
Monday interview : The Shiner

Former DDS Commander (with the longest reign by far) The Shiner is the head of the New Sparta Estate which means he runs all NS facilties and also the budget! He gave this short interview to Proxima Business Daily at the weekend.

Proxima Business Daily : Mr Shiner, you recently said New Sparta has some financial turbulence on its horizon. Can you elaborate on that?

The Shiner : We live in uncertain times. As you know the majority of our budget comes from the UNP and thus we are dependent on the UNP economy doing well. Recently things have not been that smooth.

PBD : Indeed, while the core planets have done well some of the outlying UNP worlds such as Saeou have been stuck with anaemic economies for a number of years.

TS : Yes, and so the pressure on the core planets to cover the NS budget funding becomes more onerous. Thats why i fear there will come a time the UNP might want to cut things back.

PDB : Well that is threatened fairly regularly but New Sparta is the military of the UNP in all but name.

TS : Well we all know that the defence budget is always a tempting target for cuts in times of peace. Its why i am trying to reduce out reliance on the UNP grant and raise funds from other avenues.

PDB : A few years ago exports of weapons and technology bought in nearly 15% of the NS budget but that has dropped to 12%. Can you explain why.

TS : There has been a downturn in our military exports. We are improving our portfolio but i think the main problem is we have saturated our market for space ships (and of course have growing competition). To compensate we are looking into the after market for growth. We've sold scores of ships. Now lets sell upgrades, improvements.

PDB : The new e-Core engine technology could be a big part of that.

TS : Indeed, we think re-engining the many Pentekonters out there could be lucrative over the next few years. I want us to grow our export revenue by 30% over the next 5 years. After market will be key but our improved portfolio will also be vital. We're looking into new types of ships for different roles.

PDB : For existing customers?

TS : Yes, we see many of our customers as being on a journey to build up their space presence. Many start with transports and shuttles, then they get some Pentekonters or refurbished Kalahati Tuuls. Now they have a working fleet but maybe they need combat support, mine warfare, EW. New Sparta needs to be where they come to develop their fleet and capabilities to the next level.

PDB : Is there not the danger though if you raise billions of zarks from other revenue sources the UNP might feel able to reduce your grant?

TS : It is a possibility but i hope not. We can't worry about this happening, we have a commanding lead in ship exports and we need to maintain it. Its not just revenue we bring in. Our customers become our friends, maybe some become allies at some stage, and of course already operate compatible hardware so integration is easy. 

PDB : Finally how do you see New Sparta financially by 2120?

TS : In a good place overall. We've managed to build some reserves so barring a major war we should be OK even if there is some turbulence. We just need to start selling ships again.

Witchdoctor to return to NS to head Central Committee

Former DDS Commander Witchdoctor recently returned to NS to conduct the investigation into the NS failures early in the pirate war. It is understood he has accepted a permanent role in NS heading the new NS Central Committee as its General Secretary. The role is not a full-time one as the committee is only due to meet 4 times a year, originally it was planned for someone to take it as well as their other NS duties.

However Witchdoctor approached NS saying he would like to return with to a permanent role and its thought heading the Central Committee would be perfect. His first task will be to organise the first proper meeting later in the year where the vote will be held to elect the first NS President.

Story #2395

End Of A Road
Von Kane is captured.


CAF to refurbish transport planes

As already announced by Admiral Anderson the Clone Air Force is to refurbish 80 older K44 transports which are approaching their end of fatigue lives. The planes will be fully refurbished, given new engines, updated avionics and have strengthened floors and improved rear ramps. The refurbished planes will be known as the K44LE (for Life Extension)

New build of K44s will continue but at a minimum rate, the production line is one of the lines which has strategic protection and must be kept open (the K85 COIN aircraft and Tapir IFV are also protected).


Anderson announces major boost in Clone defence spending

With the Clone economy on the up, some major programmes now having ended and the decentralisation of most secondary forces to local territorial forces there are major new funds available for new weapons and upgrades. The Clone defence budget will grow at 5% a year for the next 5 years at least. At a lengthy presentation the head of the CDF Admiral Anderson outlined some of the improvements.

