The head of the Remedian military Lord Argrox has also been an NS Politburo member for years. When visiting NS GHQ he gave this short interview to NS News 24.
NS News 24 : Lord Argrox, we understand you have been discussing Remedian fleet plans with New Sparta?
Lord Argrox : Yes that is so. Since we decoupled our fleet from the DDS a few years ago we have been slowly rebuilding our fleet so it can be a fully independent and balance force, yet still part of the overall NS.
NS24 : Your combat fleet will by 2120 consist of a Mulberry, 6 Corkscrew and 3 Pentekonters. Or are there plans for more?
LA : Obviously budgets are not limitless. We want to have sufficient ships to maintain a ready battlegroup of 4 to 5 front line ships. At the moment we do not have enough cover.
NS24 : Yes you would need at least 8 or 9 ships to be able to maintain such a ready fleet. So do the Remedians plan to buy more ships?
LA : We need at least 2 Mulberrys and 8 Corkscrews. The Pentekonters, of which we also want more, would be a reserve and patrol fleet. At the moment we are still paying for our current order but soon i hope we can explore future options.
NS24 : You are not beholden to buy NS ships of course anymore, could you look elsewhere such as the Clones too?
LA : You are correct but buying a fractured fleet because of cheaper available ships is a short term gain but in the medium term costs you more in extra maintenance and training. We will have 3 combat ships and this will be the basis of our fleet for the next 3 to 4 decades.
NS24 : You also have a Depender on order. Do you envisage more in future?
LA : The Depender will be an EW ship, our equivalent of the Marconi. I can see us buying more for other roles in future but the priority will be combat ships. I want the Remedians to be able to field a battle group to join with NS operations as well as operate on our own. The Remedians are Tier 1 allies and we will continue to be so.