
UV240 : A New Day Has Come

  • Butcher Bird - The pirates have been defeated, Akorion killed or has he?
  • Lelic Op - Cruggson and GBH reminisce about a time when Ronald was kidnapped.
  • Ottoman - Ronald comes face to helmet with the mysterious Ottoman.
  • Angry Man - GBH and company have to battle Ottoman's drone swarm.
  • Partner In Crime - Redjec plans to return... Rathun!
  • Finally Its - Windy figures out Redjec's twisted plan.
  • Need A Soul - Redjec achieves his dream, but...


Full scale production of T-62Y underway

The NS in-house armament manufacturer SMA has begun full scale production of the T-62Y tank. About 2000 will be built over the next 5 years to equip 5 armoured regiments. The 220 T-55Zs and a few score of older Avenger tanks will be withdrawn in the early 2120s as NS Terrestrial Forces standardises on the T-62Y.

Next will be to decide on a new infantry fighting vehicle. NS and SMA have so far been unable to decide on a standard design. NS Commander Knobhead has told Terrestrial Forces they need to decide by early 2119.


Story #2407

Need A Soul
Redjec achieves his dream, but...

Story #2406

Finally Its
Windy figures out Redjec's twisted plan.


Monday Interview : Lord Argrox

The head of the Remedian military Lord Argrox has also been an NS Politburo member for years. When visiting NS GHQ he gave this short interview to NS News 24.

NS News 24 : Lord Argrox, we understand you have been discussing Remedian fleet plans with New Sparta?

Lord Argrox : Yes that is so. Since we decoupled our fleet from the DDS a few years ago we have been slowly rebuilding our fleet so it can be a fully independent and balance force, yet still part of the overall NS.

NS24 : Your combat fleet will by 2120 consist of a Mulberry, 6 Corkscrew and 3 Pentekonters. Or are there plans for more?

LA : Obviously budgets are not limitless. We want to have sufficient ships to maintain a ready battlegroup of 4 to 5 front line ships. At the moment we do not have enough cover.

NS24 : Yes you would need at least 8 or 9 ships to be able to maintain such a ready fleet. So do the Remedians plan to buy more ships?

LA : We need at least 2 Mulberrys and 8 Corkscrews. The Pentekonters, of which we also want more, would be a reserve and patrol fleet. At the moment we are still paying for our current order but soon i hope we can explore future options.

NS24 : You are not beholden to buy NS ships of course anymore, could you look elsewhere such as the Clones too?

LA : You are correct but buying a fractured fleet because of cheaper available ships is a short term gain but in the medium term costs you more in extra maintenance and training. We will have 3 combat ships and this will be the basis of our fleet for the next 3 to 4 decades.

NS24 : You also have a Depender on order. Do you envisage more in future?

LA : The Depender will be an EW ship, our equivalent of the Marconi. I can see us buying more for other roles in future but the priority will be combat ships. I want the Remedians to be able to field a battle group to join with NS operations as well as operate on our own. The Remedians are Tier 1 allies and we will continue to be so.

Story #2405

Partner In Crime
Redjec plans to return... Rathun!

Story #2404

Angry Man
GBH and company have to battle Ottoman's drone swarm.

Story #2403

Ronald comes face to helmet with the mysterious Ottoman.

Story #2402

Lelic Op
Cruggson and GBH reminisce about a time when Ronald was kidnapped.


Sea Urchin finally confirms he will stand for President

Ever since NS Commander Knobhead announced he was standing down and there would be an elected NS President Director of Technology Sea Urchin has been spoken of as the most likely, if not only, candidate. However until now Sea Urchin himself has not said anything on the matter, until now. He announced that he will be standing in November's election.

Sea Urchin said that, if he won, he would prioritise the replacement of the light patrol fleet, which is in danger of running dangerously behind schedule. He also would look to create a new command for the Rim Worlds sector due to the growing Tarbotian threat.


Charlotte to join NS next year

Charlotte, a human colony in the Rim Worlds, voted to join the UNP last year. Work has been ongoing ever since to integrate Charlotte into the system. Part of that work has also been New Sparta's presence on the planet.

Charlotte will officially become a full UNP member next year and also be part of NS. An orbital station is already being built and a barracks for an NS Terrestrial Force detachment is being planned. Given Charlotte's strategic position in the Rim Worlds it is likely a permanent ship detachment will be stationed there.


Melaris 12 requests help after natural disaster

Recent addition to the UNP Melaris 12 has a fairly narrow band of easily habitable land and part of this is now at risk after a volcanic eruption. A nearby town to the volcano has been evacuated and three more are at risk of the eruption continues. Melaris 12's small humanitarian disaster response force has been overwhelmed.

