
Ronald to reorganise SS

With his return to being Dino Emperor a couple of weeks away Ronald has begun to outline his priorities. Ronald said he wants to integrate the SS more closely into the Dino Army. The 1st SS Legion will be reduced in size to a core of 3 brigades (the elite Black Dragon Martyrs and Iron Fist brigades plus a support brigade). Other SS regiments and battalions will be allocated to Dino Army legions. The 2nd and 3rd SS Legions will continue to exist but mostly for administrative purposes.

Another way to bring the SS closer to the Dino Army will be to change the rank armbands so they are much closer to the Army. Ronald said though that the SS will continue to be a separate and vitally important part of the Dino armed forces and security apparatus. He added that SS Commander Solax is fully behind his plans (though as Solax is the Grand Wizard in the SS Cult which reveres Ronald as a living God that is no surprise).