Clone Army
  • Production of T-55ZDM2 will increase. T-55ZDMs will be upgraded to ZDM2.
  • Several hundred J98 rocket artillery systems will be built.
  • More land mobile Gale-III launchers (number not specified)
  • Development of laser rifle for infantry.
  • Improved battlefield communication systems.
Clone Space Navy
  • Molentic Tuul MTM2 production to begin at once.
  • Shark SKB production rate increased.
  • Improvements to 6 orbital space docks.
Clone Air Force
  • Upgrades and rebuilds to 80 K44 transports to K44LE (Life Extension) standard.
  • Prototype funding for K85QA COIN aircraft, plus upgrade for 450 K85NT to NTE standard with QA avionics and equipment.
  • Increased production rates for K45C and K47.
  • New air base to be built South of AIlier City.
  • Initial gate funding for new generation of AAMs and ASMs.
Clone Navy
  • Two more Olana class destroyers to be built.
  • More K45K to allow for the withdrawal of the K40.


Story #2394

Hot Air!
Windy is on the trail of Von Kane.


Powerful new positions in NS hierarchy created

Two powerful new positions have been created at the top of the New Sparta hierarchy following a meeting of the NS Politburo. The first position is General Secretary of the NS Politburo who will be in charge of meetings and agendas. The role however is not full-time and will be added to someone else's portfolio. It is thought Director of Technology Sea Urchin will take the position, which may replace the Deputy Commander position.

The other new position is to head the NS Central Committee, this will be full-time and could be quite a powerful position. The first appointment will be made at a future meeting of the group.

Revision to PURPLE alert system made

PURPLE alert is the special NS alert status which can only be ordered by the NS Commander in situations where the NS is in danger of destruction. As per PURPLE alert NS facilities and forces will disperse or lock down as per pre-arranged (and secret) orders.

However the NS Politburo has recently discussed PURPLE alert and its fundamental issue. If the NS Commander is killed then the ability to raise the alert is lost, Director of Operations Caratore pointed out that a surprise attack that destroyed NS GHQ and killed the commander and much of the top brass may be just the situation where PURPLE alert is needed but no one would be able to raise it!

NS Commander Knobhead has decided that his deputy will also be able to raise the alert, currently Director of Technology Sea Urchin. However as they often are in the same place (and thus vulnerable to the same attack) if this is the case then Sea Urchin can temporarily assign the ability to another Politburo member in another location. This is likely to be either the heads of NS North and South - so ironically Torus could receive this privileged power.

Another revision has been made to allow for the alert status to be changed from PURPLE. Under the old rules PURPLE could not be changed as NS would be considered to have been destroyed. In case of accidental or erroneous raising of the alert there is now a protocol to reset the NS alert system. The changes are said to have already in place. Much of the detail is naturally top secret.

Story #2393

Not Too Bad
Torus learns of her fate.


Monday interview : Torus

Torus was one the heir apparent but was demoted from being New Sparta Director of Operations after the pirate war debacle. She is now head of NS North and a Politburo member however and was rather relaxed in an interview with Proxima Weekly...

Proxima Weekly : Commander Torus, you have now begun your new role as head of NS North. Does it feel humiliating or a big come down from your previous position?

Torus : I would be lying if i said i did not feel bad about the demotion. Naturally it has been a big shock but i screwed up, paid the price and now am keen to get on with my new job.

PW : Do you feel you were treated fairly? Some commentators have said you are a scape goat.

TR : I accept the judgement of the Politburo after it was briefed and advised by former DDS Commander Witchdoctor. Look, moaning about it will not change the outcome. I have decided to move on, excel in my new role and rehabilitate my reputation.

PW : Is it true you accepted the blame in return for no more demotions befalling your staff especially your deputy Stella?

TR : I did accept full blame and as the Director of Operations the buck did kind of stop with me. There were a number of mistakes made but i should have been on top of things more than i was.

PW : Some have said you accepted the blame because Stella is your lover.

TR : I'm always been accused of being a lesbian. Stella is not my lover. A trusted ally yes and friend.

PW : Do you think you are the victim of a political vendetta? It has been suggested that you made too many enemies with your rapid rise and some were waiting for the chance to shoot you down.

TR : Well its pretty clear i'm not on everyone's Christmas card list. 

PW : But a vendetta?

TR : I've moved on. I am keen to get on with my new role.

PW : Will you stand in the first election for NS President.

TR : No, but i will serve the new President - whom ever they are - with the best of my abilities.

PW : You will not rule it out in future?

TR : I don't see why not. But my focus for now is clear.

PW : What do you think about the splitting of NS+ into separate internal security and intelligence agencies?

TR : Well they are both overseen by the same person [Director of Intelligence Windscorpion] so i don't think the split is quite as clear as some maintain. 

