
NS confirm foiled terror attack at Jalgao Sands power station

New Sparta has confirmed that terrorists attempted to destroy the nuclear power station at Jalgao Sands, Proxima 7. It is thought the terrorists were among a group of private security contractors and seized control of the facility. Their plot is reported to have been to try and cause a massive steam explosion which could have sent radioactive material over a large area. Due to prevailing winds the radioactive plume would have covered much of the central (and post populated) area of the Proxima 7 continent including Hexian City.

NSIS and Prowler special forces attacked the terrorists killing all of them before they could do any damage to the reactor though the control room was destroyed by the terrorists (the reactor had begun an automatic shut-down). No radioactive material was released.

NSIS has taken over protection of all Proxima 7 nuclear power stations. The investigation into the identity of the terrorists is ongoing. NS has reduced it's alert status to AMBER.