
The Return (2604)

The Ophir strikes again.

Love Boat (2603)

SS-CINT have a new lead.

Gap-Tooth (2602)

Windy investigates a mysterious Bolitic ship.


UV259 : Joint Op

  • Depravity - Windy anoints Torus his successor.
  • Numbers Here - The joint NS-Dino mission begins.
  • You Beast! - Sea Urchin recalls an earlier joint mission.
  • Going Home Sick - El Diablo's ship is boarded by a strange alien robot.
  • All His Attributes - Can El Diablo and Orbital escape the hostile aliens.
  • Floated Over - The DDS deal with the aliens.


Ship of Fear (2601)

The joint-expedition detects a stricken Bolitic freighter.

Floated Over (2596)

The DDS deal with the aliens.


Zeppelin to stand in NS Presidental election

The Head of the NS Armed Forces Zeppelin has said he will stand in the forthcoming NS Presidental election to replace Sea Urchin who has already said he is standing down. Zeppelin has been endorsed by Sea Urchin and VP Technology Knobhead.

However VP Intelligence Windscorpion is the front runner and most likely winner of the election to be held later in the year. Insiders say Zeppelin knows he is unlikely to win this time but wants to raise his profile ready for another run in the next decade.


Clone Navy commits to supercarriers

As the third (and last) Cloneworld class aircraft carrier begins it's sea trials the head of the Clone Defence Forces Admiral Anderson has committed the navy finally to building a larger follow-on. Standing on the deck of R03 Hospital Carnage Squad he said that the follow-on carriers would enter service in the mid-2120s and be around twice the size of the Cloneworld class.

The new carriers would be able to carry at least 20 K45K fighters and 20 K85NTK attack aircraft (the Cloneworld class usually carry 8 of each) plus more helicopters. Development of a carrier-borne tanker aircraft would soon begin Anderson said.

As a final surprise Anderson said that a third (and final) West Clone Republic helicopter carrier (which is heavily based on the Cloneworld class) would be laid down next year with an expected entry into service by 2122.


Operation Mass Field 2119

The third edition of this exercise that promotes co-operation between NS and it's allies has begun. However there were some difficulties in finding allies who wanted to join Mass Field this year. Both the Raegris and the Remedians declined the invite citing a lack of available ships. Starbot will take part in the exercise alongside Molab.

The exercises which will include mock combats and patrols will take place in Starbotian space. The NS and Starbotian ships involved will be:

23-101 Olympus Mons (flag)
37-108 Sanger Alpha
36-103 Magnificent
43-110 Andaman Sea
41-201 Freedom
41-215S Fortune (Starbotian)
73-130S Starbotian Spirit (Starbot)


Voth and Yeng order Pentekonter Protector

In a surprise move DTA members Voth and Yeng have bought ordered Pentekonter Protectors. Both have ordered three ships each and have selected 280 series ships with e-Core engines. Deliveries will be in the next decade.

Sirikwan has a sizeable fleet of Pentekonter Protectors and New Arit was a former user so the type is not unknown in DTA service. The Dinos gave their blessings to the purchase as both planets needed more powerful warships and the Dinos do not have a suitable product (the AM is too expensive and capable).

It is thought the Voth order could be increased in future. The backbone of their fleet are twelve ageing Kalahati Tuuls which will require replacement in the second half of the 2120s. One source said the Voth will eventually have a fleet of around ten Pentekonters.


Dinos commission first Dinomark JE but SR delayed

The first of five Dinomark JEs has been accepted into service by the Dino Army. This is a localised and licence-built version of the NS Olympus-E design. The basic structure and some key components like the engine and power system are built by the NS before being shipped over to the Dinos for completion. The JE will act as a UCV carrier in Dino service, it is expected the Dinos will soon series build a new version of the Ferret (which they jointly developed with the NS and Starbot some years ago).

Another imported design, the Dinomark SR, has been delayed until 2121. This is based on the Clone Intruder design and was supposed to also enter service this year but production delays and design issues have pushed that back.


All His Attributes (2595)

Can El Diablo and Orbital escape the hostile aliens.

Going Home Sick (2594)

El Diablo's ship is boarded by a strange alien robot.


NS consider rebuilding Quasar as heavy cruiser

NS is looking into increasing the number of heavy combatants in it's fleet, one option being looked at is to revert the Quasar bomber back into it's original role as a cruiser. The Quasar New Cruiser Upgrade (QNCU) is being seriously considered by NS and has received several million zarks in development funding.

QNCU would see some notable changes to the Quasar. The nose mounted Z-cannon would be removed and replaced by a docking bay, the current docking bay being replaced by extra weapon storage and two TPM-VLS arrays. The wing mounted laser cannons would be replaced by multi-aspect Z8 cannons offering 360 degree coverage. The ships would also receive an engine upgrade for enhanced agility and top speed.

NS Research are working on design simulations with NS Engineering and will present their studies to the NS Politburo at a later stage.


Isometrics to receive special forces upgrade

The Isometric 41A fleet is to receive an upgrade over the next few months, carried out during normal maintenance cycles. The upgrade will allow the ships to carry complements of special forces such as Space Prowlers to aid operations.

Under the upgrade one of the Isometric's storage holds will be modified with electrical and water/waste plumbing provision. A "flat pack" of wall segments will also be carried which will allow the hold to be turned into accommodation for up to forty special forces personnel within a day. The Isometric's docking bay will also receive some modifications to aid operations and allow for a faster tempo of dockings to take place.

Other destroyers in the fleet could receive this upgrade in future.


Fleet News 01/05/19

Three ships have joined the fleet at the start of this new Ship Building Plan.

57-108 Parsley is the latest Protector 57A light patrol ship. More powerful is the latest Kinetic 35C cruiser 35-312 Kentucky. Also joining the fleet is the latest Depender 161 utility ship 161-105 Integer.

Three Sentinel 55A light patrol ships have been withdrawn due to reaching the end of their fatigue life.