
Operation Extra 2020C

The third extra exercise has been launched at short notice to run concurrently with Civilian Partnership, indeed one of the elements of the exercise will be to assist the mock evacuation on Mars. The rest of the exercises will take place in the Proxima Centauri and will include mock combat and minesweeping. The ships involved are:

36-104 Megatron (flag)
43-103 Celebes Sea
41-209 Fierce
46-104 Marius (MCM director)
44-104 Hesiod
44-105 Nicias
44-115 Brasidas
73-121 Ethylene


Operation Civilian Partnership 2120

This year's edition of NS' big annual humanitarian and UNP co-operation exercise will be centred on Mars where, in the exercise scenario, a volcano has erupted putting the inhabitants of Mars' largest city in peril. A combined NS and UNP fleet will evacuate around 5,000 civilian volunteers from Olympus Mons to orbital staging posts. A tent city will also be built near Mars Central City.

The NS ships involved will be:

21-101 Missileer (flag)
35-305 Keel
51-104 Conflict
42-101 Proxima Centauri
71-112 Lancastrian
71-115 Crane
63-101 Oceania
63-108 South America
73-111 Kerosene


Terin struggling to gain devotion of Clones

Oojok's son and heir Terin is being positioned as a demi-god next to his father. However, the soon to be new Emperor of the Clone Star Empire is struggling to gain much in the way of genuine devotion from the Clones. Despite regular sermons by Ayatollah Clone XE private polling by the church indicates that Terin, at best, inspires indifference in a majority of believers and in a sizeable minority (over 30%) active dislike.

One problem is said to be Terin's image. While Oojok has a heroic appearance with his muscular body and charisma, Terin is said to more resemble a mid-level accountant. His speeches are lack lustre and his appearance said to be insipid. Ayatollah Clone XE is said to be considering how to build Terin's image over the coming months. This is important as over 40% of Clones are said to be unhappy that Terin is going to replace Oojok as Emperor. Only 24% are said to be happy about it.


Hibiscus released from prison... and then hired by NS!

The former Director of Communications of the DDS during the AP regime, Hibiscus, was yesterday released from an open prison which he has been at for the last 5 years after a transfer from an iP Services facility. He was then taken to NS GHQ on Proxima 5 and hired as New Sparta's new Head of Communications!

He will work under VP (Facilities) The Shiner directing NS communications and acting as chief spokesman. It is thought Hibiscus has spent the last 3 years of his prison sentence actually working in preparation for his new role. The appointment will raise some eyebrows though Hibiscus was soon found to be a fairly benign and innocent member of the AP regime in his interrogation after the fall of AP. Windy is said to like him.


F-12 will not replace F-10SNG

NS Terrestrial Forces have said that it's new LEO interceptor, the F-12, will not replace the F-10SNG or cause any reductions in the rest of the fighter fleet. Zeppelin said that the eventual F-10S fleet will be 140 by the mid-2120s. 

The F-12 will be known as the Hammerhead in NS service, it is based on a commercially available high altitude aircraft. The wings will be strengthened, each will carry a TPM-A with a third carried underneath the aircraft. The F-12 will also carry two AAMs for self-defence.


NS to field dedicated TPM-A interceptor

NS has been tasked by the UNP to extend the protection given to Hexian City on Proxima 7 and NS' two main bases which have regular air patrols by TPM-A carrying fighters able to attack threats in LEO. UNP have requested the next five largest cities across the UNP to also have these patrols.

Currently the patrols are carried out by the F-10ASE which is being replaced by the F-10SNG. Both types can only carry one TPM-A at a time (though the SNG can carry two at a cost of reduced range). NS has decided that a dedicated interceptor would be preferable and cheaper. An already available design has been purchased from Consolidated Aerospace and will be converted into the F-12. This will be a large subsonic aircraft able to carry two or three TPM-As and maintain patrols for extended periods. NS has ordered fifty F-12s, the prototype is being built right now and should fly before the end of the year. NS aim to begin patrols with the F-12 by 2122.


Pull Over Son (2736)

Tiger has to tangle with the Telvins.


Great Deal of Money (2735)

Tiger is a set a mission into the Rim Worlds as his final command assessment.

Lavender has first operational mission

The first Lavender 105A unmanned long-range patrol ship has performed it's first operational mission. 105-101 Lavender conducted a three day survey of an asteroid belt in the Rim Worlds before returning to Solaris. The mission is said to have gone well with only one intervention needed by NS to remotely adjust a sensor setting.

The Lavender has yet to be fitted with worm drive due to delays in calibrating the new type. The first ship will be retrofitted with worm drive before the end of the year.