NS Terrestrial Force personnel on the planet have already been drafted in but more help has been requested. A team is due to depart from Proxima 7 tomorrow to assess the situation. Humanitarian relief will be sent next week.


Porquatians build final Quagan?

Porquat 640 have accepted 2 more Quagan 665 frigates to their fleet, the final ships on an order of 19. It is not known if the Porquatians will build anymore of the type as the next programme will be to update the 5 older Quagan 658s to 665 standard. This was due to run concurrently with new build but the Porquatians were unable to fund it as well as other ongoing procurements.

As part of a new 5 year fleet plan the older Quagans will be updated and a 5th Xian 508 cruiser will be built before the end of the decade. Porquat will also accept its second Olympus 884 carrier next year.


Molab to replace Kalahati Tuuls in next decade

The Molab fleet includes 20 refurbished and updated Kalahati Tuuls. However they are ageing, though should be ok for about another 10 years. The Molab have been debating whether to perform another update and life extension on the fleet in the 2120s or to replace them.

They have decided on the latter. It is likely a version of the Pentekonter Protector will be used as they already have 18 of them (including ME/105M minesweepers). It is thought new Pentekonters will be bought in the early 2120s and the existing ships updated to form a unified fleet.


Monday Interview : Caratore

The new Director of Operations Caratore gave this short interview to the Daily Solaris, on a visit to NS facilities on the planet.

Daily Solaris : Director Caratore, welcome to Solaris. How is your new role?

Caratore : Very busy! As you can imagine i have a lot to do, overseeing all NS military operations. I have good people underneath me and great support from the commander and Director Sea Urchin.

DS : Your rise to this position has been welcomed by many. In the past some have considered you overlooked in favour of others for the top positions.

CA : Well i don't get into that kind of thing. Obviously events have helped me rise to Director but i thought i would do it one day anyway.

DS : And maybe further? NS President Caratore?

CA : Lets not jump too far ahead! I've always had a steady approach to my career. I like to be able to master my current role before moving on.

DS : But you wouldn't rule it out?

CA : Naturally, there is now a clear path in future. However i'm not looking to that in the short term. Maybe in the next decade.

DS : What are you greatest challenges in the near term as Director of Operations?

CA : The pirate war revealed a number of deficiencies in the NS system. Witchdoctor has helped alert us to some of these and a working party i have set up is looking at the command and communication systems of New Sparta in greater detail. We want to avoid the mistakes that occurred earlier in the year.

DS : How much blame do you put on Torus?

CA : The system messed up, not Torus. However she had a role in setting up that system so cannot avoid some blame. Mostly she was punished as the buck had to stop somewhere. As it would with me if i had been in that role then. I'm sure she'll be back to the top rank one day anyway.

DS : Do you thinking splitting NS+ is a good idea and taking its internal security and espionage roles away from your department to the intelligence department is a good move?

CA : The department had become too large, of course we still have a say in internal security. We'll just have to see how it works.

DS : It sounds like you arn't sure?

CA : Personally i think internal security should have remained under me as it fits with the rest of the armed forces but the change has been made. We'll make it work.


Operation Top Performance 2117

This new exercise tests the combat performance of non-warship NS assets in a series of mock combats taking place in the Terran system. Minesweeping, amphibious, transport and patrol assets will be involved in combat situations against an Isometric and an Alpha Centauri (Helwin) acting as the "enemy". The ships involved are:

023-109 Tharsis Tholus (flag)
041-108 Holocene ("enemy" flag)
044-107M Orpheus
044-112M Xerxes
045-104 Marius
047-201 Pelican
053-105P Harrogate
053-118P Wrexham
063-102 Asia
093-101 Alpha Centauri ("enemy")
071-105 Flying Boxcar
076-103 Zenith


Clones announce third generation CSM

The day after the first SSBN CNSS Walrus began its first patrol armed with an (unspecified) number of CSM armed SeaGale SLBMs Oojok gave a speech at the Clone Navy HQ where he announced "billions of zarks" of investment in the third generation of the Clone Space Missile system throughout the next decade.

The Clones are now fielding their second generation CSM system with land and sea mobile launchers, stealth launch stages and improved guidance of the space attack stage. Oojok said the third generation would make CSM the "ultimate weapon in the Clone armoury".

CSM's range will be increased far beyond its (estimated by non-Clone analysts) 10-15 light year range. Oojok said range of up to 50 light years was the aim - which would bring many other rival powers into range. Stealth features like the cold fire thrust of the launch stage would be enhanced. The Clone Navy would also develop a second generation SSBN, larger and stealthier than Walrus.

