
Triple Megan step in to take Starbotian Sharks

When Starbot rejoined the UNP it's order for Shark frigates from the Clones was cancelled much to the Clone's anger and dismay. Triple Megan, who have completely rebuilt their military over the last eight years with space ships, aircraft and armoured vehicles from the Clones have stepped in and said they will accept six of the ten Starbotian Sharks.

Three are in advanced stages of construction already therefore delivery to Triple Megan is expected to begin next year. The value of the order is estimated at four billion zarks over the next three years.


Dinos report encounter with Terrasaur battlecruiser

The Dinos have reported an encounter with a new type of Terrasaur warship, in the battlecruiser class. The ship was encountered by Ronald whilst returning to Dino-Land from a summit. Ronald and GBH are said to have investigated the ship but were unable to discover much about it before being discovered.

The Terrasaur ship is now thought to have left Dino space. Analysts say Terrasaur activity on the edge of DTA space is definitely on the increase.


UNP and NS agree merger, Epiphany to be new name from October 1

Both the UNP Council and NS Poliburo have agreed the terms for the merger of New Sparta and the UNP Defence Forces, basically New Sparta will become the defence forces of the UNP. The merger will officially begin on October 1st though it is expected that the actual merger will take one or two years to complete.

New Sparta will officially be renamed Epiphany from October 1st. President Sea Urchin said that there would be a three to six month transition period in changing the name over.


NS reorganise into three command areas

President Sea Urchin has announced New Sparta has reorganised into three command areas instead of two (NS North and NS South). Those two remain but there is now added NS East which will be based around Starbot. K-1 has been appointed the head of NS East. These command areas are largely administrative but have responsibility for all bases, assets and personnel under their umbrellas.

As per the reorganisation NS is now split as so (capital in brackets):

Proxima 5 (NS GHQ)

NS North (Proxima 7)
Barnard's Star

NS South (Liberation)
Sanger Alpha 6329
Melaris 12
Saeou 6
New Jakarta

NS East (Starbot)
Delta 9
Lambda Sigma 2015

Sea Urchin also announced the NS alert status has been reduced to AMBER.


Clones furious about cancelled orders

Ten Shark frigates and six transports (three each Loader and Omiten) had been ordered by the Starbotians during the K-2 regime, orders worth over two billion zarks to the Clones but now Starbot has rejoined the UNP the orders have been cancelled. It is thought no less than three of the Sharks and two Omiten were in advanced stages of construction ready for delivery next year.

Starbot had only paid a ten percent deposit so the Clones have lost out on a large amount of revenue, though the ship orders should be easily converted to other export customers or for the Clone Space Navy. However the Clones are naturally rather disappointed. Deputy Emperor Sleeze has called the cancellation a crime against commerce.

NS will also miss out on orders however, six Dependers and two Olympus carriers had also been on order. These orders have also been cancelled.

Operation Civilian Partnership 2118

Delayed a week due to the conflict on Starbot NS will run it's annual humanitarian exercise in the next few days. The scenario this year is famine relief and will test the ability of NS logistics to take large quantities of food supplies to UNP citizens, though no actual cargo will be taken.

As part of the exercise NS transports will be "urgently" summoned to Solaris and then travel to Mars to "unload". The ships involved will be:

023-102 Atlas (flagship)
035-302 King
041-212 Fox
051-108 Comet
063-101 Oceania
071-105 Flying Boxcar
071-115 Crane
071-120 North Star
073-110 Gasoline


Starbot fleet to be absorbed into New Sparta

The remaining Starbotian fleet has been largely absorbed back into the New Sparta fleet, the ships having already been part of the NS fleet in the past. The ships will retain Starbotian crews and will be allocated to the Starbotian sector defence. Only the three remaining Starbotian designed ships including I-1A Iona will remain separate as part of the Starbotian VIP flotilla.

VP Operations Caratore, on Starbot to meet with S101, said the ships would be upgraded to match the latest NS standard over the coming year.

The ships transferred (with their new NS numbers) are:

Olympus 23A

023-110 Mekanaka

Panther 35A

035-111 Margay

Indy 35B

035-210 Inflexible
035-211 Irresistible

Freedom 41B

041-215 Fortune

Falcon 47A

047-120 Atom
047-121 Electron
047-122 Neutron
047-123 Proton

Extender 73A

073-130 Starbotian Spirit
073-131 Energy of Starbot

Provider 71A

071-125 Compass
071-126 Navigation

plus around 450 Ferret UCVs. Outstanding Starbotian orders for warships (mostly to the Clones) have been cancelled.



Sleep Walking
Windy faces K-2.


Mystery Liner
New Sparta attacks the Starbotians.


Clean Young
New Sparta rescues the UNP hostages at Starbot.

K-2 killed, S101 asserts control over Starbot

K-2 is reported to have been killed during an attack on the K-Series bunker he had retreated to with his most fanatical supporters. The rest of the K-Series have now surrendered.

S101 has been confirmed the new Starbotian Commander by a special session of the Starbot parliament. The parliament also confirmed the return of Starbot to the UNP and New Sparta.

New Sparta has dropped the alert status to ORANGE.


UV251 : The New Direction

  • Ahoy! - Piracy flares up again near Liberation.
  • Armies of the Night - Gomber leads an NS attack against the pirates.
  • Ancient Stone - NS prepares to attack an Argon base.
  • Saying Goodbye - S101 comes on board with Sea Urchin's plan for Starbot.


K-2 holed up in K-Series base in North Starbot?

It is thought deposed Starbotian Commander K-2 is holed up at a fortified K-Series base in the North of Starbot. NS special forces have been hunting for him ever since the attack on the Argon base, he managed to evade them then and the search has gone on planetwide for K-2 and the remains of his fanatical following, thought to be a few hundred hardcore supporters.

