The remaining Starbotian fleet has been largely absorbed back into the New Sparta fleet, the ships having already been part of the NS fleet in the past. The ships will retain Starbotian crews and will be allocated to the Starbotian sector defence. Only the three remaining Starbotian designed ships including I-1A Iona will remain separate as part of the Starbotian VIP flotilla.
VP Operations Caratore, on Starbot to meet with S101, said the ships would be upgraded to match the latest NS standard over the coming year.
The ships transferred (with their new NS numbers) are:
Olympus 23A
023-110 Mekanaka
Panther 35A
035-111 Margay
Indy 35B
035-210 Inflexible
035-211 Irresistible
Freedom 41B
041-215 Fortune
Falcon 47A
047-120 Atom
047-121 Electron
047-122 Neutron
047-123 Proton
Extender 73A
073-130 Starbotian Spirit
073-131 Energy of Starbot
Provider 71A
071-125 Compass
071-126 Navigation
plus around 450 Ferret UCVs. Outstanding Starbotian orders for warships (mostly to the Clones) have been cancelled.