Doomsday" battery (not an official name) of the strategic rocket arm of NS. This means each LRM contains 5 independently targeted (on the same planetary body) warheads with a 10 megaton yield. Each LRM could devastate key targets in the UNP and NS cannot do anything to stop them apart from hope point defence can intercept the warheads.

The LRMs can lie in space for up to 6 months. A NS source said that the missiles are designed for stealth and to evade defences and detection. "Obviously we never considered they might be used against us, which is an unfortunate oversight." he said dryly. President Torus has called an emergency meeting of the NS Politburo.


Up to the 30 (2931)

NS receives an unexpected gift.

Huge explosion devastates NS HQ on Terra

The New Sparta HQ in London, Terra has been devastated by a huge explosion though to have been caused by MBO operatives. Much of the building has collapsed with at least thirty fatalities and others are unaccounted for.

NS has increased security to the maximum but the distributed nature of NS facilities means there are many access points into NS and it is proving impossible to cover them all. 


Regulus named as ship lost in raid

37-106 Regulus has been named as the Solaris 37C cruiser lost in the NS raid on the MBO fleet. Although publicly the raid is being lauded as a triumph, NS insiders say there was display that yet another cruiser was lost.

In happier news for NS, the Kinetic 35C cruiser 35-315 Kinder has completed trials in record time and has joined the fleet. NS is having trouble assembling a crew due to the stringent bio-security measures put in place to stop the spread of MBO clones in the fleet but it is hoped the ship will be operational in two weeks.


NS hit back against Mutre Bee Organisation

NS have conducted a successful hit and run raid against the MBO fleet. An NS source said that a fleet detachment led by The Chef attacked the MBO fleet which is now between Liberation and New Jakarta. The attack is said to have included stand-off MRMs launched by NS bombers and a follow-up attack by NS cruisers.

NS said six MBO transports were destroyed and two warships, thought to be Nectar frigates. NS lost a cruiser, a Solaris 37C which has yet to be identified. 

While this raid has been lauded as a morale boosting victory, an independent source in the UNP has said that the loss of yet another cruiser is probably more significant than a few transports. 


Torus censors NS Poliburo and senior staff

President Torus has ordered NS Politburo members and other senior NS staff to not mention the MBO demands, this is largely aimed at VP Shiner who said NS should listen to the demands though others have been told to also take note.

Torus also said that twelve clones had been discovered by a full DNA sweep of ship crews, all had been executed. All ships were now operating on a full isolation protocol. Vital parts of NS infrastructure would also be screened, though keeping these staff at ground and orbital facilities in bio-secure bubbles would prove more difficult.


Shiner says NS should listen carefully to MBO demands

The Vice-President of Facilities, and former DDS Commander, Shiner has said NS should listen to MBO demands not dismiss them immediately. "We are in a bad situation, we should listen to what they say and, if necessary, begin a dialogue." The Shiner later denied he believed NS should surrender to MBO but instead should take the opportunity to talk.

President Torus did not criticise her Vice-President directly but said NS would not negotiate with an enemy in war.


DSA has been compromised NS say, fleet isolated

The DNA Scanning Agency has been compromised NS have said, leading to an unknown number of Mutre Bee clones entering NS and causing numerous acts of sabotage. President Torus has ordered all ships to hold station until a full re-scanning of all crew takes place. From then on all ships will be under an isolation protocol with no crew exchanges unless in cases of emergency. All ships are also to be swept for bugs or booby traps.

A number of clones have already been found, Torus has ordered they be executed immediately. While the fleet can be rescanned in a few days, the wider NS will remain a problem. 


MBO issue surrender demand

The Mutre Bee Organisation has issued a demand for unconditional surrender by New Sparta. The commander of the MBO fleet, former NS general Caratore, said that NS should surrender now to avoid any more bloodshed. "NS should know by now that their position is hopeless, if they continue this pointless fight then all that will be achieved is more losses and more deaths. Torus should accept it is the end of NS as an independent entity. It is time for NS to embrace it's future as part, an important part, of the Mutre Bee Organisation."

President Torus said that NS would never surrender. "Surrender is not in the DNA of New Sparta." Though some commentators have quipped that the NS DNA has probably been compromised by the MBO by now.


Six in a Row (2926)

Torus learns the terrible truth about NS' position.

Hard Kore (2925)

Agent X attacks Windy.

The End of Reality (2924)

NS suffers a shattering defeat.

Apple Caramel (2923)

NS comes under biological attack.