
Second battle of Nemoka

The Raegris, along with NS's task force, have made a second attempt to defeat the Terrasaurs in the Nemoka system. The Raegris felt unable to wait for reinforcements due to the direct threats made by the Terrasaurs to the Nemoka population. Windy is said to have cautioned them to wait.

The result of the battle is unclear, though at best can said to be a draw. The Terrasaurs remain in Nemoka orbit though Raegris ships are now stationed also in orbit over the main population centre of the planet below. Six Raegris ships were lost in the battle, no NS ships are reported lost. The Terrasaurs lost 5 ships.

The Terrasaurs are reported to have launched an orbital bombardment of the Nemokan town of Gal'Aksix which has a population of 20, 000. Ground reports state heavy damage to the settlement. The Nemokan authorities have called on the inhabitants of towns away from the main population centre to evacuate.

The NS Rapid Reaction Force is reported to now be approaching the Nemokan system.