
Clone Navy commits to supercarriers

As the third (and last) Cloneworld class aircraft carrier begins it's sea trials the head of the Clone Defence Forces Admiral Anderson has committed the navy finally to building a larger follow-on. Standing on the deck of R03 Hospital Carnage Squad he said that the follow-on carriers would enter service in the mid-2120s and be around twice the size of the Cloneworld class.

The new carriers would be able to carry at least 20 K45K fighters and 20 K85NTK attack aircraft (the Cloneworld class usually carry 8 of each) plus more helicopters. Development of a carrier-borne tanker aircraft would soon begin Anderson said.

As a final surprise Anderson said that a third (and final) West Clone Republic helicopter carrier (which is heavily based on the Cloneworld class) would be laid down next year with an expected entry into service by 2122.