
NS in crisis over Von Kane defection, alert status RED

The Head of NS North Von Kane has defected to the pirates, a move which has hurled New Sparta into chaos. Earlier today his ship SS Velocity joined Windy's ship SS Infinity (and another Type 35) in the hunt for the pirates who stole TPMs and badly damaged SS Trader. Von Kane then betrayed New Sparta by murdering his bridge crew then turning his ship's weapons on the other ships badly damaging them. There were casualties aboard both ships though Windy and Firefly survived with just some minor injuries. Von Kane is thought to have teleported to the pirate ship which escaped.

NS Commander Knobhead has raised the alert status to RED, war footing. However because of Von Kane's knowledge of NS codes (which is now thought to be how the pirates used SS Trader's TPMs against it) all NS ships have been instructed to hold station until replacement codes are rolled out.