PW : Do you think it has been done to try and remove your power base for a political comeback?

TR : I don't think so. People are reading too much into it. NS was found to have some organisational and operational failings and this is an attempt to readdress that.

PW : Finally, who will be the first NS President?

TR : Sea Urchin is the favourite. I know i have been listed on betting websites but at the moment Elvis or Trojan Warlord has more chance. Well maybe not that geek...


Knobhead agrees 10 billion zark network upgrade

NS Commander Knobhead has signed off on a 10 billion zark programme of upgrades for the NS Communications Network. The upgrades will increase speeds and capacity and also embed a higher degree of encryption and data integrity into all levels of the network.

Knobhead said, "NS' network is second to none but we must never stand still, we must always push to be better. These upgrades will keep our core network viable well into the next decade and improve outlying nodes."

Work will begin on the upgrades next year.


Story #2392

Brutal Violence
NS fight back against the pirates.


New Sparta Central Committee meets for the first time

The New Sparta Central Committee has met for the first time at NS GHQ, though nearly half of the 64 members attended remotely. The new body was addressed by NS Commander Knobhead who said the committee would meet once a quarter and help guide NS policy as well as elect the NS President.

Although the meeting was off the record it is thought the light patrol ship requirement was discussed with Knobhead and Sea Urchin directing a discussion as to whether to go with the Mariner design or a version of the Pentekonter.


Story #2391

Witchdoctor begins his investigation into Torus.


Two new ships join Clone fleet

Admiral Anderson has announced two new warships joining the Clone Space Navy. The first is a Cosmos CG ground attack cruiser, the other is a Shark SKB frigate.

Anderson has also spoken about some future plans for the fleet. After the Soulaki SLM and Molentic Tuul MTM2 programmes the next priority will be to replace the Kalahati Tuul KTS in the mid-2120s. Anderson said that an evolution of the Shark platform is being considered.


NS+ officially splits into NSIS and NS3

NS+ has been officially disbanded with the internal security function going to the new agency New Sparta Internal Security (NSIS). Stella will lead this new agency, reporting directly to the Director of Intelligence Windscorpion. Aerial assets of NSIS and Prowler units will be run as part of the Operations Directorate headed by Caratore. Knobhead is keen for NS+, which was seen as being too sprawling and power grabbing, not to be replaced by a like-for-like.

Counter-espionage and intelligence gathering has gone to another new agency called New Sparta Security Service or NS3. Kalifei will run the new agency on a day to day basis with Windscorpion again taking overall charge.

Sea Urchin "not yet decided" if he will run for NS Presidency

Director of Technology Sea Urchin refused to say if he will run for the first NS Presidency later in the year, he said he had not yet decided though insiders say he will run when nominations open in September.

NS Commander Knobhead has specified that all candidates need 2 nominees from the New Sparta Central Committee (though nominees do not have to be members themselves). It is thought that Caratore and The Chef will nominate Sea Urchin.

UV238 : Klondike Part 1

  • Too Much Energy - The pirates attack an NS transport.
  • Behind Schedule - Windy investigates the pirate attack.
  • Driven In! - Von Kane betrays Windy.
  • The Knight Errant - The fall-out of Von Kane's betrayal continues.
  • Mercury - The pirates carry out the heist of the millennium.
  • Crisis Situation - The fight back against the pirates begins.


Story #2386

Crisis Situation
The fight back against the pirates begins.


Knobhead will stand down in favour of first elected NS President

NS Commander Knobhead has confirmed the rumours that have been circulating for some months now that he will stand down at the end of the year. He will be replaced by a new fixed-length term NS President, with the term set at 2 years though with no limit on re-election. The NS President will be elected by a new NS Central Committee which will comprise the NS Poliburo and other senior officers (the committee will comprise around 36-40 in total).

Knobhead said nominations for the president will open in November with the vote at the end of the month, December would then be the transition month with Knobhead stepping aside at the start of 2118.

Knobhead said he would probably remain in New Sparta. With Sea Urchin the favourite to be the first NS President (he has said to friends he would like to be the leader before he retires in the early 2120s) its possible Knobhead will be the next Director of Technology. Its not known who else will stand.

Mariner losing favour to Pentekonter

NS need to replace its large inherited legacy fleet of light patrol craft by 2120 (or 2123 at the very latest). The Mariner 056A was the intended replacement and is due to begin testing in a few months however there are now signs NS has lost interest in the type. Director Sea Urchin is known to be a critic of the type which he thinks is too small and lacks development growth.