While the Clones are roaring on ahead New Sparta has still yet to field its equivalent the LRM, the Dinos have abandoned their own version for now. This is one aspect of space warfare the Clones have a massive lead, and this is likely to continue for many years to come.


Walrus SSBN enters service early

Said to be the most important new weapon in the Clone Defence Forces, the Walrus SSBN has entered service 8 months early. CNSS Walrus, the first of a planned 6 ballistic missile submarines has begun its first patrol carrying 6 SeaGale SLBMs. The Clone Navy is not saying how many are fitted with CSM warheads though confirmed that some are.

Walrus is a key part of the second generation of Clone interstellar nuclear deterrent. The submarines will be virtually undetectable in Cloneworld's large oceans and thus will remain a viable threat even if Cloneworld is heavily attacked and surface bases of the CDF destroyed. The point of Walrus is that the Clones could fight back even if hit with a devastating surprise attack.

Sufficient Walrus submarines to maintain a continuous patrol are not expected until 2119 though the trials submarine CNSS Warhammer can also carry up to 3 SeaGale.


Monday Interview : GBH

The mighty GBH, constant companion to Ronald, gave this short interview to Proxima News during a  visit to the UNP Parliament.

Proxima News : Senator GBH welcome, may we know the reason for your visit?

GBH : Sure, as Deputy Head of the Senate part of my role is to liaise with other parliaments with regards to visits and what not. The UNP President is due to visit Dino-Land later in the year.

PN : To meet the Emperor, your son MBH. How is your relationship with him nowadays?

GBH : Well its been worse. We don't like each other, but have stopped trying to kill each other. Lets just leave it at that.

PN : You used to fear him being the Emperor, do you still?

GBH : No, he has matured i suppose. He still has his... agendas but the new Dino Imperial system Ronald has designed has lots of checks and balances.

PN : Ronald is still a massive presence in Dino politics as chief priest. In many ways he is like Windscorpion. He is an icon who basically does what he likes. Is that a fair summary?

GBH : Yes though if you compared him to Windy to his face he would probably kill you.

PN : Ronald and yourself, plus the likes of Jimmy and Cruggson are still major name in Dino politics. Will there ever be a day when the old guard steps aside?

GBH : Well of course. All things must end. Even Ronald is not immortal, well probably not but you never know with his weird psychic powers. We are ageing, we are slowly stepping into the background but we still have many years yet. We won't be heading off to our retirement dachas any time soon.

PN : How do you see the Dino Empire and the DTA developing in the near and medium future?

GBH : Integration with the DTA continues and we are always watching our borders. Some enemies have gone like the ABBO and Utrek but others pop-up like the Mantae or return like the Terrasaurs. We continue to strengthen our defences. The galaxy grows ever more complicated and dangerous...


NS announce new export orders

New Sparta has announced 3 new export orders, the first for some time. Helinox has ordered a 4th Yel'Tema YT-110. They have just accepted into service the 3rd. This extra ship is expected to be delivered late next year.

Putri 500 has ordered a 3rd Olympus 910P5 carrier and 3 Coril XLP5 VIP shuttles, they already operate older NS built Corils. Finally Molab has ordered an extra Provider 110M transport.

Sear N7 have received their first Pentekonter Protector 358N7. They may increase their order but are currently unsure on funding.

Dinos working on future propulsion

The Dinos are said to be working on a next generation of spaceship propulsion. The aim is to merge traditional propulsion with worm drive to produce a single engine that can perform both modes of propulsion seamlessly. Improved subspace tracking and regeneration technologies may also raise the top speed to 6000ec.

Benchtesting of the new engine technology is expected to begin next year with field tests in 2119. Chief Scientist Dougson said that it is hoped the new engines, which could have the family name of Sunburst (though unconfirmed), will be powering Dinomarks early in the next decade.

First Dinomark LMs enter service

After nearly 2 years extended proving trials and field testing the first 2 Dinomark LMs have been accepted into service by the Dino Army. This new shape of ship will become a regular sight over the coming decades. Over 70 are on order though production is expected to continue for decades like the Dinomark XT which it will eventually replace (though this is not expected for many years yet).

The LM has much of the same internals as the final XT version (the Mark 125) though has a brand new hull and layout being a cylinder not a cuboid. Although similiar in size to the XT (slightly shorter but broader) it has 32% more internal volume.

The Mark 1 LM is powered by a Solarburst GX-990Y hybrid turbine / nuclear drive and a W2B worm drive. Speed is reported at 700c / 4950ec with an atmospheric max of Mach 4.


UV239 : Klondike Part 2

  • Newcomer - Witchdoctor begins his investigation into Torus.
  • Brutal Violence - NS fight back against the pirates.
  • Not Too Bad - Torus learns of her fate.
  • Hot Air! - Windy is on the trail of Von Kane.
  • End Of A Road - Von Kane is captured.
  • Final Round - The fleets of Windscorpion and Akorion do battle.


