
The battle of Nemoka

Raegris/New Sparta and the Terrasaurs have finally clashed in a large battle in the Nemoka system involving nearly one hundred ships on both sides. Early reports indicate significant losses on both sides but the Terrasaurs are in the ascendency and have seized orbital control over the main Nemoka planet.

One report indicates an enemy agent aboard one of the Raegris Quasar cruisers committed an act of sabotage which destroyed the Quasar amid the Raegris fleet causing chaos. Communications with the Raegris have been cut (thought to be due to Terrasaur attacks on communication networks). New Sparta is trying to re-establish contact and see what the situation is, especially with Windscorpion's task force.

President Torus has raised the alert status to RED, full war footing. The Rapid Reaction Force has been told to prepare to depart for Raegris space.