
Monday interview : Torus

Torus was one the heir apparent but was demoted from being New Sparta Director of Operations after the pirate war debacle. She is now head of NS North and a Politburo member however and was rather relaxed in an interview with Proxima Weekly...

Proxima Weekly : Commander Torus, you have now begun your new role as head of NS North. Does it feel humiliating or a big come down from your previous position?

Torus : I would be lying if i said i did not feel bad about the demotion. Naturally it has been a big shock but i screwed up, paid the price and now am keen to get on with my new job.

PW : Do you feel you were treated fairly? Some commentators have said you are a scape goat.

TR : I accept the judgement of the Politburo after it was briefed and advised by former DDS Commander Witchdoctor. Look, moaning about it will not change the outcome. I have decided to move on, excel in my new role and rehabilitate my reputation.

PW : Is it true you accepted the blame in return for no more demotions befalling your staff especially your deputy Stella?

TR : I did accept full blame and as the Director of Operations the buck did kind of stop with me. There were a number of mistakes made but i should have been on top of things more than i was.

PW : Some have said you accepted the blame because Stella is your lover.

TR : I'm always been accused of being a lesbian. Stella is not my lover. A trusted ally yes and friend.

PW : Do you think you are the victim of a political vendetta? It has been suggested that you made too many enemies with your rapid rise and some were waiting for the chance to shoot you down.

TR : Well its pretty clear i'm not on everyone's Christmas card list. 

PW : But a vendetta?

TR : I've moved on. I am keen to get on with my new role.

PW : Will you stand in the first election for NS President.

TR : No, but i will serve the new President - whom ever they are - with the best of my abilities.

PW : You will not rule it out in future?

TR : I don't see why not. But my focus for now is clear.

PW : What do you think about the splitting of NS+ into separate internal security and intelligence agencies?

TR : Well they are both overseen by the same person [Director of Intelligence Windscorpion] so i don't think the split is quite as clear as some maintain. 

PW : Do you think it has been done to try and remove your power base for a political comeback?

TR : I don't think so. People are reading too much into it. NS was found to have some organisational and operational failings and this is an attempt to readdress that.

PW : Finally, who will be the first NS President?

TR : Sea Urchin is the favourite. I know i have been listed on betting websites but at the moment Elvis or Trojan Warlord has more chance. Well maybe not that geek...