Butcher Bird
The pirates have been defeated, Akorion killed or has he?


Operation Atomic Fist 2117

Atomic Fist is NS' annual strategic attack exercise. It is usually held in July but had been delayed due to the pirate war. NS has just launched this year's edition of the exercise which will be held over the next 2 weeks. The August scheduled exercise Peak Performance 2117 will still go ahead but towards the end of the month.

Atomic Fist 2117 will be staged in the Rim Worlds and include joint-exercises with the Porquatians. The final exercise will have live nuclear warheads. An asteroid will be the lucky recipient. The ships involved will be:

015-101 Quasar (flagship)
015-103 Deuteron
015-108 Tachyon
023-201 Anubis
035-103 Cheetah
036-103 Magnificent
051-102 Centurion
051-109 Cygnet
041-101 Proxima Centauri
071-106 Condor
076-101 Zephyr

Story #2396

Final Round
The fleets of Windscorpion and Akorion do battle.

Monday Interview : Sleeze

The Deputy Emperor of the Clone Star Empire, and Oojok's right-hand Dino, Sleeze recently gave an interview to Play Dino (which obviously is a good read). The following is an excerpt.

Play Dino : Deputy Emperor Sleeze, the road you and Oojok have been on has been a long and winding one. Did you ever think you would end up commanding a huge space empire when you were growing up in Baikalia Falls?

Sleeze : Oh indeed not. I didn't grow up under good circumstances. I left home, if you could call it that, as a boy and went to Dino-Land to make my living, so to speak. Its when i met Oojok, who had a similar upbringing, and we have been inseparable ever since.

PD : You two are like brothers.

SL : Yes more than that even, and we have been through a lot.

PD : Including a time as fugitives on the run from Neverak and Egonneck, how do you feel about Neverak returning from his exile?

SL : We evaded those geeks for months! But it was a very different time, the galaxy was wilder and undeveloped. A man could forge an empire with a box full of guns. Maybe i miss those times.

PD : Really?

SL : Yes sometimes. Nowadays its meetings about meetings, reviewing various troop formations, reading policy documents. I do kind of miss the thrill of living with your wits and a loaded gun. Though i don't miss it nearly enough to want to return to those times!

PD : Moving on how do you see the Clone Star Empire developing. Oojok seems more secure now than for decades and the economy is finally picking up.

SL : After what happened with the coup we take nothing for granted but Oojok's rule seems more stable now, more pragmatic and more controlled. Oojok always learns from his mistakes. The growing economy is a very welcome sign. The military are glad we are finally giving them more zarks.

PD : Could this mean empire expansion then?

SL : No! The Clone Star Empire is now at the maximum size it can take. As i said, Oojok learns from his mistakes and making the empire too big was a mistake he made before. We don't need more planets we just need to develop and strengthen what we have. Too many of our worlds are still poor and primitive. Our aim for the next 20 years is to change that, and make the empire stronger from within.


NS ends Operation Klondike

The anti-piracy Operation Klondike has officially been ended by NS. Klondike began last year and has had a number of phases and fleet deployments but following the final defeat of the pirate lord Akorion's forces the threat has now diminished and can be handled by regular patrols.

NS will however maintain higher levels of force in core areas of UNP space to guard against a resurgence of piracy activity.


Mariner begins trials

The first Mariner 056A Light Patrol Craft has begun trials. The Mariner has been designed to replace the 3 ex-UNSP light patrol types inherited by New Sparta when it took over the local space defence and sovereignty roles. The legacy fleet is due to reach the end of its fatigue life by 2119 so there is urgency to begin replacing them (though some ships should be fine until the mid-2120s).

However since work on Mariner began NS has had a change of heart about the type. A development of the Pentekonter Protector is now seen as the favourite for the new role due to fleet commonality economies and the greater capability and growth potential of even a low-end spec Pentekonter. One of the NS Departmental Fleet Pentekonters is being evaluated for the light patrol role and work may begin on the first production ship next year - possibility to be called the Protector 057A.

One drawback for the Protector is that it would be notably more expensive than the Mariner though NS think the greater capabilities will mean they can make do with a smaller fleet (50 instead of a planned 70 Mariners) with resultant initial and life-time cost savings.


Fleet News (01/08/17)

Two new ships have joined the fleet this month. The first is 023-208 Set, the latest Olympus Balista 023M missile carrier.

The next is the prototype Mariner 056A Light Patrol Craft, 056-101 Mariner could be the first of a large class of up to 70 - or could be the only one built. The future of the light patrol fleet is currently under review.