The NS has given a presentation at the new NS Light Patrol Fleet HQ on Terra, the former home of UNP Space Patrol which was absorbed by NS. NS inherited three ageing old classes of ship, some of which have already had to be retired. The rest will unlikely last much beyond 2120.
To replace them NS is to mass produce the Protector 57A (the first of which is now nearing completion) and later on begin series production of the singleton Mariner 56A. Although production of the Protector is the number one priority for NS now it is unlikely enough will be produced in time to replace the retiring legacy fleet.
To plug the gap NS today announced the Okra 86L. This will be a small fleet of modified Coril shuttles to be used in the local patrol role (currently fulfilled by the Sentinel 55A which likely to be the first legacy type to be withdrawn). It is not clear yet if the Okra will be new Corils, modified ships from the NS fleet or maybe purchased Corils from elsewhere (thought to be the most likely option). The Okra 86L will need to enter service within a year, NS say the design work is progressing well but modification of a suitable ship will need to begin by the Summer. Once sufficient Protectors and Mariners have been built by the early 2120s the Okras are likely to revert to being shuttles.