The Lavender is an optionally manned ship, it is thought a manned mission will be carried out soon to test this feature.


NS make improvements to e-Core engine technology

NS have announced a second generation of it's more efficient e-Core engine technology which is gradually being applied to powerplants of NS ships and for export. Officially known as e-Core2 the improvements are said to reduce fuel burn by up to 6%. While this may not sound like much it could save NS over a million zarks in fuel per ship in a year of operation.

e-Core2 also includes some improvements to aid maintainability and reliability. The first ship expected to use an e-Core2 engine is one of the Protector 57As currently in final build and expected to enter service before the end of the year. The engine will be known as Proton RM-01B e-Core.


The coming crunch for the NS patrol fleet

A few years ago NS took over the UNP Space Patrol and it's ageing fleet of small patrol craft. NS placed a huge order for Protector patrol ships to replace the legacy fleet, much of which is now life expired, plus smaller fleets of Mariners and Okras. The problem for NS is that the new ships are not arriving fast enough with the legacy ships leaving service.

NS has plugged the gaps with Romes, Pentekonters and other ships reassigned from other duties (a Provider transport has even spent the odd week on patrol) however NS will soon have a problem with this. The roll-out of Fractal Encrypted Communications (FEC) is due to begin in earnest next year and will require NS's fleet of departmental Pentekonters for calibration and testing of the new communications network. Six Romes will also be dedicated to assist in this effort. All of these ships have up until now been helping out with patrol duties.

If that isn't enough there are three more patrol circuits due to be added to the roster early in 2121! NS say that more Protectors will arrive before the end of the year and early next year. However without some reassignments from other duties NS will be unable to match need especially if some more legacy ships become unusable within the next year.


Ayatollah Clone XE forms Clone Youth

Ayatollah Clone XE has formed a new organisation aimed at young Clones known as Clone Youth. Young Clones will be encouraged to further their studies in the Clone religion, worship of Oojok and obedience of Clone law. Ayatollah Clone XE wants every young Clone to eventually join the voluntary organisation but has set an initial target of a million members by 2122.

Membership of Clone Youth will be a fast track into higher religious orders. It is thought Ayatollah Clone XE also wants to recreate the Religious Police Armed Wing which used to fight alongside the HCS during the Clone Wars. 


NS to upgrade Nano Fighting Ships

NS is to upgrade it's fleet of Alpha 121A Nano Fighting Ships to improve their warfighting capabilities especially in unmanned mode. The ships will receive Alpha Combat Update 2120 over the next couple of months which will include vector thrust and modifications to the M6502 engine to improve acceleration.

The ships will also receive tactical system and sensor updates as well as fractal communications.


Oojok to step down as Emperor, become "Supreme Leader"

Oojok is reported to be stepping down as Emperor of the Clone Star Empire in favour of his son Terin (who runs the Eastern half of the CSE). Oojok will remain the overall head of the CSE though will not take much part in day to day affairs. He will become the Supreme Leader & Cosmic Eternal Master of the Clone Star Empire, luckily this will usually be shortened to Supreme Leader.

Terin will chair a triumvirate of himself, Ayatollah Clone XE and Admiral Anderson to run the empire. Oojok, it is understood, will restrict himself to ceremonial and religious affairs though is understood to still have a veto on any decisions made by the triumvirate.

The changes will be put in place by the end of the year. Marcus Totallyuseless will take over as head of the CSE-E (Sleeze will remain head of CSE-W). Neither position will be known as Deputy Emperor however.


Rectoids want to buy CSM2

The Rectoids have put in a request to buy the new Clone Space Missile Mark 2. This interstellar missile has a range of up to twenty light years which puts most of the Free Eritran States in range. Naturally the FES have already said that the Clones must not sell CSM2 to the Rectoids.

Molab have said the FES will strike against the Rectoids if they purchase CSM2. The FES has a powerful fleet so would likely be able to strike against the still re-building Rectoids. However, there is the real threat the Clones could be drawn into the fight.


Fleet News (02/09/20)

57-118 Perilla is the latest Protector 57A to enter service with the patrol fleet. The Sentinel 55A patrol ship 55-102 Ardennes has been withdrawn. NS say the final two Sentinels will be withdrawn before the end of the year.


Excluded (2734)

S101 and B-B encounter the Mantae, and have a shock.

Hit U Over The Head (2733)

Terin (White Fox) is contacted by the Mutre Bee Organisation.

Spawn of Satan (2732)

Egonneck and Neverak battle Redjec's hired thugs.