Sea Urchin is in favour of a low-end Pentekonter Protector which would be a more expensive (estimated at about 10%) but would be 40% larger and have greater growth potential. Its also claimed that the larger ships would be able to perform longer patrols and 50 could be built instead of the planned 70 Mariners.

Sea Urchin has taken a much more important role in NS since Torus' demise and many think he will be the next NS Commander, thus it is likely his preference will win through. An insider said the Mariner would be completed and carry out testing but then become a development and training ship in the early 2120s. The first of the Pentekonter derived ships (an unofficial source has termed them the Protector 058A) could enter service next year.


Knobhead declares emergency over

Two pirate ships were intercepted near Sanger Alpha earlier today and destroyed following a short battle, one NS ship suffered moderate damage. Some crew were injured but none fatally. NS Commander Knobhead later said that the bulk of the pirate force had now been destroyed.

The NS alert has been dropped to AMBER though NS will continue enhanced patrols. It is thought around 4 or 5 pirate ships are still extant. Following analysis of the battles to date NS think they have now accounted for all but 9 of the stolen TPMs.

NS consider Type 035 replacement

Although the 2140s are a long way off work has already begun on the replacement for the primary fighter of the New Sparta fleet, the Type 035 family. No firm plans are likely to be made until the 2130s but NS Research has been considering concepts and may even built a future fighter prototype in the next decade.

Dr Forbidden told senior NS officers at a recent briefing that the future fighter of the fleet could be much smaller with a small live crew (or even optionally manned) with greater use of remote crewing and artificial intelligence. It would also be "ultra flexible" with the ability to perform many roles with no or very little modification.

However there are different visions in NS. Director Sea Urchin is said to envisage a larger ship (perhaps Quasar sized) enabling greater operational flexibility, with a detachable "war fighting module".


Story #2385

The pirates carry out the heist of the millennium.


Knobhead says war status will remain for a week at least

Despite the pirate force seemingly being largely destroyed and its leader Akorian presumed dead NS Commander Knobhead has resisted calls to drop NS' alert status from RED, war status. NS Engineering say that with a RED status with its attendant restrictions they are falling behind in regular maintenance and ship rotations.

Knobhead wants the RED status to continue for a week at least while investigations into Akorian's fate continue and remaining pirate ships are found and destroyed. However he has allowed NS Engineering to take 3 ships out of service to begin their scheduled C Exams.

Purge launched of Von Kane associates

Three senior NS officers, including the head of NS forces on Saeou have been removed from their roles though one has been told they will be reassigned. All are former associates of the traitor Von Kane and it is thought during the interrogation of Colonel Vogel concerns were raised about other associates of Von Kane.

Head of Internal Security Stella has told colleagues that all of Von Kane's associates must be investigated and if necessary removed from sensitive roles. Some could be sacked from NS entirely.


Story #2384

The Knight Errant
The fall-out of Von Kane's betrayal continues.


Fleet News 03/07/17

023-207 Thoth is the latest Olympus Balista to enter service.

051-109 Cygnet is the latest Corkscrew to enter service.

NS have said that an extra Kinetic 035C will be ordered to replace the Indy 035B lost in battle against the pirates. The other ships lost (a Freedom 041B and a Solaris 037C will not be replaced as they are out of production now).

Story #2383

Driven In!
Von Kane betrays Windy.


Pirate fleet engaged and destroyed

The main pirate fleet has been tracked to the Hudson nebula near Barnard's Star and engaged by an NS fleet commanded by Windscorpion. The pirate fleet was destroyed in the encounter, its not known if the pirate fleet commander Akorian was among the losses. Windy said he was not among any prisoners or dead however some ships were vapourised.

Two NS ships were destroyed in the battle, which the pirates used TPMs in. The Indy 035-205 Implacable and the Solaris 037-103 Castor were the ships lost adding to the Freedom 041-206 Fury lost in an earlier battle.

Pirate forces still exist, the hunt and Operation Klondike continues.

Von Kane captured by Windy!

Windy's private security company iP Services has announced that Windy has captured the traitor Von Kane and he is now being taken to a secret iP Services facility in a cage. Windy said that Von Kane will be a prisoner of iP Services not New Sparta.

A senior officer stationed at an NS facility on Loeuss has also been arrested. It is thought this is Colonel Vogel who was an ally of Von Kane and was still sending the traitor information. Vogel has been handed over to NS and is thought will be dealt with fairly leniently in return for assistance in capturing Von Kane.