
Tarbot look to spoil NS, Clone export market

The Tarbot Empire has announced it has 60 Samara I and II destroyers for sale, at a low price. The Tarbot say they will sell to anyone other than the "major powers". It is thought Tarbot is doing this on purpose to sour the export market for New Sparta and the Clone Star Empire, which has increasingly become reliant on arms sales to fund weapon development and even day to day running costs of the military.

Unlike the Clones New Sparta has a firmer financial footing though the loss of export zarks would be badly felt. NS is aiming to raise over 20 billion zarks from arms sales over the next 5 years.

Its not known who will buy these old, but still useful, warships. Tarbot used to sell a lot of surplus hardware indeed recent NS and Clone export ships have often replaced time expired Tarbotian Vortis and Yeoman class ships in small navies.