K-1 said it is likely K-2 will fight to the death, "He has lost power and lost purpose, he will not want to spend time in prison or in exile, i can't see him accepting that."

Starbotian troops and NS special forces are thought to have surrounded the K-Series base.


S101 installed as Starbotian Commander by NS

With K-2 still on the run from NS special forces S101 has been installed as the new Starbotian Commander, the appointment imposed by New Sparta. This marks the end of Starbot's independence with the planet now rejoining the UNP. What was left of Starbot's armed forces including it's fleet would be reabsorbed into New Sparta's.

Apart from the fanatical K-Series most Starbotians may accept this with the indifference they face most decisions. As for the K-Series S101 was quick to appoint K-1 as the chief of Starbot's security and this may help persuading all but the hardcore K-Series to give up their opposition.


Fighting continuing on Starbot as K-2 hunted by special forces

New Sparta has reported on the attack on the Argon orbital base. The first action was to rescue to UNP hostages held at the base, an Emerald unmanned transport outfitted with industrial level teleporters was sent into Starbotian orbit posing as a Starbotian transport (hence the lack of any organic crew). The UNP citizens were rescued thanks to confusion caused by numerous cyber attacks.

Then the 1st Attack Squadron made a run at the Argon base, a Starbotian Isometric was destroyed and other Starbotian assets moved in to intercept. However this attack was a diversion, another attack squadron then decloaked and attacked the Argon base with MRMs. The base was destroyed but one Warrior (016-108 Walrus) bomber was caught by ground fire and destroyed. An Indy (035-207 Invicta) was also destroyed while protecting Quasar bombers. The final act was to launch an attack on Starbotian Military HQ on the surface, it was heavily damaged though K-2 is reported to have survived.

The Starbotian fleet has been badly damaged, one of their Type 35s and two Isometrics have been destroyed and other ships knocked out of action. New Sparta has control of Starbotian orbit and have deployed special forces to the surface. President Sea Urchin said K-2 would be hunted down and would face justice.


New Sparta attack Argon orbital base

Following thirty hours of cyber attacks the attack on the Argon orbital base in construction over Starbot has finally come. First however New Sparta had to solve the problem of the UNP citizens being held as "guests" in orbital habitats right in the firing line. NS say they managed to beam the citizens out before the attack took place.

The attack was carried out by NS bombers firing MRMs. NS are reporting the base has been destroyed though not without cost. Two NS ships are reported to have been destroyed and a number of others damaged. Numerous Starbotian ships have also been destroyed or damaged. The operation is said to be ongoing though NS are not giving any details. It is being speculated that phase two of the attack is to remove K-2 as Starbotian Commander though NS are being silent about specifics.

All a NS spokeswoman would say was to confirm NS had gone to RED alert (war status).


Starbot hit by massive cyberattack

Starbot has been hit by a wave of cyber attacks and info weapons, which Starbot is claiming are on New Sparta origin. The main Starbotian communication network has been disrupted and military communications hit hard. Starbot Navy warships in orbit have also reported problems with one ship losing main power for a brief period.

Starbotian Commander K-2 has raised his military to the highest alert. He said that measures to combat the cyber attacks are being implemented, though amusingly his broadcast to the Starbotian military informing them of this was blacked out by a new communications outage.


NS and Starbot ships skirmish near border

Unnamed New Sparta and Starbotian ships have skirmished near the border of Starbotian space. The NS ship was detected by a Starbot patrol and challenged. Shots were fired though little damage was done to the NS ship. The NS ship retreated out of Starbotian space and did not return fire.

It is thought the NS ship was testing Starbotian responses and purposely allowed itself to be detected. Independent analysts say up to a dozen NS ships are probably in Starbotian space right now gathering intelligence before any military action.

Fleet News 03/09/18

Two new ships have joined the fleet this week.

051-112 Citadel is the latest Corkscrew 51A patrol ship to join the fleet. It is joined by the latest Emerald 116A unmanned transport 116-104 Evergreen.

Deadline passes as Sea Urchin issues final warning

New Sparta gave the 1st of September as a deadline for the Starbotians to stop construction of the Argon orbital base. That has now passed and a New Sparta media briefing held on Liberation today presented evidence from long-range sensors that work continues on the base.

President Sea Urchin issued a final warning to Starbot, stop the base now or New Sparta will do so.

The President was asked about the hundreds of UNP citizens now known to be held in orbital habitats at the base, conditions being barely habitable. It is rumoured that many have died and the Starbotians are not even removing the corpses. Sea Urchin said the crimes of the K-2 regime were known to the galaxy and had repulsed everyone. He noted that Oojok had joined the chorus calling on K-2 to stop his use of civilians as shields. He said it was a factor in the planning but would not halt any action.



Saying Goodbye
S101 comes on board with Sea Urchin's plan for Starbot.


Ancient Stone
NS prepares to attack an Argon base.


Armies of the Night
Gomber leads an NS attack against the pirates.


Piracy flares up again near Liberation.


S101 calls for K-2 to be overthrown

Former Starbotian Commander S101 has called on the current leader K-2 to be overthrown. He said that K-2's actions had bought shame and disgrace on Starbot and could not be tolerated. It is not known where S101 is, it is thought he boarded a Dinomark on Dino-Land earlier in the week but it is not known where he is going. However closer to Starbot is likely.

Ronald has given his full support to S101's comments. Emperor MBH has stayed silent on the whole affair so far, it is thought he is content to let Ronald lead on this because of his status in Starbotian history (he was the first Dino to meet the Starbotians during first contact between the two nations).

In a further development notable critics of K-2 including B-B, Oil Stop Boss and K-1 have been arrested by members of K-2's fascist K-Series faction.