
The coming crunch for the NS patrol fleet

A few years ago NS took over the UNP Space Patrol and it's ageing fleet of small patrol craft. NS placed a huge order for Protector patrol ships to replace the legacy fleet, much of which is now life expired, plus smaller fleets of Mariners and Okras. The problem for NS is that the new ships are not arriving fast enough with the legacy ships leaving service.

NS has plugged the gaps with Romes, Pentekonters and other ships reassigned from other duties (a Provider transport has even spent the odd week on patrol) however NS will soon have a problem with this. The roll-out of Fractal Encrypted Communications (FEC) is due to begin in earnest next year and will require NS's fleet of departmental Pentekonters for calibration and testing of the new communications network. Six Romes will also be dedicated to assist in this effort. All of these ships have up until now been helping out with patrol duties.

If that isn't enough there are three more patrol circuits due to be added to the roster early in 2121! NS say that more Protectors will arrive before the end of the year and early next year. However without some reassignments from other duties NS will be unable to match need especially if some more legacy ships become unusable within the next year.