
Dinos skirmish with Terrasaur ship

The Dinos have skirmished with a Terrasaur warship on the edge of Dino Republic space. One Dinomark XT was attacked by the Terrasaur, a powerful warship of a previously unknown type, but managed to get away with severe damage. Later on a Dinomark AM, rumoured to have been commanded by Ronald, engaged the Terrasaur ship and defeated it in battle forcing the Terrasaurs to retreat.

The Terrasaurs are making more and more incursions into Dino and DTA space, forces have been reinforced in the area but the Terrasaurs simply probe elsewhere.



Can NS avert a nuclear disaster?


Not Happy About It!
The attack on the power station begins.


Raegris detect five Reptoli Tuuls joining Bolitic

A Raegris patrol has detected five Reptoli Tuul Utrek warships en route to Bolitic space. The ships were displaying Bolitic callsigns which indicates it was a delivery not a deployment from a Utrek successor state.

Later intelligence sources on Castarian confirmed the ships were bought by the Bolitic Emperor Melson in return for "services" to assist the Molentic (the planet not the Utrek warship - which is named after it) based successor faction. It is thought Bolitic troops have been assisting the Molentic Republic in establishing itself as a premier successor state.


NS cannot rule out foreign power involvement in power station attack

NS VP Operations Caratore has said that foreign powers cannot be ruled out in the terror attack on a nuclear power station on Proxima 7 which was foiled by NSIS. "All lines of enquiry are being investigated by NS3 [NS Security Service]" he told reporters at GHQ.

A former DDS intelligence officer has said that it is unlikely to be the Tarbotians or Argon but a faction of the collapsed Utrek could be a possibility.


NS score huge export order

The secretive Wikosi 904 beyond the Western Rim have placed a huge seventeen billion zark order with NS for an array of warships. Wikosi has a fairly powerful fleet but it is reported to be becoming obsolescent and Wikosi is starting to be harassed by the Bolitic (Wikosi is nine light years from Smolask).

Delivery times have yet to be finalised though the first ships will be delivered next year. Wikosi has ordered high-end, low-end and support ships. The highlight of the order will be six Yel'Tema 115 Fleet Combat Ships. Wikosi's flagship is an ageing Raegris Cosmos so tyhe type makes sense. They will be supported by three Corkscrew 425s which will be fitted out for long range patrol.

Also ordered are eight Pentekonter Protector 365 e-Core patrol ships, three Depender 755 multi-role ships and three Extender 125 oilers.

Operation Ground Shock 2118

The annual ground attack exercise Ground Shock will be held next week. As is usual with this exercise it will consist of a number of ground attack scenarios culminating with a live nuclear attack on an asteroid. This year the exercise will take place in Remedian space near Mila and two Remedian ships will join the operation as escorts.

The ships involved will be:

021-102 Lancer (flag)
015-101 Quasar (strike leader)
015-103 Deuteron
015-107 Charm Quark
023-201 Anubis
035-110 Royal Tiger
035-309 Kando
R10 Remedia Prime
R14 Mila
041-201 Freedom
043-113 Sea Of Fertility
051-107 Crescent
071-116 Voyager
073-124 Alcohol

NSIS granted extra funds to double in size by 2120

NS Internal Security has been given the job of guarding key UNP infrastructure areas on Proxima 5 and 7, including nuclear power stations. One problem is NSIS only numbers around ten thousand personnel and covering these duties and their core NS protection duties will be a bit of a strain. NS President Sea Urchin has ordered around five thousand NS Terrestrial Force troops be given emergency training in security and will augment NSIS in the short term.

In the longer term NSIS needs to be a lot bigger. Extra funding has been granted for a doubling of the organisation's size by 2120. Sea Urchin has made this one of NS' top priorities. Five more Prowler Active Service Units have also been funded bringing the number up to over thirty.


NS confirm foiled terror attack at Jalgao Sands power station

New Sparta has confirmed that terrorists attempted to destroy the nuclear power station at Jalgao Sands, Proxima 7. It is thought the terrorists were among a group of private security contractors and seized control of the facility. Their plot is reported to have been to try and cause a massive steam explosion which could have sent radioactive material over a large area. Due to prevailing winds the radioactive plume would have covered much of the central (and post populated) area of the Proxima 7 continent including Hexian City.

NSIS and Prowler special forces attacked the terrorists killing all of them before they could do any damage to the reactor though the control room was destroyed by the terrorists (the reactor had begun an automatic shut-down). No radioactive material was released.

NSIS has taken over protection of all Proxima 7 nuclear power stations. The investigation into the identity of the terrorists is ongoing. NS has reduced it's alert status to AMBER.


Have terrorists attacked a Proximan nuclear power station?

The reason for NS raising it's alert status to RED, war status, is still unknown but some Proxima 7 news outlets are reporting a possible terrorist attack at a nuclear power station on the Proximan continent's West coast. Gunfire has been heard though NS are refusing to confirm or deny.

What is known is that NS Terrestrial Forces has been put on full alert across the planet and that the UNP disaster recovery agency is also on high alert.

NDAA Revision 2 Upgrade

New Sparta's Air Department has quietly begun an upgrade of it's fleet of NDAA light attack aircraft. NDAA stands for Next DDS Attack Aircraft, despite DDS changing name to NS the NDAA has not been renamed. Indeed it's official designation of A-12 is hardly used at all.

NDAA Revision 2 begun at the start of the year and several upgraded aircraft are already back in service. The main changes are winglets and a 2-D thrust vector nozzle. Avionics have also received a minor update. Interestingly five NDAAs are still to be built from the original order for ninety-five though there is no news yet as to when the final aircraft will be built.



Sure Stop
Has the secret plot been discovered?

UV246 : The New Threat?

  • Banana Skin - Crickson and Xaron continue their investigation of a Bolitic spy on Sirikwan.
  • Hold My Beer - Crickson and Xaron are captured by the Bolitic.
  • Stay Out Too Late - Windy is given a new mission.
  • Ascent Of Man - Windy heads into Utrek space.
  • Lyon's Den - Kalifei makes a shocking discovery.
  • Steel - Windy arrives on Korel.


NS goes to RED alert!

NS President Sea Urchin has ordered the NS alert status raised to RED, the highest alert and on a full war footing! The reason for the alert status has not been given though sources say there is a serious incident underway in UNP space. All NS bases and facilities are on full lock-down.

A UNP news source has said NS Internal Security (NSIS) troops have been fully mobilised on Proxima 7 as have a number of Prowler units.



Windy arrives on Korel.

Fleet News (01/03/18)

The final three outstanding ships in the 2117/18 Ship Building Plan have been competed. The first is the latest Kinetic 035-309 Kando.

Its joined by the latest Extender 073-128 Reservoir, possibly the last Extender 73A to be built though the fleet may be continually topped up for strategic reasons (one has been added to the next ship building plan though hasn't officially been ordered yet).

Finally the third Navelwort 86M special forces transport (allegedly) is 086-203 Nasturtium.