
Deadline passes as Sea Urchin issues final warning

New Sparta gave the 1st of September as a deadline for the Starbotians to stop construction of the Argon orbital base. That has now passed and a New Sparta media briefing held on Liberation today presented evidence from long-range sensors that work continues on the base.

President Sea Urchin issued a final warning to Starbot, stop the base now or New Sparta will do so.

The President was asked about the hundreds of UNP citizens now known to be held in orbital habitats at the base, conditions being barely habitable. It is rumoured that many have died and the Starbotians are not even removing the corpses. Sea Urchin said the crimes of the K-2 regime were known to the galaxy and had repulsed everyone. He noted that Oojok had joined the chorus calling on K-2 to stop his use of civilians as shields. He said it was a factor in the planning but would not halt any action.