
Monday Interview : Caratore

The new Director of Operations Caratore gave this short interview to the Daily Solaris, on a visit to NS facilities on the planet.

Daily Solaris : Director Caratore, welcome to Solaris. How is your new role?

Caratore : Very busy! As you can imagine i have a lot to do, overseeing all NS military operations. I have good people underneath me and great support from the commander and Director Sea Urchin.

DS : Your rise to this position has been welcomed by many. In the past some have considered you overlooked in favour of others for the top positions.

CA : Well i don't get into that kind of thing. Obviously events have helped me rise to Director but i thought i would do it one day anyway.

DS : And maybe further? NS President Caratore?

CA : Lets not jump too far ahead! I've always had a steady approach to my career. I like to be able to master my current role before moving on.

DS : But you wouldn't rule it out?

CA : Naturally, there is now a clear path in future. However i'm not looking to that in the short term. Maybe in the next decade.

DS : What are you greatest challenges in the near term as Director of Operations?

CA : The pirate war revealed a number of deficiencies in the NS system. Witchdoctor has helped alert us to some of these and a working party i have set up is looking at the command and communication systems of New Sparta in greater detail. We want to avoid the mistakes that occurred earlier in the year.

DS : How much blame do you put on Torus?

CA : The system messed up, not Torus. However she had a role in setting up that system so cannot avoid some blame. Mostly she was punished as the buck had to stop somewhere. As it would with me if i had been in that role then. I'm sure she'll be back to the top rank one day anyway.

DS : Do you thinking splitting NS+ is a good idea and taking its internal security and espionage roles away from your department to the intelligence department is a good move?

CA : The department had become too large, of course we still have a say in internal security. We'll just have to see how it works.

DS : It sounds like you arn't sure?

CA : Personally i think internal security should have remained under me as it fits with the rest of the armed forces but the change has been made. We'll make it work.