
K58 Raptor cleared for CAF service

The K58 Raptor close-support aircraft has been cleared for Clone Air Force service following final tests and an order for forty-five placed. The aircraft is based on the K03 Pterodactyl advanced trainer which prepares pilots for the K45 Falcon. A key feature of the K03 and K58 is the bi-mode propulsion system. As well as a conventional turbofan the type a fuel-cell electrically powered ducted fan.

This makes the K58 very potent as a COIN aircraft. In electric mode the K58 is nearly silent and with  other stealth features including active visual stealth (basically computer controlled lighting to hide a plane against the sky) the K58 is virtually invisible and thus can surprise enemy positions. The first K58s should enter service later this year.

Clone Navy news

After a quiet period due to budget restraints the Clone Navy has launched the third Cloneworld class aircraft carrier. R03 Hospital Carnage Squad is expected to join it's two earlier sisters by the end of 2119, just in time to allow the CN flagship R01 Cloneworld to enter refit (due early 2120).

The fifth and final Ailier II frigate has entered service. Work will now begin on rebuilding the veteran CNSS Ailier (the only survivor of the original Clone Navy), it will be rebuilt to the same standard as the other Ailier IIs.

The Flexible Support Ship (a mixture of helicopter carrier and transport) for Austini 55 and the new Landing Ship Docks have been delayed to 2120 at the earliest however.


Ronald wants SS to become more professional

Ronald addressed the SS at it's HQ Fort Apache: The Bronx yesterday and caused a stir by calling the SS a "cesspit of moral depravity and decay". His remarks drew tremendous applause, many SS regarding this as the greatest of compliments.

Ronald however went on to say the SS needed to dial back it's deviance somewhat and try and become more professional. "You don't need to change what you are... or what you get up to in your... private moments." he said, "But duty comes first!"

Ronald's remarks will be heeded as a majority of SS revere him as their living God.


NS simulate "Purple Alert level disaster"

NS have run a secret training exercise over the last week simulating a disaster that could spark a Purple Alert - a special alert status reserved for circumstances where the existence of New Sparta itself is threatened. NS are keeping most of the details secret but it is thought NS GHQ was "destroyed" in the simulation and much of the Proxima and Solaris system lost in an attack.

The NS Politburo was evacuated to the NS flagship SS Cicero which then travelled to one of the NS dispersal locations which would be used to regroup in the event of a Purple Alert situation.

Some problems with communications and protocol were found during the simulation which will be used to improve procedures and systems.


NS talk Light Patrol Fleet

The NS has given a presentation at the new NS Light Patrol Fleet HQ on Terra, the former home of UNP Space Patrol which was absorbed by NS. NS inherited three ageing old classes of ship, some of which have already had to be retired. The rest will unlikely last much beyond 2120.

To replace them NS is to mass produce the Protector 57A (the first of which is now nearing completion) and later on begin series production of the singleton Mariner 56A. Although production of the Protector is the number one priority for NS now it is unlikely enough will be produced in time to replace the retiring legacy fleet.

To plug the gap NS today announced the Okra 86L. This will be a small fleet of modified Coril shuttles to be used in the local patrol role (currently fulfilled by the Sentinel 55A which likely to be the first legacy type to be withdrawn). It is not clear yet if the Okra will be new Corils, modified ships from the NS fleet or maybe purchased Corils from elsewhere (thought to be the most likely option). The Okra 86L will need to enter service within a year, NS say the design work is progressing well but modification of a suitable ship will need to begin by the Summer. Once sufficient Protectors and Mariners have been built by the early 2120s the Okras are likely to revert to being shuttles.


Looking Good
As Ronald recalls, the Terrasaurs once stole a deadly bio-weapon.


Boring It Isn't
Ronald recalls an earlier Terrasaur attack.


UV247 : Proxima Under Attack

  • Sure Stop - Has the secret plot been discovered?
  • Not Happy About It! - The attack on the power station begins.
  • Parkway - Can NS avert a nuclear disaster?
  • I'll Get Him! - Windy performs a heist.
  • The Aim The Aim - Ronald heads off to hunt Terrasaurs.
  • Terraphant - The Dinos battle the Terrasaurs.


The Dinos battle the Terrasaurs.


The Aim The Aim
Ronald heads off to hunt Terrasaurs.

Operation Target Spot 2118

Target Spot is a special forces / info-warfare exercise taking place this year in Remedian space. NS Prowlers will train with their Remedian counterparts boarding an NS freighter. A "rogue" NS team will also try and hack into an NS warship, in turn an NS ship will attempt to fire a "databomb" into an NS facility.

The ships involved will be:

021-101 Olympus Mons (flagship)
035-302 King
041-211 Firedrake
042-101 Proxima Centauri
047-114 Sparrowhawk
073-101 Extender

(+ 1 Remedian ship)


DTA hold emergency summit on Terrasaurs

On instance from Sirikwan the Dino Trade Association (DTA) has held an emergency summit of leaders on Yeng to discuss the growing Terrasaur threat. There is concern in some quarters that the Dinos are not sharing enough information with the other DTA members and not including them in their tactical plans.

"Although the Dinos would do the heavy lifting in any military engagement due to their much larger military." a senior military officer from New Arit said, "It is likely to be in the territory of other DTA members that any battle will be fought."

Emperor MBH said that a military liaison committee would be set up of all DTA member states and that more information would be shared however the Dinos would be making any tactical decisions.


NS acknowledge links with Utrek faction

NS has acknowledged it is working with a Utrek successor state - the Korel Kingdom, though denies it has a formal agreement. Instead it says there have been talks and some military assistance.

However a rival state the Voltiga Utrek Republic (one of the most powerful successor factions) has said NS have attacked their ships and stolen a valuable shipment of ore on behalf of the Korel. NS has denied this.


Is NS technology stagnating?

After what can only be described as an epic ten to fifteen years of relentless technological development there are concerns that NS may be stagnating. Since the development of key technologies like transphasic weapons and worm drive NS has been waiting for the next big change but none have come and none seem to be on the horizon either.

However Dr Forbidden has sought to reassure the NS. "It is true that major new breakthroughs are few and far between now but that doesn't mean that we are standing still. There are many smaller improvements and iterative updates being deployed all the time."

Critics have pointed out the Dinos are now soon to deploy Deep Sub-Space Burrowing Transport (DSBT), a form of teleport that can transfer items and personnel light years in a second. The Clones are in their third generation of interstellar ballistic missile. Both are technologies the NS lack.


Fleet News 03/04/18

023-209 Imhotep is the latest Olympus Balista 23M to enter service.

042-105 Richard Nixon is the latest Starsystem to be rebuilt as a Proxima Centauri 42A.

Two Sentinel 55A Light Patrol Craft, 055-102 and 055-111 have been withdrawn following cracks discovered in the main load beam. NS are considering assigning two Coril shuttles to cover for the Sentinels on the orbital patrols they usually perform.



I'll Get Him!
Windy performs a heist.


Dinos unveil Terrasaur ships

In an unusual move the Dinos have issued a guide to Terrasaur ships which have been spotted (and engaged) operating in DTA space. As well as interest to spaceship enthusiasts the guide has been issued to demonstrate to allies (and foes - especially the Terrasaurs themselves) that Dino intelligence is active in monitoring and analysing the growing Terrasaur threat.