
Terin struggling to gain devotion of Clones

Oojok's son and heir Terin is being positioned as a demi-god next to his father. However, the soon to be new Emperor of the Clone Star Empire is struggling to gain much in the way of genuine devotion from the Clones. Despite regular sermons by Ayatollah Clone XE private polling by the church indicates that Terin, at best, inspires indifference in a majority of believers and in a sizeable minority (over 30%) active dislike.

One problem is said to be Terin's image. While Oojok has a heroic appearance with his muscular body and charisma, Terin is said to more resemble a mid-level accountant. His speeches are lack lustre and his appearance said to be insipid. Ayatollah Clone XE is said to be considering how to build Terin's image over the coming months. This is important as over 40% of Clones are said to be unhappy that Terin is going to replace Oojok as Emperor. Only 24% are said to be happy about it.